Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

So, I’ve been trying to reach you all regarding your cars extended warranty… :rofl:

Quick check on the girls and they are all honking pretty loud. It smells amazing out there. Looks like it’s time to do some more supercropping and pruning. I used Kyle Kushman’s method last year and it did produce larger colas and zero larf. Effectively, I am removing all new growth on branches except for the last 3 or 4 nodes on each branch which directs the plant energy towards the top of the plant and will focus on producing large colas only. I am all for quality instead of quantity. Especially since I hate trimming for one and secondly I’ve got 9 plants that get split between 3 people. All of my surplus is given away to anyone who needs it or wants it. I’ve given away pounds and pounds of bud now over the past several years and it brings me a lot of joy. Anyway, I have some other things to do in my garden today, so the pruning can wait for a few days. Although, the pruning window only lasts until 2nd week of bud, so I don’t have unlimited time to get it done.


you girl are doing me proud !! so glad they are doing well !! :fire:


but my car is older than my daughter and she is a senior in high school. Seriously.

did you top the middle row? Looks like the others were.


I topped them all. Just once this year though. Well all except the Kasmir I FIM’d it (Fuck I Missed). Oops!

Admittedly, I lazied out and really underfed the veggers when they were in pots this year. Probably kept them smaller that last year. I did, check back to last years videos in July and August. My plants are more on track than I realized, but I also remember that we had a unique year in 2020 as the Earth was at it’s closest point to the Sun in like hundreds of years and everything grew earlier, started budding early and finished really early. Only a few are late into the ground and most are only slightly smaller than last year at this point. In a month, according to my last log, they will be double the size they are now and barely starting to stack bud. So we’ll see, but I expect more reasonable and manageable size this year.


I just love ur garden, I also slacked on my regular flowers this yr it happens there’s always next year I tell myself

The pwc looks like it’s glowing in the pic, I’m sure the others will catch up like u said the smaller 5 footers are easier come trim time

The poblano peppers according to google should be ripe wen they are 4 inches long and a dark green or brown color hope that helps

Happy growing :seedling:


Hey @Meesh, maybe you could get some soaker hoses that do drip irrigation. Sort of a lot of work and money but will last a while. Once I get all of my beds back in order, it’s the only way I’ll be able to keep things alive.

That white and pink/red day lily(?) is really attractive. peace

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the chives have survived Meesh :slight_smile:


YES!!! Looks like we both finally figured out how to germ those darn seeds. Flush them down the toilet and just buy a starter plant :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


easy peasy :slight_smile: :+1:


On another note… I found some amazing succulent soil at my local nursery by a company called E.B. Stone Organics. Best I’ve found so far, I didn’t even feel it needed anything mixed in with it. Really good stuff.


the burro tails are thriving.


Stop it! Yours look healthier than both of my plants! :joy::joy: I keep trying not to kill them with water, but at least they are still alive.


LITFA works great for those :rofl:



Worked great Winter through Spring! Summer seems to be a whole new ball game. Still trying to find a good balance.


I love my morning coffee stroll through my garden, especially now as the plants smell heavenly. The middle plants are almost to the 3rd trellis layer now and more importantly the bottom branches are getting ready to pop through the first layer. The Orange Goji and Iced Cube are starting to settle in to the ground now and have already greened up considerably in even the last few days.

A bit of a glare, but Garlic here.

Iced Cube


Man, I’ll take heat over humidity any day. We are at like 65% right now. I realize it’s worse in the South, but this feels so gross right now. Swampy. Heading off to a clients where they have A/C and a huge fan pointing at my desk.


Cannabis looks mostly the same so I’ll flower bomb you this morning. I threw a bunch of wildflower seeds down in spring hoping for a field. Instead I got wildflower clumps. Here’s a few that came up so far.

Fairy lilies

@Herbie my burros tail

The mama to yours. This one looks like crap although it did flower a bit this year which was cool


Verbena from seed

First Wizard of Oz Dahlia of the year starting to open

Have a great day everyone!


I showed my wife, she’s now a fan of your thread.

She loves flowers…