Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

Wow that’s a cool looking plant I love it first glance I thought they were rocks around the flower :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I dunno…I didn’t watch the old version. Read all the books. Gonna go read them again instead of watch the movie I think. Meh, on the prequels. :+1: on the progress with succulents.

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Is anyone else crazy like me and runs outside with handfuls of seeds when it rain. Threw down some bread seed poppy seeds in the back and dutch white clover all over the front lawn. Sowed 5 auto seeds directly in the ground inside the net Dosido x Walker. I love the :cloud_with_rain:. One whole glorious day of it


My wife plants our wild flowers that way…lol
Planting Water Lillies Today Together!..


This hash is some good shit! I haven’t had any for years. The dispensary hash always made me hack like crazy. This is so smooth and delicious. Used a qp of my year old UFS 18. Smells and tastes just like it. I’m high with a nice warm fuzzy feeling. Really stoked! It’s great rainy day smoke. Nice and mellow.

@Astrodude Cute!!


I used to like Like to Shave a bit off and put on a cookie, in micro for 20 secs. mmmm

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Sounds like some good hash you made . You’ll be hooked now once the jars almost empty it will be panic time.


My plant window is my happy place. My African Violets are badass. They are so dialed in. I like buying the ugly half dead ones and bringing them back to life. Like the light ruffly pink one.


Star is same color as Violet, Coincidence, I think Not


Raining on Monday, 80 degrees Wednesday and today. Was planning on planting bulbs and digging out a planter today, but not in this heat. Sheesh it’s October


Ended up weeding and mulching all the shade beds. Found my black mulch finally. Planted 24 ground anemone purple and white on the sunny side of the avocado tree on the south west. Really went to town back there despite the heat. Raked up tons of leaves and debris. It’s starting to look good, despite the naked that is a lot of the shade bed. Most of the ferns and such have mostly died back for fall and winter. Started on part of the sun planters. Epic grass in them. Those are gonna take a long time to complete as it’s a real nightmare to get all the Bermuda grass vines out of there and dig out and re-home the bulbs. Then I’ll replant more water wise plants . Complete overhaul. Watered where I threw down seeds in the rain Monday. Phew! My hands and fingers are killing me from hours weeding out there. I feel so accomplished though. I’ll make a garden video soon, so you all can see the beds.


Well, I was going to continue digging out my flower planters, but my hands are absolutely killing me and swollen from yesterday’s marathon session. Effing arthritis! The old folks warn you when you are young, but it just doesn’t sink in until you age and feel it. Aging completely agrees with me mentally and in my soul, but this body is starting to fall apart. Youth really is wasted on the young. All I could manage today was pulling a jillion bells of Ireland volunteers from the first planter I dig up. Must have pulled out 50 each day for like 3 days now. Well, I eradicated a few hundred tomato volunteers by hand, so I just have to keep at these.


That’s awesome! I’ve never seen the lithops flowering before!

We have had a couple of them, but have had bad luck keeping them going. Want to try starting some from seed one of these days.


Do you keep them inside? I’m pretty sure they are considered a soft succulent and can’t handle cold unless you are zone 10 or above


Yeah they were all inside. I think we’ve killed 3 or four.

One time it was some kind of pest on the roots, maybe aphids.

One or two it was really similar to damping off that began underneath where the petals? Leaves?(not sure what the proper term is for succulents) molted off.

I think one of the cats did the other one in.


The watering was my main problem. I killed so many with overwatering. Also, a big problem is the starter soil if you dont get most of that shit out when you transplant then it will dry out in the middle where the promix is and get brown and crispy. If you leave them in just the promix, you are bound to overwater and they will mush. It’s taken me at least 2 or 3 years to dial them in. lol You would think they would be the easiest. Not for gardeners who have a heavy hand with the watering can. My best advice is this… get them out of the starter soil completely and when you feel like watering them wait another 2 weeks. lol

This is by far the best soil I’ve found for them, no mixing or additives needed with this one. It’s damn near perfect


Up early on a Saturday. My client is having his workers build the foundation for our new shed today. It’s nice to get the ball rolling, but sucks getting up early. The shed will be 10x12 feet


Hey, the nasturtiums I planted came up. Yay


New grow room or actual storage ? 10 x 12 would make a nice room.

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Nah, actual storage. The man moved in September so we need more space