Greenpoint Seeds

City Slicker, Ive gandered at that strain a bit… i used to really like Indicas… but as I get a little older im finding the Sativas are what I lean towards for daytime use. I still love me some good indica tho


That herm Tomahawk pictured above is a “regular” strain, not a fem. It’s GG x Stardawg. I always chalk herm issues up to grower error, although it does seem like a lot of people in this thread complain about herms, both from their feminized seeds (which is one reason why I’ll never grow feminized seeds) and from their regular seeds. Having said that, I just chopped two California Cannons and they’re fine. No issues at all.


The aforementioned California Cannons that I just chopped do have some really dense buds. Had a really nice structure whilst growing, too, with no training whatsoever, except for being topped once. I’m in the middle of setting up a new tent and transplanting my veg plants into their flower containers and considering doing a total reconfiguration of my grow room. But once I’m done with that, I’ll post some pics.


Hmmm interesting on the herms… im glad they usually seem to follow suit with claims of terps and harvest weights. Looking forward to your pics :+1:

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Why would you " always "chalk herm issues up to the grower . Honestly don’t want start an argument but that sounds like the same excuse that so called pollen chucker/ breeders use as an excuse far to often . Anyway just saying there is no shortage of unstable genetics out there .


No no no no no, dude, that is NOT what I said haha! Personally, I wouldn’t believe a word of what Gu says. Or anything on their website, either. My California Cannons don’t look shit like the one grow report on their website. And it isn’t even a matter of “f1 variation” or whatever. There’s nothing even remotely similar between them. I actually think that the grow log on his site was a straight Tahoe grow. One of the main reasons I bought those seeds was because of the finished bud pics in that log, which look EXACTLY like straight Tahoe. My buds didn’t turn out anything like that. You’ll see. I’ll try to post pics here ASAP.


Ahhh ok, i was going to say ive heard some mixed reviews. The good are usually real good and the bad well… you know.

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Yeah there’s a few things that make me not sure I’m even growing what I paid for.

Nothing from my Purple Mac matches up with descriptions of purple punch or mac.

I already know for 100% fact gps own pictures are not of their own plants, some of them aren’t even that cross at all.


Ive seen some write ups claiming that, with proof too. Wild.

Im gifting a few beans from both gps strains I have to a buddy tomorrow. Lol i dont think ill buy from them again. This Tombstone strain showed traditional Triangle Kush leaves with the rounded serration, early in veg.


Okay, @DefNSmokn here are those California Cannon pics:


And the California Cannon #2:

You can see they grew virtually identically, with the only difference being flower times (#1 was done at day 73, #2 was chopped on day 77 but could’ve gone at least a week longer, as evidenced by those white pistils in the pics) and the size of the buds (#2 had noticeably larger flowers). But they don’t look anything like any Tahoe I’ve ever seen. I’ve never grown Stardawg, but I have smoked it and I don’t really think it looks like Stardawg, either. The buds are soooooo friggin’ hairy.

And they also look NOTHING like the pics in that dude’s grow log on the GPS website. I realize that there are a ton of factors that go into every grow. And every grow is different, from the amount of light to the nutrients used (I grow organically and don’t use any nutrients, per se) to the temps and on and on. Still… I dunno. We’ll see. If they smoke good, they smoke good. I won’t be complaining.

I do kind of want to post a grow log of these on the GPS website, just to see if I can elicit a response from Gu to see what he has to say, haven’t decided yet if I will or not. I’m kind of afraid I may go off on him if he chimes in haha.


@minitiger They look impressive none the less! That many pheno variations, dude must not spend too much time dialing things in. Plenty of frost and good bud build on yours, gives me decent hope for mine. Did you do anything to draw those colors?


Im starting to see how im going to need to tie them up of they develop fat buds, these branch stems are SKINNY, but the bud sites are very fat. Lots of trichs coming on, smell isnt poppin yet, but its cooking in there lol


No, dude, there was NO variation haha. Both plants grew identically, as far as structure was concerned. And no, I didn’t do anything to get them to fade. Like I said, I don’t use nutes or anything.

That was one thing I noticed about these plants, though: they started fading really early. My plants don’t usually “fade” at all. Or at least, not like that.

Your plants look good. I forget, what hybrid is it you’re growing?


My bad, ive been reading tons of reviews and grow logs, im on multiple planes of information and am easily getting confused lol

Mine is Tombstone (Triangle Kush X Stardawg)

I havent trained mine at all, i only recently put them ties on just to stagger the branching a bit. Super super stretchy, i was pounding them with light, the leaves are perma-taco now, lol. I upped magnesium a bit and didnt fix it, so i figure its from overdoing the lights trying to stop stretch lol

Its a fun one to grow


As a few of you followed my Copper Chem grow.
I thought I would comment.

I have cloned them,re vegged them,cloned again…and a back cross, that produced 22 seeds from the pollinated bud.

I’m only a hobby grower and I understand where some of the puritans are coming from.
There have been some smashing fotos on this thread of other GPS hybrids.

I got three packs from gps 420 sale it came to $92

There is no way I can say I’ve had a bad deal.

Two of the the clones in the greenhouse just now about 4 weeks.

I’ve edited to say…a excellent smoke…dry mouth and couch lock.


Finally got to popping one of my GPS strains- got 4/6 sundae stallion out of the dirt and cotyledons out. The 5th seed was just barely poking a root out when it went into dirt yesterday, the 6th I dont have much hope for. After a few days in a paper towel it hasnt cracked and it looks a bit immature. Looking forward to this one as ive had sundae driver and it was very good smoke.


That’s right, I forgot they were Tombstone. I started four of those this grow, as well, but all four turned out male. Super-branchy plants, for sure, I was stoked about them.

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Them are some fine looking plants!


Thanks very much…appreciated.


Beautiful job! Watch out, these pics will probably be on the GPS website soon lol.