Greenpoint Seeds

Scroll up on this thread to about 1255. I have since changed my stances on the company after reading all that. But I have had great results from their gear otherwise.

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I made a crazy buy at the auctions before he pulled them down to only 3 strains at a time…
Think I got like 15 packs
Never grew it but did a lot of digging around to see what the fuss is about
From what I gathered it’s a hit or miss, but people report they find fire in the more logically fire strains he has (Chem, Tahoe, TK) so I guess it’s worth a shot at the prices I got them :grin:


You need to supply your own Vaseline messing with Gu~


Could be, I never judge based on pics or just bad reviews, I’ve grown seeds that cost x10 of what I paid now and got bunk
On the other hand I’ve grown some seeds from ok outdoor bud and it turned out spectacular
I’ll be sure to let you know when they finish my honest opinion.

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No need, after I paid 200 bucks for supposed S1’s and received hemp that I then pissed away to discover it was hemp well into 7 weeks of flower. Enjoy your fucking


I respect your opinion bro, no trouble here
You know how they say, for better and worse :wink:

O, I was a tester for Gu~ before Greenpoint Seeds existed


That’s even fucking me up more lol
Shit… I guess I’ll save them for next outdoor season haha thanks for that input, always good to hear every side.

Not trying to knock you down bro, but you should and everyone else be aware of the facts


Nah I ain’t taking it like that, I bless your knowledge and experience, you saved me space in my indoor run for better things.
These gps beans will go outdoor next season, no rush, I’ve got better stuff to sift through :wink:


I know I got sucked in by the discount aspect of OG and chem crosses and I got a batch of Greenpoint. Had I known I would have put my money elsewhere. Since then I have been lurking and learning. Joined Overgrow a couple months back and I am enjoying the community and advice from people who grow and know.


I found greenpoint seeds awesome ,but I haven’t grabbed any since the wild west series ,found great plants in every pack ,1 really nice copperchem that a friend still has now 6 years later ,dynamite diesel,raindance,garlix,the deputy,moondance,skydweller ,I still am going thru


I remember the S1 fiasco well.
That was a raw dogging move on Gu’s part.

He met some super connected breeder with all the fire cuts he said.
He even went and toured his facilities and assured everything was legit.
Then someone spilled the beans that the guy supplying Gu the seeds was a scam artist.
Gu was caught red handed lying about the whole affair.

At least I was refunded my money and I tossed the seeds in the garbage


Well thx for the heads-up.Iguessbi see when these are done on a couple more weeks.So far I’ve had some good luck .I’m judging anyone’s work except how the plants come out .Thx for the heads up everyone!

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Beautiful man! I have that strain so I got one going now!

Shout out to you for still trying to look out for folks.
Kinda what I use to think OG was about. Sadly it is now obviously little more then IG light , for the young “greenrush” crowd.


Just saw this Greenpoint Seeds - Orange Blossom Special (Clementine x Stardawg) - Strainly
I don’t have the space but they are reputable. I don’t mind dropping it to a grower if they can keep a cut or F2. Looks like 3 available from a breeding project he abandoned or just hoarded them.



I ran grape punch a few years ago. two beens in total.
For me they took a long time to finish. Best female of the 2 took 14 weeks under suboptimal lightning. I remember her having an intense grape smell.


Thanks wow. Somehow unlocked long landrace genetics? What happened to the other seeds