Greenpoint Seeds

@Dope_Heffalump u grow those under HPS?

Some great looking buds. Impressive.


Thank you.
Yes, those were all grown under DE 1kw HPS.


There’s a pheno of jelly pie that I came across 10 pct of the time. A colorful fruity one. That one u have there looks like the Chem leaning pheno? A little more common in my limited experience of 20 seeds 2 runs.


She was a good balance of sweet fruity Grape and Chem gas. I wouldn’t call her chem dominant but it’s definately present.
I wish I still had her. I do still have another pack to search through.
I loved it and bred her with my Goblins Gold - (Dogtrap x Golden Glue).


I cant find my pics on my phone. I have a thread here somewhere from 3 or 4 years ago that will likely have some JP pics. I too have a pack still


I theorized in 2018 that Gu had lost his Stardawg male and that’s why he turned to that scammer for the supposed S1 beans. After that discovery.
Out of desperation he turned to Heisenbeans, the same guy that trolled his thread on RIU.
The guy trolled so hard he made a video where he pissed on his Greenpoint plants before he ripped them up, saying they sucked and hermed on him.
RIU banned him he turned around and payed a sponsorship and then the troll became untouchable.
For Gu to turn around and make him his breeder.

Some weird Stockholm Syndrome shit there. :rofl:
I could never buy his seeds again.


Every pack I own from gps is years old. Purple cake was my last purchase in 2020 from gu. I’m a fomo seed buyer, jumping from breeder to breeder. GPS was early and I had no issues with them. Then joti, then thug pug, now I’m buying cannardo packs too often. I only grow for my own smoking and my friends. So when I’m sick of their strains I just move on.


I wasn’t around for all that drama as I was absent from the online cannabis scene for years after I had major neurological issues and needed brain surgery… but years ago, before Greenpoint was even a thing… I was pretty good friends with Gu. He and a few other dudes would hang and chat in the same thread daily. I remember he tested Pure Vida for Bodhi and maybe a couple others back then… we are all just chasing the best seed packs, best phenos, etc.

I figured you were using HPS… those don’t look like LED buds. I myself love growing big baseball bat sized colas. I’ve had my share of 2 liter bottle colas too… all in soil under multiple Ushio HPS lamps.

I went a little crazy last year with seed packs and I did pick up a few things from Greenpoint that looked good… their Cake n Chem, Dub-Step, Valley Chem, Z-dawg, etc.


That’s cool to go back that far.
I mostly lurked back then.
I made a couple of posts in the old Overgrow.
I was going to move to Hawaii and asked a guy growing Nevil’s Haze if he was growing her on the Kona side or the Puna side for reference and then I’m getting called a snitch and ripper.
Extremely offended I continued growing in the shadow like I had done for the previous decade.

Gu is all about the $
I heard he was getting cuttings from other forum members for personal use then breeding them while building his seedbank.
Gu had some serious drama going on with JJ early on using Stardawg without permission and when he used ECSD in the Black Gold cross JJ lost his shit.

I remember reading his posts on IG calling for a take down of Greenpoint Seeds.
JJ’s fanboys were out for blood.


i got gifted some purple punch and animal cookies s1’s that were bought last year:
are those any good? :grimacing: … or are those the talked about fakes? :lying_face:

did maybe anyone grow any of those two out yet
and had a chance to compare them to the clones?


I believe Heisenbeans made those S1’s and they should be legit.
Heisenbeans claimed to have a special “potent” cut of Purple Punch not the one commonly passed around.


Those Animal Cookies S1s I saw grown out by some of their Discord members looked very good. Here is one of the photos I nabbed from over there…

Personally I don’t care about any of that. I saw a guy who came from the forums who was trading and buying seeds… create a company out of thin air and one that’s been running for a while now. I think that alone gives him his share of haters.


Right, I quit caring about 2019 and ended my customer relationship with him.


guauh, that looks nice …
i should have a look better sooner than later, i guess.

thank you for the info, mate.
looking forward to growing them.
hopefully i find something nice :yum:


Chunk af :drooling_face:

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That one really surprised me how big these blew up.
Bio-Diesel x Stardawg
Big boof unfortunately on the big girl.


OSG 15 days 12/12

Real easy grower, quick roots off the clone, good structure, resin forming nicely, looks to yield, be a shame if the flower sux


Heizen at greenpoint is accusing me of lying.


Want to see the emails genius?

You do know the internet is forever… I said COME ON MAN YOU CAN NOT NOT SEND A PRIZE…
To which you replied

My god what a stunning piece of shit. Heizen is a liar and he dont even smoke weed.
He just fleeces the masses with his lackluster shit.

The thing is i was the moderator at the time…and the winner is now the owner of Freak Genetics.

Petty loser shit…from a dude that dont even toke…and i am the liar. :smiley:

if you want to grow greenpoint…and people talked you out of it…or you want to trade…my god 2 for 1…3 for 1 greenpoint to anything.

I will never soak his beans even with bodily fluids.

Post instated by author.

I said hey Heisen how bout we never talk shit about each other.

and the douche could not abide.

GAME ON… glad you made me care about my grow…but sad for the dudes that buy herm beans…

Go fuck your hat H…ohhmm

so simple too…shut up i shut up…and he produces some shit about meatman…and you had a prize YOU WOULD NOT DELIVER… a contest is won.
prizes are sent
it is why i stopped being moderator at chuckers because you were so fucking stupid you did not understand that simple concept.


You don’t need to run an HPS to grow bats, my friend :wink: The new generation of mid range LEDs would give most HPS growers a run for their money!