Growing Kratom in Humidity Chamber with Induction Lighting

These are my kratom trees i grew from seed. I am using an induction light with an LED on the side. The large one is about two years old and the small one maybe less then a year old. You definitely need a humidity chamber unless you home humidity is over 70% it seems. It’s a fun project and going to try to get as many leaves as possible. It makes a nice tea!

Who else has tried kratom or grown kratom before?


I’ve been thinking about it. My climate is really dry so I would have to do it indoors I guess. But, that can only last so long, huh?

Do you have a good source for the plants? I only just looked it up recently.

Yours looks really happy. peace


Yea, if it is dry, you would need to do it indoors in a humidity chamber like me. I dont know where to get kratom trees, but I purchased seeds and grew these. It takes a bit of patience, but we all know how to grow here anyway. I might be able to root some cuttings if I perfect my method, but I never had the best luck last time. I will need a few things from the store and maybe i can give a few away one day.


these people sell plants

I have not tried them yet but was going to when it warms up

all the best



I tried Kratom, and liked it for my fibromyalgia and arthritis pain. It really helped with energy needed to cook and to actually eat a meal. If I had the space for conditions control in winter, I would love to grow this tree from seed. That’s a big difference, the one year old from the two year old.


Yea, kratom has always helped me too and at simplest to boost my mood and the day goes by much nicer. You should get some cuttings, keep the house or grow area at 70% humidity and use hydroponic bubblers. They can use less light then cannabis too and I will be using a couple 600 watt LED equiv. lights to update the 5 x 3 foot humidity chamber soon as well.

Yea, not exactly sure the age, but in 2018 the large tree, which grows fast with Remo Grow Nutrients was about a foot. I am going to make a ton of cuttings.


Yeah, there were a lot of places selling cuttings or small plants. Sounds like they get large fast. So, not sure what the best strategy would be for indoor. There’s a local place in state here that sells fresh leaves. They grow them and they say they are stronger than the dry powder.


Nice trees!

Has anyone grown these outside in a greenhouse, say in a pot, and then moved inside during winter by chance?

Actually never tried it, but have heard good things and always interested in growing more medicine.


I have two kratom plants I grow outside in the summer and then bring inside in the winter, they will lose there leaves and come back in the spring just protect from heavy frost or cold


Sweet thanks for the info. So you just treat them like a normal house plant in the winter? Do they do ok inside during the winter in lower humidity when it sounds like they are more dormant?

Yes this is there second winter first winter I kept them inside under a t5 they were growing and slowly lost there leaves, I fig they were dead threw them outside and In the spring they shot up 2 feet. This year they have been freezing in the garage and just lost there leaves so I’m going to bring them in place by a window and let them start waking back up, they like alot of water especialy in the summer


For me I have to keep them in a humidity chamber all the time. I let it branch out then take cuttings for clones. I guess I need more humidity in my home in general and then all I would need is a humidifier in a room without the plastic possibly. You have to keep it above 70% humidity I noticed…for my phenotype anyway. Upgraded with two 600watt equiv. LED :


I’d love a to try it. But I more stopped in to say you’re a brave man having that extension inside the humidity chamber :rofl:


There isnt that much humidity to condense on things. If there were water droplets forming on the chamber walls, I would be concerned. It is difficult to get in though, but I got a zipper.


Is it mature enough yet to use the leaves and have you tried any? Would you dry it or chew on it whole? It looks pretty nice. I went back to re-read your first post. Tea would be a great way to use it.

That’s one of the sites I looked at. Do they clone easily? peace

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Yea, i enjoy chewing the leaves sometimes when I clone the tree and have leaves that are trimmed or fall off. Sometimes I collect some dried leaves too. It is as potent as purchased kratom and there are a lot of alkaloids. I made it into a tea before, but I dont feel much because I generally have a numbness to everything. Id need to make a 10g tea probably and I havent done that yet.


I now have five kratom plants. Three cloned well. The trick is using the youngest growth branches and the roots will grow vigorously and quickly. I can make many more, but space is the issue in this humidity tent. Maybe if someone from Canada wants a plant, PM me.


Can someone explain to me what this is and how you use it? I’ve heard the name but that’s pretty much all i know about it. Do you eat it or smoke it or both? Is it legal(I’m in Canada)? Weed is plenty for me I’m more curious than anything.


I’m no expert but what I understand is that it is a plant that when you chew the leaves or make the leaves into a tea, whatnot, but the leaves are what you consume, and in small doses it brings about energy and uplifting mood, almost like a mild opiate and in fact I believe the chemicals in kratom mimic opioids in that it also brings about pain relief. at higher doses it acts like a sedative.


Yes exactly. I have been drinking it for over ten years and I am normal and healthy. I feel the antioxidants help me quite a bit and my appearance. (Just eat well and run/work-out essentially) It has mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine and other alkaloids. The effects are first stimulatory and mood lift followed by analgesic. I had the best times of my life playing Battlefield and drinking kratom when I was younger lol