Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

have several times


Ok the Ghost Rose that was at 49% stayed there yesterday but is at 47% right now. I just threw in a boveda pack for the time being. The Chocolate Thai that was at 57% is at 58%.

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So how have these things worked out for you guys?

Any updates on the cheese @DougDawson ?
Just read the whole thread and surprised no one mentioned these in my boveda vs integra thread
Now my attention is drawn to these for long term storage, it’s been some time since y’all bought a bunch of these…what’s the verdict??

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I started this thread. I would say that almost everyone has had good results with the usefulness of the bags.
I love them myself. As far as I am concerned they work great for the cure but after that, the nuggs go in either jars or vacuum packed so I can use the bags on the next grow.
A couple of people had issues with their service department but the one time I had an issue they answered my email the next day and three days later I had my 1/4 lb replacement bag + an extra thrown in for the inconvenience.
I hope that helps @AzSeaindooin420 . :slight_smile:


Still not sure how I feel about these. I put all the cheese into two of them when I really should have put half in bags and half in jars. Cheese is a bit harsh but without being able to compare it to jarred cheese it’s hard to say.


I guess I’m more concerned with the long term storage in em, does the buds stay green and the smells stay strong if sealed and stored for 6 months or more

I wouldn’t know about long time storage. I haven’t had the issue of harsh smoke though. Dang. That would absolutely be a deal breaker for me. I’d not use them again in that case. I hope that isn’t the case because I left several oz’s in bags to find out how long they can be used. I would just make edibles out of it if it got harsh but edibles do not work on me.


Take it with a grain of salt bud, for all I know it is the strain itself. Had never grown it before and was not a great grower.


Ya a side by side comparison would def help, after reading the thread it sounds like a good approach might be hang dry the buds to about 55%, jar up with a boveda for a week to equalize the humidity then toss in the grove to store from what I’m gathering. Sounds like intitial humidity the material get thrown in the bag is very important with em and make sure the bags are sealed the hell up and it maintains it

I actually grew shrooms for years so understanding the difference between gas exchange and fresh air exchange makes perfect sense in their design

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Can still make concentrate, just an alcohol wash and let the alcohol evaporate. If it’s isopropyl make sure it’s frozen cold and no more than 5 min touching the buds and it will leave behind the chlorophyll, with grain alcohol (everclear) it don’t matter

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Oh yeah brother. I know. I was just saying that if it were the case… I haven’t seen that yet but if I did I would ditch them. I tried some harsh smoke once and dang near coughed my head off and it felt like a wire brush had been shoved down my throat!

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Yeah, I have some that I made. My body just doesn’t process THC in edible form. It’s a genetic liver thing.

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I don’t get the typical I feel stoned, just have a good night of sleep when I finally crash. Fun fact when you smoke THC it’s registered to the body as delta-9, when it’s ate it’s delta-11. :wink:


I joke around, but I have eaten a lot and only once felt anything. I had an empty stomach and ate a cookie a friend sent me. I tried some kind of oil a friend suggested to help the process. I felt it for maybe an hour (it took at least that long before I felt anything) after I began to feel it.
I always wonder, though, if my body actually metabolized the other properties of the marijuana. I mean, did the CBD have much effect? If I smoked a little (my Dr said a little THC is really needed to get the full benefits of CBD) would I get a real nice CBD effect?

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I once got lost on a straight road back home in a city where I’ve lived at the same house for 3 years.
Edibles are real fun, until they’re not. :laughing:


I cracked open a QP bag that had been heat sealed for 6 months, today. It seems to have done a great job. The RH was 61 when I opened it. There is a light lemon on top of the mostly cedar terps, which I had not smelled before. The breeder had listed citrus in their info, and I just figured I didn’t get that pheno.

This bag was one of the limited artwork matte bags, which has a different feel/texture than the “normal” shiny bags. I definitely plan to keep using them. I am hoping to get a good 6 month test of the regular style bag too.


Maybe a stupid question….

Can you reuse these bags after heat sealing and then opening?

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Yeah, but you only have so much real estate to work with. someone else estimated maybe 6-7 times if you were really careful when cutting them open. Now, thats just for the heat seal. I’m not sure if the science-y parts also allow reuse.


Thanks dude. I remain intrigued by these and this thread has been very helpful.

Shoutout @MoBilly


I can report in after about a month in the bags that all my buds are curing up nicely, good smells whenever I open them to grab some or check. Seems at least as good as the results I was getting from burping jars, and waaaay less work. So far so good, I haven’t tried sealing any for long-term storage but just picked up a vacuum sealer at the Goodwill, so I’m planning on trying a three way test for long term storage: jars, Grove Bags sealed, and regular vac bags. I definitely suggest everyone get the big bags and just pile it in, I will probably get wicket bags in the future when I have to re-up and just do that since they’re the cheapest and I just pile it all in a big box and put it in the attic for the winter