Greenpoint Seeds

Three maybe four years ago I purchased Copper chem and two Canaventure from Greenpoint , the Cannaventure were bunk and packaged different than my previous Canaventure purchase from a different supplier . The Coppers were nothing special . Around tax time I noticed I got charged a extra $200 . I got no response back . I’m still salty and wish I could turn this into a $400 comment as payback


Just a thought if we save people from getting ripped off not gonna take long to lighten there pockets .
The free seeds and clones thread is number 1 on google search too bad a person couldn’t add a green point warning in the header . Lol


My brother has grown quite a few of their strains and most of them looked alike and smelled alike. I did not try them all but the couple I did were quite boring highs. I’m sure numbers wise they were decent but nothing special taste or smell wise. Some looked nice but I think many of us are cannabis connoisseurs. We want the total package. Decent or ok isn’t good enough for a lot you vets pure and simple. I think they are good for beginners lol. Just my opinion


I think it was just a matter of,”You guys are proven assholes and we don’t want you here.” I realize this is a GPS thread (shit, man, I posted pics of my Cali Cannon grow in this very thread), but, like a lot of those other people posting here in the last week or so, I’d prefer it if Gu and Heisenbeans didn’t show their faces here. However, if they do wanna make an appearance, I don’t think we’re being out of line for asking them to explain why they ripped people’s pictures from grows that had nothing to do with GPS gear and passed them off as their own or continued to sell seeds that they knew were herm-prone etc etc. They were reasonable questions to ask. The fact that neither Gu nor Heisen not only didn’t want to answer said questions but instead chose to act like we were out of line and didn’t have a right to ask those questions just poured more fuel on the flames.

You don’t get to burn people for six or seven-plus years and then just show up and be like,”Hey, it’s all good now.” You have to have answers for the shit you did. And it didn’t seem like they wanted to explain themselves. I think the best response came from Heisenbeans himself, when he said,”I take my orders from the top.” Okay, well, Gu is still “the top,” and it seems like Gu is still a prick, so… ‘Nuff said.

Although, to be honest, it wouldn’t have mattered what either of them said. To me, at least. Integrity matters. It’s the most important thing, I think. And both of those dudes have made it clear that they have zero integrity. One or two fuck ups might be okay, but seven years of bullshit? Nah, that’s not okay.

What’s that saying? “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice… Can’t get fooled again.” Haha!

Easy, dude. @other_barry’s alright. He’s not a fanboy. He’s asking legit questions. Maybe he’s just not privy to all the bullshit GPS has been up to since their inception. I know I wasn’t until maybe ten months ago. It’s hard to get accurate info on GPS when they pay the moderators of some of the most popular grow sites on the internet to scrub their forums of every negative review. That’s how I got burned. And also, unlike a lot of people online, I’m just not very active on any site other than the one that I’ve chosen to be active on (which has been OG for the last year). I don’t browse topics and look around and join in on “chat threads” or whatever. I post my grows and read other grows that I’m interested in. Maybe other_barry is the same way, I don’t know. It was only because of people who knew more than I that I even know about the shit that GPS did. Not all of us are active on every single grow site online. I know that I tend to only frequent one at a time. Know what I mean?


I’ve been smoking for a long time, but cultivation and a lot of the history on this side of the fence is still kind of new to me. I appreciated the way you were bringing actual points for discussion @minitiger . More of that was what I was hoping for.


You might want to re-read those threads…there were at least a dozen people that got hermies. Do you want me to put up the links? Why lie about it?

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Herm city! Herm city. I threw away everything from greenpoint bullshit seeds.

I’ve gone through 3 packs. And got one bullshit plant. I thought I had two but that mofo spit nanners everywhere. I was salty called them and complained. Lady said it was my fault, I stressed the plant and it hermed. Hmmm. It’s my fault they’re seeds are garbage?

She said she would send me a pack of something else for the trouble. Then said she will only give half off another pack.

I’m not spending shit for garbage beans. No wonder their always having a half off sale, it’s trash.

I’m done. Please heed my warning y’all. Green point is crap.


Maybe @DefNSmokn just didn’t finish reading that thread haha. I mean, it IS a long fucking read. 166 pages. Maybe he didn’t get to the end, when everybody said that all of their plants hermed.

Btw, @DefNSmokn, do you want my GPS seeds? I know you already turned down my Cali Cannon offer, but I’ve got a shitload more in the fridge. You seem to like their stuff, so I’d prefer to give them to somebody who would enjoy them rather than just tossing them in the garbage. I’m never gonna grow them, but it feels weird to me to just throw viable cannabis seeds away. I’m being serious here, you can have all of them, probably close to a thousand bucks-worth of seeds. I’ve got multiple packs of pretty much every non-feminized cross they made, with the exception of any GSC cross (not a fan of GSC or any of her derivatives). You can have all of them, if you want. I’d be happy to send them to you.

That offer stands for anybody reading this thread, too. I’ve got a bunch of GPS gear. If you want them, DM me and I’ll send them to you.


Just on a side note. My brother and I never dealt with herms from GPS. We grow mainly outdoors. After reading about the problems I sold my remaining 2 packs to a friend. He didn’t watch them closely and ended up with 2 herms out of the 8 seeds he started. I don’t know if he has the other seeds still. So I can understand both sides of this. However from a business standpoint they hurt themselves by posting crude disrespectful and sometimes even arrogant comments. We all want our endeavors to end well but attacking people who paid for your product is not good from any angle. I hope they learn from their mistakes rather than just saying “fuck the haters”. The cannabis community is already looked at like low life’s. We all need to do our part to elevate the views of those with that mindset. Not reinforce it. Just my opinion


I agree with everything you said except this:

I’ve waited tables my entire “professional” life. The last place I worked was in Beverly Hills. I’d go out for drinks after work and talk to people and whenever I mentioned that I was a waiter, people’d kind of be like,”Ew…” I brought that up to a friend of mine once and she said,”Just tell them you grow weed! They’ll respect that much more!” I was like,”Why is growing weed held in higher esteem than waiting tables?” haha! I mean, waiting tables is an honorable profession. It’s work, anyway. Why people in Beverly Hills (and really, anywhere in Los Angeles) think more highly of people who grow weed than people who wait tables is baffling. To me, at least.

Anyway, yeah, I’m not so sure the “cannabis community” is looked down-upon. At least, not in SoCal.


Lol depends on the area you live in for sure. Most people that respect a grower are part of the cannabis community. I’m talking about the squares or d.a.r.e. robots that are on the outside looking in. West coast, Colorado and Hawaii have been weed communities for some time. It has been integrated and woven into the culture of those areas. But I truly believe it’s just a matter of time and education.


That’s the thing, though, is that those Beverly Hills assholes were definitely NOT a part of the cannabis community. If anything, they were a part of the cocaine community. I definitely sniffed a shit-ton of blow with them, anyway haha. But yeah, you may be right. I do think that growing is maybe just a part of the community fabric in SoCal. Everybody knows somebody who grows. Still… Why growing is more “respected” or whatever than waiting tables is beyond me.

I’m not bitter, though haha. Seriously, I’m not bitter. I just always thought it was funny that people’d be like,”Don’t tell them you’re a waiter, tell them you grow weed…” haha. Gotta looooove SoCal.


NOTHING BUT :fire: coming for OG’s very own @SamwellBB (Baked Beanz)!! He volunteered that he’s on hiatus until October (family). EVERYTHING in his Inventory is :100: Per Cent :fire: Try it/him, you’ll thank me later. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Great , I think you guys scared him off before I could join in. I never get to have any fun.


I can’t believe you are trying to say waiting tables is honorable thus insinuating that growing weed isn’t …
Fuckin waiters , always thinkin they are ALL that and their shit don’t stink !!! Sick of elite classed waiters always thinkin they are so much better then everyone else.

As to the point that OtherBarry made , I would like to point out I never once posted in this thread until seeing a first post here by someone trying to throw shade at another well liked breeder.
The rest of the thread very clearly speaks for itself .
I never had a problem with anyone sharing their GPS experience here and I still don’t. This just isn’t the place for those in glass houses to throw rocks at others with the hope of making a buck in return. Was just simply a terrible attempt at pushing some of that pre sale BS.

Anyway fuckin cokehead waiters hahahahaha

I am also hoping it is obvious I am joking about those damn high class cokehead waiters lol


I get adds from these guys every other day one day it’s 35 % off two days later it’s 40 % then % 50% off
Hell I wouldn’t take them for free now after reading 1500 plus comments
All negative



Stop exaggerating. It’s only like 98% negative.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:we need a laugh button desperately


If we cannot use hyperbole what is the point of even living?


good point

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