Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

WHOLE POINT of these bags is NOT to use a humidty pack, as they rob terps. WHY use these if your using a pack, defeats the entire purpose of the bag???


I’m on my third strain in the same grove bag and haven’t noticed any issues. I agree with jet no need to use humidity pouch’s in the grove bags.


The grove bag creator said “if under 60” use fan leaves to rehydrate. On podcast i listened to recently.


Yeah, like I said, they work to bring over dry buds back up to where you want them but after that, the bags keep it there.

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Humidity pack is to regulate humidity level. Grove bag is to regulate humidity…pick one or the other
I DITCHED my Boveda’s for the Groves.

Opened a dozen of them 50 times each over 3 mos time, no issues with sealing and holding humidity at 58-60, i personally will not be vac sealing. WHEN full cure is done, THEN ill place in jars and vac seal for storage.

Any bud to be consumed anytime soon, is staying in the Groves. I like them very much , never burping a jar again :heart_eyes:


All ya gotta do is blow into the bags to raise the levels. Thanks @ifish for this tip, works a charm!!!


It also lowers oxygen too : )


Four or five green leaves work well too.


My humidity packs all went into a sealer I doubt I’ll ever use them again . Grove bags rock.


I will try the next cure without the packs. If the boveda packs rob the terps then I am really looking forward to an even better tasting bud without the packs now. But that makes sense as the packs now permanently smell like weed. Thanks for the tip.


I hadn’t thought about that. :thinking:


Great for propagators too : )
Lowers oxygen and raises co2 by 3-4%

Open bag slightly , slip in straw long enough to reach bottom of bag and blow might give even better results @Jetdro
Even more control


I guess the only possible issue with that is the human mouth is full of bacteria & blowing will release saliva/bacteria into the bag. No idea if it could lead to an actual issue, just a thought. Maybe use some Xylitol/brush teeth prior to this method :+1:

Normal air is full of bacteria , it’s everywhere : )
You would have to brush your lungs too : )


I’ve been using the bags (no packs inside) for 18 months or so. Have had no problems. Do heat seal if I’m going to put them away for months. If I need to get in, cut the top with scissors then seal it back up.

I’ve reused some of them so much that I’ve cut off the zip lock style sealer and I’m heat sealing below that part of the bag. So if your willing to heat seal, you can basically use the bag until you’ve shaved it down to nothing.

One observation - I use a vacuum sealer, and it’s impossible to create a vacuum with these bags. So there’s clearly some inherent air exchange going on. They are a little pricey, and it irks me to pay their shipping cost, but they seem a viable alternative to glass. I do have some 18 month old stuff, and while it has oxidized slightly, the smell and effect remain strong.


You could lower oxygen by 20%

From 20% in air to 16% in exhaled breath ( that’s a 20% reduction )


Been doing the same. I use wife’s iron to heat seal. Easy peasey


Ive been reusing my bags for about a year. Ive had at most 3 different harvest use one bag. When i reuse i try to fill with the same strain, haven’t had any issues on any bags except on one where the zipper started to separate but I 100% yanked it open the wrong way, I can heat seal that bag and continue to use it.


Yup drop in 1 or 2 fan leaves for a little and the magic is done. No need to buy something extra to add humidity.
Ive done this with harvest I let dry below 60% and harvest i want to press and i want to raise RH slightly.

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I’m up to eleven months on my oldest heat sealed bag so far, and it was still excellent, fresh and terpy. I do keep a 58% Boveda in the bags usually but I haven’t noticed a big difference from it so I may stop. I do think that heat sealing is mandatory for long storage to really seal things up in the membrane. Good to know that you can keep heat sealing below the zipper, I’m getting close on some of my oldest Groves now.