Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

Kind of snarky. You may well trash me too, but here goes…

I have meticulously datalogged 4 cures using the bags and 1 cure using jars/burping.

I used this sensor for datalogging:

What I found was with jars you had burp to keep the humidity from getting too high, as the rH would climb as the moisture migrated from the stems into the buds… With the bags the humidity stays dead nuts on target. On e caveat to using them is that you need to get the humidity in the 58-65% range before putting it in the bag. If you start with >65% humidity you will need to burp the bags until you get to <=65% rh.

The rH was too high on these 2 when I loaded them, I had to burp it 4 times, over 2 days, before I could just let it sit and cure. But look at the stability after that last burp…



I also did a taste test where I compared a single plant, jar vs bag, and after a 60 day cure both were very comparable in taste, high, and ash. The bags were just a lot less hassle. You just seal at 65% and forget it. The jars required consistent monitoring and a bunch of burps.

Now I havent tried anything other than jars or Grove bags. Paper bags, cobs, and other methods may well work as good or better. I do like the simplicity and particularly the repeatbility of the Grove bags.