Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

I’ve had about 3 ounces of shiskaberry in a 1/4 pound bag for about a month and a half. Just checked them. The smell and feel of the buds is great. Seems like they are doing a great job of curing them. I’ll check them in another month and report back.


Thanks @VAkish ! That would be great.


Everytime I check my 1 ounce grove bag the humidity is right 60% :+1:

Edit : half lb grove bag holding right at 60% as well. They seem to do as advertised


Ok so I just checked the bags I get my weed from the city in be cause they have the same style 1/4 oz size just like you get in dispensaries. They hold humidity right at 60% just like the grove bags. They sell them in half pound and lb size in the local head shop. Maybe ill try them out


Try a side by side from the same plant if you can. Doug said he would but I think that will still be a month or so. I plan to as well with my next harvest.


I have a whole batch of these, and need to go on vacation, possibly get engaged, should I use them?


If the buds are through hanging to dry then I’d say yes. As soon as mine got done hanging I popped them in the bags.
I would put them in with a rh meter and see how it looks after one day. If the meter reads over 64% or more leave the bags open for a bit.
I don’t know when you plan on leaving but if you have a few days I would do that and see where you’re standing.
I hope congratulations will be in order soon.
I :pray: that you will be happy beyond your wildest dreams! There’s nothing in the world like being with someone you know will ALWAYS have your back covered, the one you just can’t see yourself growing old without.
May you have that and more!


Wanted to update that I’ve seen some fluctuations that are a little concerning. The Chocolate Thai bag which is almost full went down to 51% two days ago but is currently at 57%. The Ghost Rose which has maybe a half ounce in it is at 49% right now. They’re QP bags so it could be because there’s so little compared to what it’s supposed to be but not fantastic. I’ll let it go over night and check tomorrow. If it drops below 49% I’ll either throw a boveda in there or in a jar and ditch that bag.


Thanks bro. Update please when you know.


Use the brand named ones, alot of knock offs that don’t work.


Hey man, what i think we’re supposed to do with those bags is heat seal them for the cure. closing the zipper alone won’t do. i cured a couple pounds in those and they definitely work, but you have to trust 'em. seal 'em and leave 'em in a closet or something


Will do!

They are official Grove Bags. They’ve worked great so far, just noticing this fluctuation recently.

That’s true I guess they are technically designed to be sealed so it could be the difference. I would think the ziploc would be enough but without comparing to sealed it’s fair to say it could be that.

They actually held pretty steady for the cure portion just fine so no complaints there. It’s now after ~2 months that they’re starting to fluctuate and dip down so maybe it’s better to cure in them and then transfer the bud into something else once you start opening it up all the time to grab nugs.


We seal our bags. No choice but ensured.

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For everyone thats using for the first time, would you get again?
I didnt pull the trigger last grow on the bags. I might this time arounf as the Jungle is a little bigger :wink:


My heat sealed bags are still sitting stable, too.

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yeah i would… cause i dont want a thousand jars everywhere + no burping

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I’m planning to skip these and go straight to curing buckets. Seems a lot cheaper and more elegant.


Yes I would. I kept mine in the bags until the cure was done and then vacuum packed them. That is going to be my method going down the road.


I made a smaller scale version of that using 64oz mason jars and 3D Printed lids. Worked ok, but ambient room humidity comes into play. wasnt bad earlier (before heat came on) but now I would guess it would kill a boveda quickly here, and overdry the bud.

Hmm, true, maybe that ends up just being another lung room situation. In my case it might work fine because I’m going to have a work area partitioned off from the flower room, so they’ll probably share the air and it’ll stay at 40-50% - at least in theory it will. Have to see if reality cooperates. :stuck_out_tongue: