Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

Lol priceless


Some people just didn’t get their full allotment of hugs when they were kids @MumenRyder . :cry:


You must be fun at parties.


Hello All - I have gone old school with these and what I have found over a few attempts is leave the bastard alone :wink:

Old school = stem snaps, finish trim, put in bags, heat seal - by the end of the day they stabilise and pretty much sit there. The less that is in the bags the less stable it is.
For personal I use the smaller bags and dont heart seal obviously, but to be honest, once you have a few smokes, keep opening the bag etc… it dries out to quickly, small jar for daily or weekly use, heat seal for real cure.

Both my partner and I are 100%, its tastes better and smokes better - in dabs it is a different story.

My view - exceptional for long term cures, once unsealed it could dry out

Happy growing and curing


Bro decaf. Maybe some snapper. It’ll fix you right up!

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So what is the general consences of the Bag vs Jars - use them better than jars ?

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I’ve been following this thread since the first post, and I can say with certainty that the consensus is:
Everyone has their own preference.

These will fit some people’s needs, and never be useful to others, but the personal experiences talked about throughout the thread should give you an idea of if they’re right for you.


I don’t think there quite is one yet (in my opinion…).
To me it seems these are in the early testing phase.
They are really popular over at AFN, but the user base on that site is comparatively small.

I’m on the fence, but I plan to try them this next harvest.

I’m glad people are posting their experiences here, good or bad. Hopefully we do arrive at some conclusions over time.


So far the humidity seems to track closely between the jar and the bag. Blue is jar, green is bag.
Havent burped either in a week. Will take a peak tonight just so I stop worrying.


please keep us informed !!! thanks


You are right !!! what works for one will not work for others - just like “when to harvest” is a personal choice !!!

Maybe the only draw back in using bags is - stacking then can “crush” the pot ? thoughts ?

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They work best if the bag has some air in it. They’re sturdy so laying one on top of another is not likely to be a problem. I’ve had them four deep and there’s enough air left in the bags to keep any compaction from happening.
@HeadyBearAdventures is absolutely correct. I don’t think there’s any doubt that they work. Now it’s down to the question “are they better at preserving flavor…” and personal preference.

I split my last harvest between bags and jars.
I’ll know soon enough about the flavor.
It’s been a week or two and I have no doubt that the Swakhammer in a bag is losing that chlorophyll odor quicker than the Swakhammer in a jar.
It’s still way early to tell conclusively though.
Thanks again @MrWizard.


ordered a few small bags ( a while ago) lets say 1/4 oz to me the bag is too small and feel I needed 1/2 bag Guess I’ll order 1/4lb 1/2lb bags thanks for your info


Keep us in mind – let us know the final results !!! a great sise-by-side


Thanks guy’s I’m sold – 1/4lb bags maybe

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I use 1/4 lb bags for the cure. But I jar up or vacuum pack and freeze after the cure. I figure the less I open the bags, the longer the zip seal will work. I bought some smaller bags to keep a few varieties near my chair but I ended up using small jars for that anyway so those, for me, were pretty much wasted cash.
The reason, for me, to use them is convenience during cure because I got tired of burping jars (and sometimes forgetting to), not long term storage.
Anyway, that’s my 2c worth @hawkman . :slight_smile:


do the bags afffect the propduc like bbbbboveda and bost packs ?

IMHO, NO, the bags affect the product differently.

  • The packs alter/regulate moisture levels. Packs can add moisture, where the bags do not add moisture. Whether that is good or bad depends on your particular scenario.
  • The bags advertise permeability that allows certain size molecules to escape. Packs in a glass jar have low permeability. This will affect the product differently. Again, whether good or bad depends on your needs.

How all of this affects the end result remains to be seen, at least for me. I have some of the same plant in both bags and jars. In a few weeks I will do a side by side taste test.

On side note:Has anyone played with nitrogen flushing for long term storage, i.e. after the cure.

I also hear a lot folks talk about vacuum sealing and then freezing. I know that freezing affects cells in the material, often causing some cells to burst. Have any studys been done on the effects of freezing?


good information - sure there is a study on frezzing - Use frezzing for baking, oils, ect but for un-frezzing then smoking ??? - vacum sealing = longer storage time but no frezzing. Just think of how food is affected once frezzing it and then thawed , which affects some food quality

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