Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

They did a nice job on the shed foundation. Now I just have to order and assemble the shed


Dug out another yard or so of the planters. Rehomed whatever bulbs I found. Planted 2 coreopsis plants, a Hot Lips Salvia and just picked up a Mexican Marigold Bush (it smells amazing). I ordered 2 Indian blanket flower plants to go in front of those. I also got some seed in case I want more. All pretty drought tolerant plants. Bought a huge bag of Daffodil bulbs as well. My hands are even more torn up. Them and my back are killing me. The garden is gonna be tits though. Actually really excited about the redo


So, I haven’t mulched yet as I’m waiting on the gaillardia plants to be delivered any day now, but here’s how the planter looks now. Far right is an established french lavender plant, then a tropical milkweed, coreopsis in the back lily and daffodil bulbs underneath

Then the remnants of some lilies on the right, the new salvia and coreopsis. In front of those will be yellow and red indian blanket flowers and Mexican Marigold also in the back .

Here’s the Mexican Marigold that’s going in tmw

Really stoked on all the new yellow flowers in my life. It’s gonna look really great in the spring when it all grows in. I’m gonna stash more daffodil bulbs underneath as well


@Meesh if there is anything you want from over here in the uk you wanna grow I can get in seed or bulb form just shout out. I’ll get it to ya :+1:


Soo… The new shed will be…

The Man Cave?!?

:laughing: :rofl: :vulcan_salute:
(…My wife tells me occasionally, I’m not as funny as I think I am) :clown_face:



I’ve got two (edit- better clarify ;-), wife and daughter) over here singing the same phrase on occasion. Usually accompanied by an exaggerated eyeroll. Everyones a critic!


The nasturtiums grow almost like a weed around here. Have them pretty much year round. We managed to cultivate some deep orange, almost red flowers in one batch. We keep saving seed from the reddest flowers and sowing them again.


Well, it looks better in person. Think it’s gonna be lovely when everything grows up and flowers. I received the 2 blanket flowers today, but I also put some seed down to fill in this bed. I like a more cottage garden style than formal garden. These should fill in nicely. I like the yellow, orange and red color scheme in here. The next section will fade into pinks, purples and white

Mulch really makes quite the visual difference as well. Just makes the beds look neater and more groomed.


Here’s some close ups


Only see 2 autos that came up. One looks wonky though like it may damp off. We shall see what happens. I have more seeds. Looks like I’m better off germinating them in starters. I also received some giant hyssop seeds, Marigolds and poppy seeds I’ll start in pots as well. Maybe tmw.

Really tired and achy from all the gardening recently. Did very little today. Needed a break. I have a lease inspection for my car tmw for trade in next month. Probably will do some seeds after that. That doesn’t require digging or pulling. My hands feel shot along with the damn tennis elbow I still have.

Once I get the shed built, it’s a whole new dimension of yard I get to plant around. That thrills me.


Alright y’all, I’m starting to love succulents (dog help me)… Anyway, just got some groovy new ones and have just transplanted these…

First up is a blue mix echeveria, donkey ears (kalanchoe), string of buttons

Next up is another string of hearts aka rosary vine. I got another recently that is variagated, but the assholes only gave me one damn strand. Ugh.

These 3 are super funky… Left to right… Royal flush split rock, a strange succulent tuber called Stephania Erecta (this thing will get funky leaves in the spring if it roots), last but not least Calico Kitten (this one’s leaves will turn pink with sunlight)

The split rock is about as cool as they come, but I need to be really careful not to water it at all, all winter until outer rock part completely dries up and dies. A new one is supposed to form in the middle. Gonna transplant my baby toes, the flowering one from pics a few days back to a bigger pot with grittier soil tmw.


Smoke Report Iced Cube aka Ma Petite

Taste is sour/skunky on the top, but after the smoke leaves, you are left with the taste of fruit cake in your mouth. This one is hard to describe as far as taste. The high is all that and a bag of chips, makes my eyelids want to close, very very mellow. Awesome bed time sleepy weed or anti-anxiety. I really enjoy the high especially as sleepy weeds usually are too body tingly and internally focused for me. This one is just straight mellow and sleepy. Most importantly, the man and I call this our sexy time weed. :wink: :blush: Its really good for “the mood” The bud itself is a really pretty light green color and is very crystallized. I just wish I had gotten more of it.

My girl out in the high desert had success with her Maui Wowie and mailed me some. I barely smoked one bowl so not much of a report yet as I haven’t really scrutinized it, but it tastes like burnt rubber and a cherry cough drop. The high itself is pretty mellow, but I need to test it in a joint to be 100% on my assessment.

I have already reviewed the Kashmir. Pretty much decided that I’m too wussy for it. I love the taste, but its too damn strong for me and have had panic attacks from it 3 times now. I’ll leave it mostly for the hard core men in my life.


Again, love the detail of your smoke reports Meesh!!! Rock on in the Southland!!!


Fighting morning glories! Since I tore out all the weeds in the shade bed and the volunteers it released a million seeds and with the cooler weather, I’ve pulled out a minimum of 50 new sprouts a day.sigh I will never get rid of them. The birds brought them in the first place. I have another spot I haven’t even got to yet where they are also growing. I don’t think I’m gonna win this battle


The never ending cycle……

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Eat the seeds! Get Even.


Morning glory seeds have their recreational uses :rofl:


I’ve heard something about this before. Unfortunately, at this point all the seeds are under the mulch and I only see seedlings. I can probably harvest them from the other side that I haven’t battled with a few vines on it still

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What a wonderful smoke report.
Great to hear that you have found a good use for it. Big smile on my face.


I just wish I could nail down the flavor profile better. It’s a really tough one to describe. lol. Thanks for the opportunity to grow this wonderful strain. Both of yours this year are amazing! The PWC is on the top of my list in flavor this year. It’s some really good stinkiness.