Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

They need a laugh button on here


Funny shit :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Ended up getting the 3 auto babies in the ground yesterday. That’s all I could manage. I’m telling you this knee is absolutely killing.

I was in the kitchen prepping for Thanksgiving tmw and my knee just buckled randomly and I was chopping stuff on the cutting board sitting down for most of it. I have no clue what I did to it. It feels like it broke in half and is on a hinge that’s bending backwards. Ugh… ice doesn’t help much. Mornings are best then it goes downhill after that. I really want to get the last planter done and I just can’t. Killed me to get those 3 autos down and that was really quick. Shit, forgot to pick up the prescription strength ibuprofen too. Now I will have to wait until Friday.

Btw… The Sunshine Daydream is kick ass for all my aches and pains. It doesn’t kill it completely, but it takes everything down a notch. Including my brain. Haha! Stoned stupid. I’m really grateful for this strain right now. Best one for pain it seems


Need to see a doctor about that knee. Feel better.


I talked to my doctor on Tuesday. He still is only doing phone appointments. He wants me to rest it and do ice for now. Could be just strained. If it persists, he’ll probably send me to a specialist.


Happy Thanksgiving to all my US peeps! Happy Thursday to everyone else! I am gonna pig out! I’m starting my turkey in about a half hour or so. Gobble gobble



That bastard is gonna taste good! :joy::joy::crazy_face:


A soft knee brace might be of assistance before you can get it properly looked at. My wife has one she uses when necessary.



Was thinking the same thing. I did get the band for my tennis elbow. Wish I had done it sooner, would be healed by now. I guess I like dragging out my needless suffering :rofl: I’ll get down to the pharmacy to get some knee support pronto. Bending to clean the house right now is brutal.


Happy Thanksgiving :turkey:


After all that cooking yesterday, it was nice to wake up to a sparkling clean kitchen. My man is a gem. Looking forward to not doing a damn thing all day! Woot!


It does work but with limited success on anything that isn’t kinda delicate. If a person has glass cold-frames for winter, those are superior.

In my experience the UV fries the plastic in the same period too. Just crumbles/disintegrates.

Any weed with roots below the top 1"(e.g. most of them) will come back.

Actual fire works great if one can do it… charcoal briquets especially, but some stuff survives even that. :man_shrugging:

With the species in question, Bermuda grass, the only thing I’ve heard to 100% kill it without chemicals is wild pigs. :unamused: :pig2: They supposedly destroy everything to a depth of 3’ & in Texas there are places where Bermuda grass is becoming extinct. :clap: :partying_face:

But sad to say Roundup is the most common & convenient approach. Personally, I hate the stuff & prefer a “standalone” glyphosate product over it due to the additional nasty shit in it.

Hope you feel better soon. My dog isn’t doing well either. :frowning: Always on the damned holidays. :woman_facepalming: It’s like they plan it or something.

:evergreen_tree: :smirk_cat:


Alright, I got the landscape fabric pinned down and the plants planted in the planter that Ky dug out for me. Practically killed me, but those plants were getting really pissed in the nursery pots and I didn’t want to kill 100 bucks worth of plants because of my knee. I mulched the shit out of it on top too. Really thick layer. That planter is one of the full sun planters and it gets the worst of the grass. Hoping this helps hold it back for awhile. Good news is I have a few more spaces to plant, that means another trip to my favorite nursery. Yay! I have one more spot to tack down landscape fabric and fill in, but it will wait. I can only do so much with these injuries.

All 4 of my auto babies are looking good in the ground. Still little, but happy. Transplanted some Marigolds that I started from seed to a pot today too. Can’t remember the exact variety name but they are the really ruffly yellow ones.


Happy Saturday! Well all 4 of the autos have been trucking along. All looking perky about 2 nodes high until overnight 1 suddenly looks like it melted like an ice cube. Weird, the stem is still solid sticking straight up by the rest just like melted. It kinda reminds me of fusarium. It’s kinda late for that I thought. Anyway it basically up and died randomly. The rest look great.

A hyacinth starting thinks it’s spring

And my old dog sleeping cuz she’s cute


to me looks more like maybe a mole cricket or something cut the root Weird.


Could be a grub. It would have had to dig a long way to get under the net though. There is literally not a insect in sight in here. Eh, mother nature! lol These are basically experiments since I planted after the summer solstice anyway. I will plant more after the Winter Solstice just to see what happens as well. These are all purely for my amusement. I have tons of bud. lol


That’s really strange, o’well shit happens like u said it’s just an experiment. The rest of them are looking good still.

She looks so comfy sleeping dreaming doggy dreams


So, I ordered a bunch of bogo fem seeds on black friday. Went simple and traditional. Nothing fancy, just some tried and trues. Sour Diesel, Chemdawg, UK Cheese (for Dad), Jack Herer (for the man), bubblegum and Grape Ape (I think). I couldnt find c99 where I ordered. Kinda bummed on that, but I didnt want to order from a million different seedbanks. I already placed an order at The Vault who said they took visa on the home page, but got all picky after I placed the order and wanted a bank transfer.

I believe since they use an intermediary bank, my credit union couldnt validate the routing number and it became a big hassle. The Vault was not helpful at all in giving me a local routing number even though the intermediary bank was in Jersey, so fuck em. I ordered from a US company.


Female seeds C99 is usually readily available and in my opinion the best version @meesh