Greenpoint Seeds

me and my buddy have only run greenpoint as of recent. we got the adub keepers and Ice cream wedding cake keeper. i would like to try new breeders as well if anyone has advice on whos got the flame these days. we have had runs herm but that was mostly atributed to light leaks or over feeding i think?


Holy shit. And Heisen responded that it’s no big deal and not to worry, because there’s some “new, exciting stuff on the way” hahaha!!!

Honestly, I don’t really examine my plants all that closely while they’re growing, unless I think there’s a reason to. Like this current grow, some of the pistils on some of the plants started turning brown pretty early, maybe around day 28. Got worried that maybe something had hermed (although I don’t know why that’d be, as I’ve never had a single plant herm on me) and seeded some plants. So I did check them thoroughly once. But for the most part, I don’t check out every flower on every plant or anything.

All of that is just a long-winded way of saying that I’d never grow anything that people have said to keep a close eye on throughout a grow because of its potential to herm. I’m not sure why anybody would.


Bodhi’s never let me down. I’m on my first run of Doc D/Magic Spirit Seed Company gear, so I can’t vouch for him yet, but if you look at his thread here on OG, everybody who’s grown his stuff is pretty thrilled with it. I grew some of Karma’s Headbanger a few grows back that was amazing. There’s lots of good breeders out there, just gotta do a little research.

My rule of thumb is, the more drama there is on any particular breeder’s threads online, the less inclined I am to grow their shit. I’ve made exceptions to that rule, but generally speaking, the drama is typically warranted. That’s what drew me to Bodhi’s gear in the first place. You never see people bitching and bickering on threads dedicated to Bodhi’s seeds. Just a bunch of happy growers.


A while ago I had a good buddy who grew 2 packs of Greenpoint seeds (forgot what strain) and they almost all went hermie and the final product was so weak. I had also heard about Greenpoint selling hemp seeds and marking them as S1s…
I think I was on RIU and mentioned it in a Greenpoint thread Gu was in (at the time I had no idea who he was, I was just giving feedback).
He tried discrediting what I said by posting a FAKE picture of some random person and saying it was me (definitely wasn’t me in the pic) he was pretty persistent with it. He was that desperate and shady. I’ve personally never grown his garbage because i don’t make impulse buys based on the price and coupon staking. :peace_symbol:

Quality over Quantity


Ok, thank you @Foreigner and @Swe-can. Tripling down. They are their own worse enemies.

I think that seals the fate for those guys.


Wow. I’ve bought from GPS. And fuck all if I ever will again. This reads as threat. Regardless of your excuses it wasn’t a dox, it is a threat of one for sure. It’s a public “I know who you are and where you live.”


Yes. They know the etiquette. It reads as a passive aggressive threat.

They were given a stipulation and opportunity to resolve the issue with the community … without more gaslighting. You know, ‘sorry my mistake’. Nope, weren’t having it.

They even emailed the dude afterwards with more gaslighting, creepy.


They’ve done a good job of showing zero respect and have dug a nice grave for themselves.

They won’t see a nickel from me, I don’t care how good/not good their genetics are. I don’t deal with dickweeds.

I grew the Hibernate F2s and am glad I didn’t pay for them or give them my info.



Hey neat, 4 first time posters here in last 5 days on a seedbank thread, that doesn’t seem odd at all :thinking:


Shout out to everyone who isn’t ok or indifferent to this type of fuckary .
The best way to make a statement against such BS is to call it tf out and insure it knows it isn’t welcome here on OG . That is the power we have . Can’t buy your rep here. It has to be earned.
Pretty proud of this little place atm . I raise my doobie to you folks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


One sad thing is that the good people of chuckersparadise some how feel like.

Like we are trying to make them look bad or that we are somehow pointing fingers at them.

We are not pointing fingers at you guys but at Heisenberg and Gu for the way they are acting and they way they do business.

So all of you new guys I really hope you give this place a chance and overlook this thread and do feel welcome even if the situation isn’t the best right now…

@TreeFarmerCharlie your grow with the Adub was a beauty indeed


Meanwhile still no mention of the Hemp S1’s Greenpoint sold as legit high end cannabis


Well said swecan don’t let our behaviour chase you away . We’ve got several outstanding breeders on here that actually care what there selling as well as customer satisfaction.


Been keeping an eye on this thread for a week or so now.
I’ve only just recently signed up to OG (spent a lot of previous years on RIU and left because of the bullshit/drama…herms/card fraud/hemp S1s/).
I was hoping this thread might be a positive GPS thread, but it’s pretty evident there’s no such thing lol.

Anyway I have several packs from GPS,
Full Moon Fever,
Chickasaw Cooler (which was a tester and they released it for sale before it was tested),
Chinook Haze,
and Deputy which I grew out. I got 1 female from 6 seeds, which happens I know, but the pollen from the males wasn’t viable and made no seeds when I attempted pollinations… in all fairness (weather they deserve it or not) the Deputy female was a fantastic plant, great terps and vigorous.

Anyway, I still have those other packs mentioned above if anyone is interested in them for a trade?
I won’t be growing them out, as I have limited time/space and other varieties still to run.


Welcome to the honest site hope you stick around .


LOL you call the guy by his first name as a passive threat then say hes spent a fair bit of mney on your seeds while trying to discredit his opinion of your genetics and business practice ? wouldnt someone who has spent money and grew your herm seeds know more than most ?

then you post on your website that your being attacked on here as some way to rally the troops further proves your a peice of shit. do you need to feel validation and have posters suck your dick ? give up breeding and go join the circus you fucking clown.


Personally, I haven’t grown their stuff because I saw a reused image on 2 different crosses. It was just flipped and had some color adjustment.

That being said, I am kind of disappointed they were run out of town. Gu kind of asked for it, but while Heisen started out defensive, he seemed to want to talk. I didn’t see him cross any lines.

I don’t really get the need for all the pitchforks to come out. There are users here who like their current products, and were trying to talk. Why not just mute the thread if you don’t want to see it?


Why not visit Gu~'s forum or trollitup if you’re a fanboy. It ain’t like this is the only forum on the www

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I thought the other_barry’s response was reasoned.

Gu started out hot.

Though, so did Heisenbeans pulling the ‘haters’ and ‘liars’ card out.

He did try to tone it down but ultimately, as you can see from his comments elsewhere, his heart wasn’t really into it. A bit of a blunder really. Nor did they absorb that it’s not our job to accept them when first impressions make a difference. They needed to build that trust with the community to rebuild the perception some have. Some from experience. It’s not always easy to do. And it’s not automatic.

Those two are not expected to return. And to each of the GPS fans that have been with OG, the recent discourse had nothing to do with you. Please don’t think anyone is beating up on you.

