Greenpoint Seeds

the other plant. she ran ten weeks. As with Everything else of there’s I have grown.
Seeds packed away. Might revisit them someday. Might not. Why do you ask?


Was curious like the cat.
Keepem safe for now.


The Purple Punch S1 takes that long too. I had a couple go over100 days.


100 days?! Fourteen weeks is to long for me. Which is why I haven’t bothered popping the rest of the seeds in the pack.


Thought you might be interested in trading?


For GPS maybe OBS someday that’s the only one let get away but i havent tried much orange type seeds yet that dont just end up gelato.
I only have room in my fridge and there’s a back log and this doesn’t help lol: 3 left folks GRAB ONE even if 1 of 10 dont hermie it may be worth a keepr for headstash

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Somebody looking for OBS?
I ran them. Definitely has a strong real orange smell and flavor. Some of the buds had an orange creamsicle flavor. Pretty decent up buzz.

They hermed. :joy: I keep a bunch of GPS herm seeds around because the smoke has always been good. I just can’t for the life of me keep the damn things from throwing balls… ever. :man_shrugging:t3:


I grew the obs outdoors last time with no stress test end of summer was cooler. This time ima do some solar light fuckery with my tomstones after inducing it with some salicylic acid. If they ball up they go.


I’ve seen folks grow GPS gear with no issues and it baffles me. I’m not a great grower but also not really new to it or anything. It kinda tweaks me a bit because as I mentioned the smoke is usually good to great but always herms on me and I end up with a ton of seeds I didn’t really want. I’d have been a long time fanboy of GPS had I not bought 16-17 packs of imo unstable genetics.


I’ve read of a lot of people getting Hermi plants. I have not popped a lot of GP. seeds And while I have been growing a long time, I am far from a professional. I have yet to get a hermi. Just lucky I guess? But I did get a pack of seeds. I don’t remember which one. all of the seeds Grew mold while germinating. I’ve never had the happen before and have never had that happened since. Has anybody else heard of this issue with GPS?


How many weeks did it take for your OSB to finish flowering?

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Are they usually full blown hermies or just kinda ?
If the smoke was fire and it only kinda herm I will gladly grow those seeds :heart_eyes:


I agree, especially to find that Creamsicle pheno.


I grew a bunch of the original wild west series packs out… I don’t know how many, maybe 10, and the only one that hermed was the one that used the Goji Queen Mother cut… I’m mostly outdoors though, so indoor could have given very different results. 🤷


@MOX Its been a little while now but I want to say I ran them out to around 11 weeks. They were definitely not the worst herms I’ve ever seen but it was more than just a few lowers.


@SF0 i see so many grow gorgeous plants from GPS with no issues reported and great things to say. Sometimes I get the urge to try again with some of the few original GPS beans I have. I just won’t be buying anymore. I have scored a few varieties in trades and out of curiosity just dropped one of their Oreoz autos. It broke ground a couple days ago. I’m all about giving beans a fair shake. I’m also now very protective of where I spend my money. :grin: All of my GPs gear was bought in 2018 I think. All of the fems were Purple Punch crosses and I hear there were problems there? :man_shrugging:t3: That said… I had bad luck with all the Stardawg reg crosses too. :man_facepalming:t3: In conclusion, it’s either me or it was just a bad time to buy. :joy:
Me hasn’t had such consistent issues before or since.


I was turned off of GPS for a long time, and used to openly trash talk Gu, but the truth is those older packs at least, were pretty good. The Barnburner that was Fire OG x Stardawg was great. I think I have 6 seeds left of that one out of two packs, and it’s good enough to try for a repro with. The original Stardawg male was very Chemical tasting and smelling, and passed it along great… the Barnburner and Copper Chem had an almost popping like poprocks, or a bubbling vat of chemicals, feel on the tongue. I hear he may have lost it though, and is now using a different Stardawg male. I don’t know, I haven’t grown anything from them since Heisen brought the Purple Punch over. No knock on PP, it’s just not my kind of flavor. Maybe I’ll try some of the newest stuff out… prices are good, so I could actually try something this year, even though it’s kind of late for outdoor growing.
It’s probably not just you, there’s a lot of people saying they are getting herms… it’s probably just bad luck. Or maybe it is GPS.


Gu is a hustler i cant hate on him.
Im going to do solar light, salicylic acid, and cold water fuckery around flip because I read the tombstones hermie.
I treat all their gear as testers, not just their testers :grinning:

I think everything we buy today are testers, practicality everything is unworked crosses.
My experience with Gu was awesome to say the least, in a customer service pov
Next up is seeing if the plants match any sort of smoking stds, after that I will judge what I think about his current offerings and final smoking product which is why we all gathered here today :smile:

You think wrong about the 2x everything parts.
Do you need a referal?
Thanks for reminding us why we all gathered here today.