Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

The leaves look just like that to me. Pretty sure they are maples cuz I’m super allergic to them. lol


But what :pancakes: about 'ssurp? :maple_leaf: That would make me sad. :frowning:



one of my favorite munchie foods is natural yogurt with :maple_leaf: real maple syrup - don’t mix it together, eat it as it is


Any ‘one’ who doesn’t like it is obviously dead. :crazy_face:



Most folks don’t know that maple syrup is available in different grades.

There’s several regional variations of marking, but basically light medium and dark… with a couple subdivisions in there too. :laughing:

Tourist = light or light fancy my opinion is “too thin”
Local = medium and rarely, dark. Dark is where it’s at!! much stronger flavour.
Dark is what you want for cooking… Canadian Cooking? …you ask?
Sure, such unique Canadian dishes as… :laughing:

Canadian Baklava for one… it’s (regular Baklava but using maple syrup instead of honey & crushed, unsalted cashews instead of pistachios…) :+1:
I love every type of Baklava, but I honestly, believe it is an improvement…



Alright you guys, I need your honest opinions. I ask you my friends because you can be objective.

So, I have a client that I go out to twice a week now for over a year. Let me preface this by saying that everyone except the laborers who are strictly in the field have their own office or workspace that are all in separate rooms. So everyone has ample social distancing and supposedly “safe” Covid protocols.

Wednesday, I get to the office and someone’s used mask is on my desk. I say something to the office manager about it not being cool. We discard it and I disinfect my space. Then let it go, thinking it was a fluke or oversight. This morning I walk in and someone had been at my desk, obviously had used my phone and touched things on my desk and left used snotty kleenex all over my desk. One so snotty in fact that the part of the kleenex stuck to the desk. I lost my shit, completely!!! First of all, who the fuck comes to work sick and why in the fuck would they allow that? Secondly, who does that? Leaves their snotty rags on someone elses desk? It’s disrespectful, uncool and completely wrong even when we are not in a global pandemic, let alone when a killer virus is circling the globe. I immediately come out asking who left this disgusting mess on my desk. One of the sales guys, starts laughing, like it’s funny, the office managers don’t seem to care and don’t even attempt to find out who it was. I’m basically treated like I’m overly dramatic and get gaslighted. Then one of the office girls says to me… well so and so was in here doing her asthma treatment. WTF??? If any of you know what a nebulizer does, then you know it’s a machine that liquidates albuterol and as it steams you are breathing from the end of it and it is vaporizing all the gunk in your lungs and you are expelling this shit out as vaporized water particles. So these germs are going literally ALL over my office! At this moment, the so and so just happens to come into my office and I light her up like a xmas tree. Me: What the hell is wrong with doing this in your own office? You are actually in here thinking this is safe and okay? Blah blah blah. Her reasoning is well its loud that’s why I don’t. WTF? Isn’t that why you have a door?. She swears up and down that she wasnt blowing her nose or at my desk or anything in my office. That she didnt put that shit all over my desk, she had a covid test blah blah blah and blames it on someone else that she saw with a kleenex box.

You guys, this is my life they are fucking with. Not only that but my Man’s that lives in my house and my senior father who comes here every Sunday. Am I being just crazy or would y’all be infuriated too? Mind you, I had to call Dad and tell him not to come this weekend to be safe in case I was exposed to Covid. He was very disappointed. I haven’t celebrated xmas is over 10 years now, but I allow a day other than dec 25th to celebrate Yule with my Dad. It is my compromise, so that is cancelled. Finally, my actual client comes in the office (he’s usually not in on Friday) right before I left for the day and I told him that I was really upset over the matter. He said he would have his worker pull the video footage over the weekend since no one will own up to it, but there is no camera in my office. Maybe one of them will at least show who entered with a box of tissue. You guys, I can’t even remember the last time that I was that angry. Seriously, the veins in my neck were bulging out. You would think that now 12 hours later I would have let it go, but I have not. My anger is so severe that I have almost cried several times today. I feel so disrespected that someone would be so careless with my life and the lives of others like that. Also, I am an at risk person and am immune compromised.

Am I being irrational and overdramatic or would you be pissed if this happened to you at your workplace?


I wouldnt cancel your plans over it… Sux that your office mates are a bunch of cunts but I think if you’ve taken good precaution yourself that yall should be good.


Not unreasonable at all. Indoor spaces are the most problematic when it comes to covid and flu for that matter. That person has pretty much filled the air in that space with their vapour.

You would know in about 5 to 7 days if you’re infected…which would be right at Xmas :worried:

Does your office have windows? In the future you may just want to get a fan and blast air out a window before using the office. Might want to put on a bit of a performance when you do it so both your Boss and the culprit can see you are pissed about it.


I would put a personal hidden video camera in there for a few days to see what’s up.
They may never go back in your space or they may go in on purpose to fuck with you some more. There are some really sick people walking around in our world. They think it is theirs.
If you are both vaccinated I wouldn’t cancel your plans with your father as even if you get it it shouldn’t be too bad, as in a mild case like a flu and not life threatening.
But I totally understand your feelings and think that you are dealing with a real asshole there.


To me, its not even the virus. Its simple respect. Its your office? Why is anybody else using it? AT ALL??

I’m not as phased by the virus as I probably should be. I am more at risk than most, 35yr cig smoker, 27yr weed smoker, a little overweight, but the biggie is I had a hemisplenectomy at 13, so I only have a portion of my spleen and I am supposed to get sick even easier without it. My GF works as a manager at a local walmart and she’s more like you, far more cautious about it, so I understand the concern.

I like @SamwellBB 's idea. Put a little motion activated cam in there. Some people are asshats just because, and they do mean shit for no reason other than their own sick humor.

The only problem with that is, if it IS one of those asshats who like to ruffle peoples feathers, they will just see that they succeeded. For that to work, the offending party needs to have a conscience.

But to me, it comes down to “Its your office, WTF are others doing using it? doesn’t matter the reason!”


Well, we are all vaccinated but even if it’s a small chance that I could pass COVID to dad, I’ll err on the side of caution. If I killed my Dad even by accident, I’d have to jump off a cliff.

I’m probably even more sensitive right now as my childhood friend died last week from COVID. She was only 47 years old. I would have still been pissed but probably not as crazy mad as I am about the situation now.


Trail camera will tell who’s the ass .






Happy Solstice, Friends!

I’ll get some pics of my 3 autos tmw. This also means that I was gonna start a few more. Got some different autos from @Yetigrows for my winter outdoor fun. I’ll check the names on them this weekend and start some germing. This time, my dumb ass will start them in starter pots inside the bug net. Duh! The marigolds and poppies I germed with the last og kush autos got eaten by something. Probably slugs. I was really surprised about the marigolds as they were pretty established and I had already transplanted them to a big pot before they got eaten. I was bummed. For some reason, I can’t grow a poppy to save my life. I’ve direct sown them all over the flower beds, the sunny patch behind the garage and they won’t sprout. I finally get one starter pot to germ and the the slugs ate them. I honest to dog think my slugs are becoming resistant to sluggo. I watched one huge slug eat a pellet and that juicy bastard keeps coming out at night. I thought he would be toast. I even felt guilty after I watched him eat the stuff.


I also wanted to remind you all that I have about a week or so left before my super busy season starts. Tax time! So my journaling and presence tends to drop down to a minimal until around mid March when corp taxes are due. I always check in, but I usually don’t have much time to read threads and participate much, but I’ll do my best to chronicle the fall and winter autos before I start my 2022 season thread. Happy Holidays to everyone!


Happy Solstice! I dig the solstices. peace


just take your salt shaker out into the garden for those slugs


They ‘love’ copper too…



One of the tiny autos is starting to bud. lol it’s like 4 inches tall. Been really cold and rainy here. It’s very early for us to be this cold. The rain has been a really nice change though and the garden loves the deep watering.


They seem to be thriving in the cold wet weather. A real winter in N. California this year with low snow and thousands without power people running low on supplies. I’m just kicking back my power is back on I’m enjoying a bowl of Romulan and have plenty of firewood staying home enjoying the drought buster?