Greenpoint Seeds

I’ll tell her. I saw a 30 off in email lol
I have 4 clones of bananimal rooting also

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I hadn’t gotten much past the planning stages, but before coming across this post I had been planning to pop 3 of the MMH instead. I’m gonna be doing preservation runs alongside in both my tent and main room, so I’m not going to want to deal with males on the ones I’m growing just for yield & variety. Since it’s for variety, one of the Cowboy Cookies sounds just as good as another MMH if not better. :slight_smile: I have all of 6 fem strains that I can actually identify, a bunch of random fems I don’t even know the names of which are all mixed together, and of the 6 I can identify, 3 are yours, so one way or another I figured I was gonna be using mostly yours. So yeah, call it half for your sake and half for my own, variety being the spice of life and all. Maybe for the third plant, I’ll work with some seedbank stuff and pop a Bubble Runtz from… uh. The name escapes me, but it’s a seedbank anyway. According to their webpage it’s the best yielding, frostiest, best tasting, best smelling, highest THC content ever EVER, so I’m assuming it’ll be a pheno hunt along the same lines as F2s and F3s from you. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Here is my Cowboy Cookies F2, she got hit with thrips real young, stunted her a bit. Had to keep raising the light with the other plants, she just fell behind a bit. Shes doing great now though, i topped her a few days ago. Stuck the top in the cloner.

Im not exactly sure how im going to flower her… she may have to outside and sit in a tub of water since shes in coco… hmmmmm lol


Here is my GPS Mentos that is pretty close to its last week of cure…


Hows the terps on that? Looks pretty tasty!



OK, GPS Cheerleaders please read this article.

pretty devastating article, comments?


If You Care At All About The Breeders Who Spend Years Creating Their Strains, You Should Move On To Another Seed Bank. This Seed Bank Is A “Chucker” Seed Bank. Greenpoint Seeds Crosses Strains From Other Breeders (Without Permission Or Cutting Them In) And Sells Them At An Inflated Price. As A Result, The Breeders Responsible For The Actual Work Put Into The Genetics Of All Seeds Sold By GPS Are Never Paid

wowsa. From the article and there is a lot more, please read and then justify growing GPS beans, please I anxiously await the rationalizations :slight_smile:


Not to split hairs, but don’t mist breeders do that?? Use other’s gear to make their own crosses?

Strains aren’t copywritten. And I do see that Greenpoint DOES indicate where their parents strains are from, whether they “cut them in” is not my business as a consumer, same as me not having control over Walmart slave wages but sorry, I’m still gona get my beer there cuz it’s cheaper. …


You seem to have a real issue with Greenpoint seeds, I see you have been here a few times posting about them. All breeders started with either a landrace or someone else’s strains. I won’t condone or condemn a particular seed bank on this subject as it seems common to most but it feels like you seem to really want to tell everyone that GP is bad. I have never dealt with them but it does seem odd since what they are doing is pretty standard practice for many.


Disagree. Shopping at Walmart makes you complicit in that slavery.

But everything is sinister if you look hard enough.


I fail to see anything devastating, and JJ mentioned that GreenPoint was using his Stardawg in their crosses… and even clarified which one they were using…. he said nothing ill willed or against Greenpoint….


I can’t disagree more. I just want beer, it’s not my place to “change the world” by buying my beer somewhere else.

Yall are a bit wishy washy with stuff like this.

If you are using a phone with a lithium cobalt battery you are complicit in child slave cobalt mining.

I’m not calling you a dick for shopping at Walmart, but own it.


Did you post that from your phone?

I sure did. And I acknowledge it.

There are lots of ways to reduce your anti-slavery footprint.

Edit - I also eat garlic that was probably produced by Chinese prison slave labour.


This rabbit-hole has no bottom. Love ~ djsf


Just to stay on topic I have a particular dislike for greenpoint that has nothing to do with seeds.


Correction: EVERY breeder does that. So yeah, that’s not a legitimate complaint at all.

That’s not true (or it wasn’t when I bought seeds from them, anyway). Nowhere on their website did it indicate that the “Tahoe” they used in their California Cannon seeds was a Cali Connection Tahoe (which we all know is a joke). It wasn’t until Gu showed up here last August and posted that that I was aware of that. If I’d have known that he used Cali Connection’s Tahoe, I never woulda bought those seeds.

I think the most interesting part of that article is that they’ve moved their operations from Colorado to Florida (no state income tax) and that Gu had transferred ownership of the company to his wife. Sounds to me like somebody’s in some serious hot water with the IRS…


No, you don’t change the world by shopping other places but you do shape you community by choosing which business in you community to re circulate your hard earned cash to.

When you circulate your cash back to them it is like voting for their business practices. There is nothing that is available at Walmart that isn’t available at another retailer at a fairly comparable price(in most locations). For beer this is especially true.

Voting is important in a democracy. Where your money goes is equally important to voting (probably more) in a capitalist society, because it is what fuels and shapes the entities in your community. nothing and no one is perfect, but it’s important to own your actions. And those actions say I don’t give a fuck how you do business or contribute to our community I want my case of beer $1 cheaper.

@Foreigner you should keep an eye out for the stuff produced in Central America, it’s comes around more rarely but has less acrid notes, and it’s more of an indentured servitude compared to out and out slavery :slight_smile: