Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

Yeh they take up a fair chunk of luggage space and it’s also not something you want to accidentally break.


I find it incredibly interesting that a few months after the machine, I started to diet, now the pushup challenge, lost 30 pounds. The guy mentioned that phenomena today with apnea patients. I hadn’t really corelated the two, but I see it now. When you are rested and have energy a lot more things seem possible and are possible. Been a lot of changes for me. I can see why. My productivity level seems off the charts these days and my daily naps are practically non-existent.


This morning to now. 8 hour change. 99% these will open tonight


For some reason I really think @Budafly is gonna really dig this new Dahlia


Yes you no me so well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: very pretty


If course it bloomed on a rainy day


You called that one! lol… beautiful, too.


That is bad ass! Wow!

Thanks for sharing! Made my day!


Gorgeous flowers!


Since I dug up one of my planters, I have to fill it back in… lol started with these 2

Ground morning glorys


Haven’t decided where this is gonna go yet, but Cali Native Milkweed. It will get white and pink flowers. Want more Monarchs in my life

Pink Lavender

The last 2 are drought tolerant. Seems like this is the direction I need to head.


Orange goji hitting the first layer of the trellis now
(No. I still haven’t pulled off that yellow fan leaf)

Port Wine Cheese

Cheese buds


Not sure why the cheese is budding so early. Overachiever I guess. I’m still looking at all of them knowing they need another supercropping. I really need to get on that. I’ve got a pretty full day, but I’ll see if I can start on it this afternoon at least. Y’all will understand my intense pruning come bud and see why


Hey @Meesh! Looking very promising in the playground. It’s like monkey bars for weed. Can you explain what it is you do when super cropping? I’ve flopped some tops but never super cropped. Thanks in advance for your help.




I remove every would be branch or bud site from all of the branches except for the last 4 nodes and I twist every branch and break the inside of them all up and down the branch not enough to break the skin though just the inside… I’ll post the instruction vid for you


hmmmmmm :thinking: I better read that, I can’t picture it atm. Maybe it’s bedtime. :smile:


Happy Saturday! Did some pruning yesterday, but they need more. Didn’t want to put them in shock. I can’t prune the cheese anymore though as she is in 2nd week of flower. It is what it is. Garlic will be as tall as me probably by tmw. Random shots this morning…



Spent all day in the garden, digging, planting and some mulching. Theres a huge empty lot behind my garage where I tore out 5 trees about 2 years back. This is where I tried to make a wildflower field and got wildflower clumps lol… Anyways to the side of that I have my wheelbarrow planter and some decor where it is sort of sectioned off. I took a pic but the glare was awful on panoramic shots when I was out there. I planted 3 drought tolerant plants in there. A purple english lavender, the pink one and the new milkweed and surrounded them with some ground cover that gets tiny lavender colored flowers. It is also drought tolerant and I’m really hoping it takes over the whole space.

Heres the close-ups on those

The ground cover

A couple more shots of the wildflowers
Progression on the bitchen Zinnia

Anyone know what the next 2 flowers are? No clue here, but they are pretty

Planted a few new succulents…

The one I posted the other day, already starting to look cool

More newly planted

More moss rose on the right (I bought a 12 pack), hanging out with ice plant, the new fabulous dahlia, some chives and the hanging licorice plant

An older one, but it’s got flowers starting :blush:

I’ve killed so many shade plants that I’ve just started planting ferns like crazy.

Got this one yesterday. A red Japanese Painted Fern. I love it so much

A few other of my ferns

The 3rd Hosta I’ve tried. So far this one is the hardiest. They never seem to come back though.

I mulched the planter I just dug out. Looks naked, but much better

All my life I thought curry was a blend of spices. Who knew?

And last but not least progression of the first wizard of oz Dahlia


I like milkweed for the fact that it brings monarch butterflies around, but be cautious of where you planted because plants I have here spreads by Runners and I keep pulling it out of my vegetable garden, time and time again because it just shoots up a new sprig. There’s tons of it growing on the outside of my garden fence.

I’d be curious why hostas aren’t coming back for you? The only time I’ve ever had issues losing hostas is when deer eat them too many times during a season. They can usually stand one incident where the deer mowed them down in a season but if they are eaten two or three times in a season they usually don’t have enough energy to pop in the spring.

Your Gardens look beautiful by the way. I think you would be a perfect candidate to look up what an intermittent mist sand bed is oh, your yard would be absolutely insane after just a few years


that panama garlic haze is looking beautiful, as are the rest - nice job!

awesome, can’t wait to see how big she will get!