Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

You’re running them just ziplocked and not heat sealed now? That’s good to hear cause I don’t have a heat sealer and was banking on the ziplock type closure to be enough.

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No apology necessary at all man. We appreciate the information.
You are right, of course, anything that might help someone dodge a disaster during cure is a very good thing. It would be heartbreaking to put all that :green_heart: and sweat into a grow and have to throw out moldy buds.

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Cool, cool!

I can’t imagine tossing out a grow after all you describe! :crossed_fingers:

That scenario and others like it is what makes me think the people that write the cultivation laws have scant experience growing regards to number of plants allowed. All the time, effort and money can quickly reduce your legal limits to a bonfire! frown

Thanks, @MoBilly!,

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Yes, just ziplocked. Don’t have enough faith to heat seal them but one tested I will think about that for long term storage.


I’m dying to hear an update! Anybody!?

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I’m a skeptic and am not sold on these bags.

It doesn’t seem to take the guesswork out of drying and doesn’t seem to hold humidity any better than a well sealed jar.

Not trying to be a buzzkill, I just don’t get it.

Anyway, on the subject of sealable bags and jars has anyone thought to try displacing the air inside with CO2? They do this with cereal and crackers and such.

Anyone using a CO2 rig ever do this?


That is just it I believe, dry to appropriate level and seal in bag. No burping as you would have to with jar…allegedly. I bought the bags on the hype, but still went the traditional jar and burping method this most recent round.


I suppose my confusion comes from the fact that I don’t burp my jars.

I let everything stabilize in the drying room at 62% and then straight in the jar. No burping. It maintains humidity indefinitely. But I also rarely open them which probably accounts for the stability.


I for one do not have any jars lol so figured id just give this a shot 1st. still got about 2 months before i can test them though.

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Many ways to skin a cat. I just wanted another more packable, travel friendly option and these seem to fit that bill over jars for me. Hopefully we get more reports here that they do the advertised job well.


You aren’t being a buzz kill Foreigner.
This thread was started, not to promote the product but, to explore the usefulness of the bags.
Any informed opinion is more than welcome.
Thanks for the input.


I’ve got vacuum seal bags but they work the same as a jar. Stabilize humidity, into jar or vacuum bag.

I looked at their website and it keeps talking about special polymers. I would be very hesitant to seal up anything with even slightly too much humidity.

I think I’m failing to see the “value added” to these things. They ain’t cheap. I’ve even been known to use a boveda should the need arise.

Anyway, .02

For me the best investment you can make for your drying curing process is an inkbird.


I think you’re thinking of nitrogen, not co2? I have seen hemp flower sold in nitrogen filled, sealed tins. The example I saw was really dry but may not be representative of the nitrogen.


They use nitrogen also.

Here’s an article I think is neat - it focuses on dirty old chicken but the idea is the same.


That’s one of the things I like about growing. There are so many ways to get where you want with your smoke.
I’ve used jars, and considered the daily burping a pain. If I can eliminate that by tossing the buds into some bags after they hit 60% and they come out clean tasting and smooth burning, that is a win.
I just harvested two plants last night so soon enough I’ll know if I wasted my cash.


Well, it’s been just over a week. After the second day, the rh leveled off at 60% on the Critical (4oz) and 61% on the Purple Kush (2oz).
How are yours doing @DougDawson ?


I’m really hope these work…I hate burping all those damn jars everyday

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Just checked and it says 71% but it feels dryer than that. Smells great. Will toss another Hydrometer in there but it does seem to be doing better than expected. I have not looked at it for a couple weeks.


What humidity did you put them in at?

Same question. Very glad to hear the good results!


Thought I had this set between 60 and 65 %. Sure doesn’t fee like it’s at 70, buds feel nice and dry with no moist spots detectable by my hands.