Again with Boveda… they will sell you a 72% RH pack for cigars being stored a wooded box, knowing that the wood will exchange moisture with the air inside and outside, causing a drop in actual air-envelope around the cigar by 2-5%. The 72% is designed to constantly fight the exchange load where the “scrimmage line” is still at our desirable ~68%. Your hygrometer may read lower than what the bud is experiencing based on orientation of the sensor… if the holes on the back of the hygrometer are touching the paper bag and not quite “facing” the bud, it will read much lower. Just burp in a jar.
I’m thinking just a short term air dry in a cooler dark spot would suffice. They’re close at 68% so it wouldn’t take long.
So I think 68 is quite nice, and any attempt to dry in air that is less than 62% RH will reduce quality. I mean it will, but maybe only by marginal amounts that we “don’t care” about.
But again why are we needing to remove moisture from bud holding 68% in a jar? Too wet to grind and smoke? (It’s not, and no matter it’s still curing… can cure at 68 and land at 62 for consumption…). Mold? Was this grown outdoors and is suspect for mold? Is there a history of mold at >62% in OP’s environment?
All for the conversation and learning.
I couldn’t find a research paper on the subject but I will look into it later. All knowledge on the subject is more than welcome.
Appreciate what you are bringing to the conversation. We all have these targets and tools to read these targets but why .
Let’s take it to PM… I don’t understand what you mean! But the answer is probably… why do people climb mountains?
Sorry what i meant is: we have target percentages and we have tools to read the percentages (meters etc) but why these targets (the question you raise) what about 62% or whatever makes that the goal
I’ve watched a lot of videos from commercial growers that were not promoting any certain product but through, I would assume, many successes and failures have settled on that range being the “sweet spot”.
As far as having the bud right where it smokes best suited for me… If I liked the bud to be somewhat more moist, I would still keep my stored bud at around 60% and then add moisture just before smoking in a humidifier of some sort.
Mold is nothing I want to chance going into my lungs. lol
I actually put 58-62% because that is what is printed on the Grove bags. I only know the % that float around these forums. Thanks for the papers and I am also curious about this.
I feel that!!
Commercial growers CANNOT lose a crop to mold. At 60% you WILL NOT lose a crop to mold. Products sit on shelves for many moons in the bright lights. Business likes zero risk. Lots of people like zero risk too, me included when possible!
62% RH bud is wonderful! I’m just leaning on the data to see what shakes out, primaily because a box cigars that would make cannabis prices look like dollar store sales are placed in sealed boxes with a 69% pack. I needed to unpack this!
Thats the humidity range the bag will keep inside, grove instructions recommend using a wood moisture meter to determine when to put in bag.
Actually, I used (or attempted to use one) when I first started out. I even used my brothers expensive one that he uses on logs before milling. I couldn’t get consistent readings from bud or stem. I tried both. At first I thought I was getting a good reading but then when I jarred up the buds they were never the same as the meter read. I even talked about it on this thread a while back. I thought it would get me spot on but I guess I didn’t have the knack for using it right.
I usually pick the densest buds and go into the center avoiding stems if possible. I know meters are different from brand to brand but for mine between the range of 10%-13% in the densest buds is perfect (usually this means the smaller ones are a little drier and it all balances out in bag) and the grove bag holds humidity within its advertised range for months (have a couple bags about to hit a year).
I may give it another shot. The meter wasn’t a waste of cash anyway because I have a portable sawmill. lol
@laquiqa I like it! Thank you for sharing as I will absolutely add this to my experiments.
So what is the max rh% to let bud cure in grove bags without mold risks?
I wouldn’t do much past 65
Post 1000 in thread. Thanks that is the threshold I’ve been using.