Greenpoint Seeds

Definitely more. Money’s the only thing that gets people’s attention in a capitalist society.

Anyway, very well put, @MantisTobogganMD. I started to write a similar response and then was just like,”Ah, fuck it…” haha.

Although I will admit that I ordered a humidifier from Amazon a few days ago, first thing I’ve ordered from them in at least a year. I had to do it. Went around to local stores, nobody had one, and eventually broke down and went to fucking Home Depot and even they didn’t have humidifiers. Everybody was like,”That’s a seasonal item.” I was like,”Okay, well, THIS IS THE SEASON.” haha. It’s dry as shit here right now.


Hard find your article reputable when the comments say this…


And why are the comments dating back over a year ago if the article was just written a week ago?

You have quite the smart mouth there buddy…
This isn’t that kind of site… at least it isn’t supposed to be… where you get behind your screen and talk smack to people… if you have a comment or opinion… great!!! but keep it civil!!!


It all started with Adam & Eve fornicating lol


I read the user agreement, or whatever it was called back when I bought some seeds, you needed to give your phone number. I said I did not want to give my number but the software would not let me buy without giving a phone number. I got an email saying they never use the messaging function, just use their phone number instead. Reading the review and that people get the messages I feel I made the right decision on my phone number. I also use a Yahoo email to communicate to them and not my personnel email account. I get other email ads on my Yahoo account but I never got ads from Greenpoint.

The seeds I got from them was a CBD variety, had more THC in it than I was expecting from the write up but I also did not know the significance of the F2 part of the strain name. Mind you, I just used some Dinamed CBD bought from Seedman that is a minimal THC plant and I had a day off afternoon as it got me a little buzzed when I was not expecting it.

On using someone’s previous work to develop a strain, I am guessing very few have user agreements not to use their seeds as a starting point to make your own seeds. If they were just selling feminized versions of someone else’s plant that would not be cool. Crossing two parents of other people’s strain, I did with their seeds and the Dinamed. I ended up with four or five distinctly different plant structures, going to take a few more runs to end up with a consistent strain. How far back into the genetic pool do you have to go now before you can say a strain is yours? I don’t know.


there still the company that doxxed a member and threatened them so i wont give them the benefit of doubt here. now he put the company under his wifes name in an attempt to claim new management. “even though jj does have a hard on for them haha”

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Yeah, I don’t know anything about that or them really. I just think with the specific complaint that the guy brought up that most work with other peoples work to make crosses. It’s a common practice. Not agreeing or disagreeing with it, just stating it happens.

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LVTK is a Cannaventure strain.
Rusty is a standup guy with great genetics. LVTK is his “flagship” strain.

I think Cannaventure sometimes had seeds for sale at Greenpoint, but you can buy them direct from the breeder.

Have ordered a couple times, some great strains and top notch customer service.


I’ve grown out gmo punch,tomahawk, cake&chem
Tombstone, purple cake , motor punch, ice cream punch and stardog f2… the cake& chem was one. Of the first . I had one pack of them I gave 5 to a buddy and I kept 5, they didn’t germ well my friend didn’t get any of his to sprout and I only got 1 it happened to be a girl, it was beautiful grew like crazy so I took 5 clones it was the easiest to clone
That I have ever seen, this turned out to be one of the best I ever grew. I gave some cuts to a dear friend that has a commercial indoor grow and we still have it and it is still great, it consistently test 28 to 30 with the terms around 3. Now I have bought several packs of cake&chem seeds over the next couple of years and haven’t found anything that even resembles the first 1
I heard a rumor that Greenpoint lost the original stardog male , just wondering if this might be true ? All the new c&c look and smell like the stardog f2
That I tried, they smell like lemons, the first smell like chemical , skunk, and garlicky hard to explain
Anyways sorry for the long story, just thought some of you guys might know …thanks
Ps the stardog f2s hermied bad ,


We have heard the same rumor.
That would be rather devastating as that male was the strongest plant they have. I suppose the proof would be in the new seeds vs the old seeds.



Well I seen that. In my plants Before I heard that rumor, I understand the differences. In phenotypes
In a family of seeds . I grew out to maturity about 20 of the new seeds, they are pretty much peas in a pod but none of them are like the first one. I still have a couple packs of the new seeds but don’t think I will mess with them. It. Is sad if they lost it,
Sure glad I found that first girl, her being so nice was whyi bought the new packs. The gmo punch plants were all pretty good but out of 12 only 2 were alike and they were all different from each other you sure couldn’t tell they were sisters.
Thanks for the response, take care

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I’ve some older F2s (Purple Badlands and Hibernate) that will be from the older male they had.
Perhaps I’ll get lucky when I got through them. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:



The hibernate was really nice.


Nice colour! and hand grenade sized buds too :+1:



Love the colors great job :cupid:

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Thank you for that link! I’ve been looking for true LVTK for a few months now for a project.

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Had some open packs from a few years ago, might as well




Heeey!!! Looks like a great line up! Tag me if you make a journal, that Dynamite Diesel though! Mmm hmmm!