Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

OG Kush autos


We are having a heat wave. Since Thursday and supposed to break on Tuesday. It’s been in the high 80’s and 90’s. It’s the middle of November. You’re killing me smalls!


:roll_eyes: it’s an issue I’d love to try and deal with. Yeah I’m jealous :rofl:
It’s 46f here at the minute and getting colder by the day. Snow definitely on its way. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Funny how spoiled us Southern California people are. Since we always have sunshine we long for cooler days, overcast, rain etc… My cousin’s husband is from Germany then lived in Amsterdam for a long time. Well they straight moved out to the desert here and this dude will sit in a sauna at the spa for 3 and 4 hours at a time. He cannot get enough heat and sun. lol I can’t stand it for even 3 minutes

Now 46f is cold but not even freezing, Man! I would be loving life right now were it that cold. You can always layer when its cold, but there are only so many clothes you can take off when it’s too hot. My spoiled ass likes 65 to 70 ish degrees. Luckily that is most of the time. Guess I shouldn’t bitch too much, but I do have to enjoy my damn “seasonal” pumpkin spice lattes over ice. A sweater, blankey and steaming comfort drinks would be a nice change after this exact same fall weather all summer. :rofl: An actual season would be nice. Our seasons mean that it gets dark earlier and that’s it. We always want what we don’t have.


Saw some slugs, specifically one big slimy bastard at night that kept showing up and munching the plants by my backdoor. Sprinkled Sluggo around. Came out last night to that huge sucker eating a pellet. You would think I would feel great satisfaction, instead I felt guilty and sick to my stomach. Over a slug? Seriously? I’m ridiculous.


One thing I missed most when I lived in Florida, was the changing of the seasons. Now That I’m back up north and it’s getting cold I miss the warm weather go figure :laughing:, nothing compares to the colors in fall it’s one of my favorite times of year just for that reason. We had a very warm fall so the colors are late this year just get to enjoy them a little longer :relaxed:


You always get them in the bottom of hanging plants purchased around me. I always figured they were there to prevent you from losing soil out of the bottom holes. Hardly see em for sale by themselves or with pots, but if you bought a hanging plant and recycled the dirt / container, 98% chance of finding one.


Nope. Bermuda will win. :unamused:


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May be its time for roundup ? but be careful you know bio suit mask and gloves . Might be better to hire someone to do the spraying lol sorry been smoking Romulan this morning .


That does totally describe my tastes in flower. I tend to like buds that tend to make people paranoid. I should start warning people of that :sweat_smile: :joy:

You’re not joking. A few years back I handed my daughter and her friend a pound or so of morning glory seeds, and they’ve forever changed the landscape of one small town in Massachusetts :joy:


So I was thinking, the way that some no till farms kill cover crops is to cut it down and solarise it by putting down a clear plastic over the area. Yours isn’t that big of a space so I reckon a grow shop that sells greenhouse plastic should be able to spare you an off cut? The clear plastic works different to a tarp used in composting because it’s tranparent… The sun light and heat and helps to deaden that top layer but doesn’t harm your soil.


I have read about this as well, you need over 80 degrees for 2 straight weeks though. Need to do it in the dead of summer


Yeah true… Hehe high moment thinking the whole world is a warm place right now :joy:


Oh, it’s warm here, just not hot and low sun hours lol


I have somehow completely jacked up my knee digging out the planters. Arthritis is killing me in my hands from pulling grass and I still have bad tennis elbow from the July pushup challenge. I’m falling apart in a hurry. Good news is Ky, my young friend, kindly dug out the last of it. I should have called him earlier. Bad news is my body hurts so bad that I’m not able to stake down the landscape fabric I bought and plant the new plants cuz my fkn knee hurts so bad.

Ive got one auto out of 5 that germed directly in the ground and 3 og Kush auto babies ready to get planted. I’m hoping I can tolerate bending long enough today to plant them


please take care of yourself
we all want to continue enjoying your writings
yeah I know we are very selfish :slightly_smiling_face:


I swear I feel like I can injure myself in my sleep these days. Jeez.


Snap. (That’s also the sound my bones make) :rofl:


Hope u start feeling better soon, ull be back in the garden in no time