Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Thanks Mrgreenthumb sent a article and it got me into researching it a bit more and in my case I believe it from the intensity of the light being to close. I can’t raise it any higher and the foxtailing was already there so figure I’d increase my light intensity lol to get the full effect of foxtailing honestly I kinda like the appearance I’ll post some pictures during lights on. I have 3 days till harvest decided to run plain water when I filled the octo last night. I think I dropped the ball on the lemon hash plant but gain some knowledge and still have some seeds to re try that strain. The white widows look great big dense nugs


Looking great, what are the trichs looking like? Some fat buds for sure

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I wish I could get a good photo for you. I’d say there maybe five percent amber very few clear and a lot of milky. Monday will be day 70 I’m thinking Sunday to chop or it will have to wait till next Friday or Saturday but it may need it


Got them hanging first time I’ve hung whole plant so we will see. Got the room going last night to dry. Was sitting at 62° and 59rh when I got up but I’m sure there be a little tweaking to be done after they hang for a few. Going to do a tent clean up and get the next ones in place.


The yoyo helped tremendously lol


After several adjustments I got it sitting at 61° and 61 RH. If I can keep it here I think ten days will be no problem


Sounds like you have the environmentals down. Are you going into the Grove bags after the 10 days, or do you use something else?

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Yeah Grove bags I’ve used the one pound bags but I order some of the 5 gal wicket bags to try out. There a little thinner plastic than the one pound bag but suppose to do the same thing


The humidity wanting to creep up on me temp at 61° RH 63-64 going to keep a eye on things may increase circulation if it starts going past 65%Rh. Working on cleaning the tent and setting up for the next go. What everyone reset like do you clean/disinfect your equipment and rooms? Or just keep trucking on. I prefer to clean all my equipment but it becoming a bigger job as the grow room expands lol just curious


Got a new toy in the mail. Should help getting things dialed in on the feeding side. I’m slowly but surely gathering all the equipment I need for this marathon. Gaining hands on knowledge and collecting wisdom from all the OGer. I love the passion for the plant but most of all the community it has built.


Stepping up your game I see. Nice. Yea I usually clean between rounds clean everything. It is alo a good time to check equipment and chords … nice meter you picked up, how much did you pay for it?

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100 they have a commercial version for 110 idk the difference beside the range it reads

My setup in a basement the floor temp reads 68 would it be wise to elevate the octopot or leave on the floor. Thanks in advance


I would put some of that board insulation down or one of yhise rubber mats…I seen some thick rubber mats in home depot the other day


I wasn’t able to be any foam board but occasionally we use it at work. I’m sure a piece or two can disappear. I appreciate all the help you have given.

Things are getting back together now think I’ll get the octo ready for planting today


Octopot rule

I just love the explosive growth once the roots hit the reservoir

The little ones look very healthy

Great job


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Got a nice surprise today. A couple days ago I pulled a single bud out the drying room to test. Busted it open and found a single seed. I thought I only pollinated on branch but seems I was a little messy lol. I took pollen from the lemon hash plant male and pollinated the lemon hash plant female making this an f2 correct ?