Greenpoint Seeds

I have one. It’s for trimming body hair right?


Yes - specifically made for Occam’s body hair…in his nether regions. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yes that’s the simplest explanation :rofl:




There’s no fool like an old fool (me). Apparently, by the answer on chuckers, it was Gu~.

Question: Hey Gu~ Are you posting as Greenpoint_Gu @ overgrow? There is a poster over there posting as you, and that same poster doxxed a member there, publically, stirring up a hornets nest. Is that you?

Answer: Dox:

search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.
“hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures”

Using someone’s first name is not a dox. Don’t be a droob. Using someone’s first name doesn’t identify them. There are over 400,000 people just in the US named Ryan according to So stop your bullshit.

Wow, the next Greenpoint beans I get wet will be moving in counter clockwise descending motion.


lol…there’s no fool like an ignorant fool! You may (or may not) be old, but you’re certainly not ignorant.

Good on you, @willie, for doubting what everyone else was saying, but still doing your homework to get the evidence that YOU needed. And good on you for sharing your discovery here.

Good work. Seriously.


Had to look that up. He is calling you pathetic. Wow, he is a really nice guy. :roll_eyes:


Yeah, I actually had to google “droob,” too haha. And yeah, I’m kind of sitting here thinking, you know, I can’t believe this dude. On the one hand, it’s almost kind of admirable, just giving zero fucks like that. On the other hand, I prefer the breeders I buy seeds from to give at least one or two fucks.


Actually thats the reason I stopped buying seeds from Greenpoint. I politely complained about hermie fems and he didn’t give a fuck. lol


Yeah, I mean, why should he? He’s already got your money, which is obviously his only motivation. Breeding great weed seems to be the lowest priority. The California Cannon and the Stardawg f2 that I grew have been my two least-favorite strains I’ve ever grown. Some of my friends who tried the Stardawg really liked it, but I didn’t. It didn’t smoke anything like any Stardawg I’ve ever blazed. And nobody at all liked the California Cannon. I ended up pressing all of the Cali Cannon and then the containers just sat there forever haha. And I gave away all of the Stardawg to my friends who liked it.


I was unable to reply yesterday as a “New Member.”

Doxxing, according to Merriam Webster:
“to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge.”

Using someone’s first name is not doxxing them. Noone here can use his first name and identify him singularly. Suggesting otherwise is being inflammatory. I emailed him personally but got no response as he’s not interested in solving problems. He’s only interested in an audience.

If you read my posts here, I gave information on the Stardawg male and Tahoe OG. I also introduced myself and opened the door for a better understanding of all things Greenpoint.

When challenged, I think anyone must defend themselves. Closing this thread or banning me for simply defending myself against slander seems short-sighted and not in line with why this platform exists in the first place; To discuss marijuana.

If you want access to more breeders on these platforms, you can’t just ban everyone that gets dislikes. That is the reason why most breeders don’t visit these outlets.

If you want to talk about genetics, I’m here for you.

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You used @anon60559124’s real first name and provided his buying history on your website. It was a flex by you that you have his personal data and you’ll use it however you please. There’s no defense for that. That’s underhanded and unethical.

Take the hint. He’s no longer someone that wants anything to do with you, your seeds or your seed company. Just take the “L” and move on.


Why would I want to talk about genetics? You already admitted you don’t know where the Tahoe you’re using came from; your best guess was Cali Connection (!!!). That’s all I really need to know.


No, but it can be considered a passive aggressive threat towards doxxing an individual. Suggesting otherwise is being intellectually dishonest. This is a warning.

As noted earlier, put your professional hat on and avoid engaging and playing drama mode. It may be difficult at first, but many ‘pros’ do understand the concept of thickened skins.

We would like industry ‘pros’ to engage the community although ‘breeders’ / ‘vendors’ do not direct how this site is run or managed. Nor do they receive unique privileges beyond what is specifically provided to them as a site sponsor, when applicable. Vendors, breeders, sponsors, et al are expected to hold themselves to a higher standard in their discourse and to avoid promoting, engaging in drama, or other activities that violate the site guidelines, moderator actions, and the TOS.

You are a community member and should consider building a relationship and trust with the existing community, neigh Sayers or not, in much the same vein as everyone else.




I’d encourage you to take a look at the Doc D thread and see how warmly and enthusiastically he was greeted when he made an appearance. And he actually knows what genetics he’s using, too.


@Greenpoint_Gu you’ve done an excellent job of trashing your own brand here. You should have just stayed on RIU


And that too ^^

thanks for confirming



@Greenpoint_Gu you should head over to thcfarmer… I’m sure Logic will greet you with open arms, he’s as dodgy as a $3 bill so you’ll get along just fine.


I saw someone accidentally “deleted” the old greenpoints thread over at chuckers :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I wonder if it could happen here to 🥷:joy::v:


maybe,but for sure mute can happen