Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

I have one bag heat sealed since 6/24 and the humidity has gone up a few % but nothing crazy. its always between 64-67%

IIRC I bagged at 64, because it was dropping steadily, I didnt want to risk it going too far. Hoping to get my next one down to 62, 63 maybe, and seal it up there.


Meanwhile in Australia

:giraffe: :lips: :v:


Sorry wrong picture…

Dang I wish I could purchase these in
Oz :roll_eyes:



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Id be willing to trade a few 1lb grove bags for seeds :smiley: I have 20 bags which is way more than ill need lol



Just an FYI all, I dropped a Hygrometer into one of my Grove bags and left if for a day, will see what it says when I get home.


Sorry for the late report. So the humidity was holding at 68% or about 8% higher than I would have liked however no mold. I would suggest jarring until RH stable before bagging


How is the smell? Is the chlorophyll smell lessening considerably @DougDawson ?


I was recommended to make sure the buds had been put in paper bags for a while after drying to bring the moisture out from the middle of the buds. once it’s evenly distributed then you put it in a grove bag. Curious if you did that or just threw them right in the bags after drying?


Yes, you have to sweat them first before actually curing them in bags. I use them all the time now


Yes, the smell in improving.


All right fockers, ordered some bags up. The qp size. Have some hanging presently that is a couple days out from being ready. :crossed_fingers:


Went straight into bags after driving. My issue is without jarring them you can’t really be sure what the RH is. I think going forward I may try the paper bag bit first and than jar for a day to see what the RH holds at. If too high back into bags. Once I get a stable RH where I want than seal in Grove bags. Since you are supposed to heat seal them I would like to know the RH before shoving them in there.


I have been using the bags to burp them down. I just aligned one of my RH meters with the windows on the bags, so I can see how it looks after being closed up for a few hours. If its still crazy high RH, I have taken the buds out for some air, but mostly I break up the cluster and leave the top open for a bit, the seal it back up and repeat. I am hoping this works out well, just kind of experimenting as I go.


That’s what most I have seen have been doing.

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After reading this thread and a few others around the web, I ordered some QP bags and some Eighth bags. They should be getting here today and I’ll have a harvest coming up in about 10 days. Thanks for sharing all of the experience and advice folks.


Hey all! :wave:

Grove Bags. Grove Curing Bags…

I have never used them. I have read a bunch. I have seen a bunch about them.

They sound and seem like the future of curing.

According to what I have researched, once regularly dried, whatever method you use (as it looks right now, for me, I’m probably going to dry them in the grow space. It’s the only space I have any real control over and that is limited! winky ), you pop them in the appropriately sized Grove Bag, put it or them in a cool dark place and forget it. Your bud will cure in the bag maintaining a RH of 58%-62%.

I bought TerpLoc Half Ounce w/Window, TerpLoc Ounce Opaque and TerpLoc Half Pound w/Window on July 14, 2021. I’m pretty sure I saw somewhere that I should expect them delivered by the 18th. I got them today woohoo

When I made my buy they didn’t have 1 ounce bags with the window. Once I trust the bags I won’t need a window. At this stage I think I will find the window useful as I plan to throw a mini-hygrometer in there with the bud just to keep an eye on things.

And, it just hit me a few hours ago. I actually do have some space that is dark and potentially ‘cool’ - under the floor. There is barely enough vertical space for a human to get around under there but I ‘think’ a storage bin with Grove Bags in it ‘might’ provide a long cure solution.

I read that you can actually put relatively undried Cannabis in the bag but you do have to burp them for a couple to a few days, then seal them up. They come with incorporated Ziplocs but they do recommend Heat Sealing them.

@Oldjoints, let me know which ones you’d be interested in, please. I’ll send them right out! tup

For those interested:

Most of what is on their product page is geared to big-time growers and providers - bulk buyers.

You can opt to “Build-Your-Own Variety Pack”. That’s what I did. I’ve read a few threads here on Grove Bags and shipping has come up a lot. I paid $13+ for shipping and, again, I got the bags in 2 days.

There is a lot of information on the site, specific to the Grove Bags, and information like Customer Testimonials.

The Grove Bag Story - John Grover (founder):

They just started a Q&A feature on their YT channel. The first video was posted yesterday:

Grove Bags’ Presents TerpLoc “Encyclopedia Bag” Ep1: Heat Seal? Empty Headspace? Lifespan of bags?

I’m not going to do a side-by-side test, I’m barely setup up to possibly getting a harvest into one of the bags at this point.

I don’t have a Heat Seal machine and am unlikely to buy one…but, a cheap one goes for about $30, so who knows, I just might! winky

I did buy some Half Pound bags in hopes! winky tup

I hope you’re all making it a great night! tup

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Thanks bud. I have been testing out a couple myself and so far so good. I am interested in the idea of long term storage with them heat sealed. Thanks for posting all the info.


As Doug said, thank you for your input. It’s much appreciated. I started this thread, not having any personal experience with them. I saw interest on another forum and brought it up here. I have high hopes that I didn’t make a mistake by doing that now that I’ve seen some good feedback on here as well. :slight_smile:
Thanks again.


Hey Mo!

I think your OP is an excellent one. Especially in light of more than a few growers, even experienced ones, screwing up the cure. Even well intentioned experienced growers winky

It’s not hard to mess it up and hopefully this will save some of them!

I ‘may’ owe you an apology, though. I didn’t mean to post ‘everything’ I included here. I meant to post some of it, to address the gist of your thread - BUT, I was sort of in a rush to start my Drain, Clean and Refill (including 2 new pumps) and I rushed it.

IF I owe you an apology for posting a Tome in your thread I offer it now.

Btw, I searched this site for Grow Bags and yours was the most complete thread devoted to the topic that I found.

Well done! Thank you! tup

rockon ,