Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

Our summer over here is like your winter :rofl:
The autos will grow fine. Just don’t expect you usual 1kg per plant yield.
Welcome to my world :rofl:


Quick question y’all… Starting some cool weather crops in a raised bed I made. First time growing lettuce, Is it better to germ seeds in starters or can I direct sow them? I’m gonna go direct sow the carrot and green onion seeds while I wait on your lettuce wisdom. lol Oh, and I’m gonna plant my sweet peas now too


I’ve direct down all my outdoor lettuce in my raised beds without issue.


Thank you! I’ll try that first. Easier. lol

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@SamwellBB Is it “Ice cube” or "“Iced cube”? Have I been saying it wrong all year? :joy: This is the silly stuff I think about while I smoke it. It’s a very pleasant strain. Dad likes it as well. He’s working on an ounce of it now. It’s a very relaxing strain.


Hi @Meesh … This is Planet Earth kkk . All the Rinos are fenced >>> And the Growers rules

Danny said … High Times stuff … Smoking weed is not addictive growing weed is ____ >>>

:broccoli: :paw_prints: :call_me_hand: :zap: :fire: :heart_eyes:

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It is Iced Cube.
the Cube iced with Dosido # 9
glad you are enjoying it.


@Bud_Weiser wtf YOU smokin?





Hey bro, what is your new avatar? Is that a blue heart? You got the blues? I’d ask you how you like Hawaii, but that’s a stupid question. I’m sitting here with snow on the ground, with more coming tomorrow and I wear my wool hat in the house on some mornings. :roll_eyes: :grin:


Hey Meesh!

Signup for OGer the Encore is open
(if you are interested)



It’s Hawai’i Island aka The Big Island. :grin: :call_me_hand:

Well I have no heat or insulation & bundle up at night too, but I’m freakishly skinny & smoke so I tend to feel like it’s 30-40F colder than most folks, :ice_cube: Room temperature sounds “chilly” to me, but I spent 13+ yrs getting baked…roasted…& scorched in central California.

I really like the humidity. :blush: Sinuses never felt better.



What is this?


It’s the OG Kush that has been kicking around since Overgrow 1.0 Y2K days.

It was supposed to be in that fall box that went MIA when a tree fell on MOTR’s house. (…That always has a strong Wizard of Oz vibe to it…).

I think it really needs someone to try an outside grow in south Cali… :thinking:

:+1: :sunglasses:



I may try some OG’er outside this summer. I need a big plant that’s not shy and yields good. It’ll be a perfect victim. :grin:

Hey @Meesh how’s your winter (summer lite) been going? I saw where the temp was 85º in LA around the Super Bowl. We had a perfect, long, Indian summer, and it only snowed and got real cold in late December. Since then it’s been ok, but much colder nights and days in general. Snowing right now. Teens tonight.

Ha, I almost don’t even remember that, but I was looking at it earlier today or yesterday and I said to myself, oH. that’s Big Island.

I remember when I asked you earlier now, because I thought it looked like a model of a human heart. :shushing_face: :smile:

stoners… why do you think they call it dope?! :skull_and_crossbones:


That’s a good question :relaxed: but I’m too high & lazy to look it up on wikipedia. :laughing:

:thinking: And when did it come on a rope? Was that before or after sticks? :man_shrugging:

@Meesh I was thinkin about trying to call but I know your call center is working 24-7 on other peoples business :smirk: so let me know howzit going… :v:



Sweet. It’s nice to have your own cappuccino machine at home. Press-pot, too.

Abraham Lincoln once said “Those who have no vices tend to have few virtues.” For example, Hitler didn’t use tobacco, alcohol or even drink coffee. His vice was conquest. The same is true of ISIS.

The one thing people who try to quit smoking don’t seem to realize is that there is no easy way to do it. There is no way around withdrawals, only through them. Also, you either smoke or you don’t. To say you’re trying to quit is admitting defeat before you even start.