Growing with Air-Pots? Suggestions & tips please & thank you!

Do this all in a tray you can collect the stuff that falls out of the pot when packing it.

Make your mix, and wet it enough so it can pack into a ball in your hand but still crumbles.
Dump this in loosely and pack in DOWN and then RAKE some UP THE SIDES. REPEAT.
This way you get a solid mass in the middle, and the walls fill with media and you don’t end up with air pockets everywhere.

I’ve never packed an air-pot without spillout but it’s never a problem (use a tray!)


Thank you @Pigeonman for Answering.Basically you want to fill the walls very packed almost filling through the holes right?

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I lined my net pot with weed control fabric… keeps it all out

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I hear this is also a great thing to do; but I’ve never had a problem with either loosing media out the sides after potting OR getting insects… even though I know my aquarium gets flies every month they don’t show up in my air-pots.

When i do find flying pests I toss this onto my soil and let it get biblical:

Now another thing I should mention is I add YUCCA as a continous wetting agent to all my nutrient solutions going into my air-pots. Even if i fuck up and they almost dry out the water still finds it’s way back in due to the yucca (i assume, cause it ran off like a fucker before until I started using it continuously :rofl: )

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Yucca powder How much per liter/gallon when I fertigate?Also,should add before checking pH right?

I get it in liquid form from my local to work hydro place.

In the concentrate I get it, which I assume would be the same if you mixed it from powder based on the suppliers suggestions: .5ml/Litre and it’s the last thing I add ← not sure if this is correct but no problems so far.

I only PH after the mix is done. anytime I measured before i’d need to adjust after anyways. IF i’m using my RDWC, i’ll take several readings over the course of an hour after refilling to make the adjustments… for the ΩPot (above) I’ve done NO READINGS.

Part of this is because i am confident with my PH after doing so many hydro runs with the same stuff over and over… and the other part is because I NEED TO REPLACE MY PH METER WHICH FINALLY DIED AFTER OVER-USE :rofl:

Seriously though I’m not worried as the roots have a MEGA BUFFER with the 5.6 gallons of media it’s growing in :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I cannot find a supplier for Yucca powder here in Italy.Even Amazon doesn’t have It.So,can I use Aloe or other things as organic wetting agent?

wild stab at google:

Look and ask around your local suppliers for any “soil wetting agent” or “soil surfactants”.

That’s what the Yucca is doing for me as it reduce the surface tension of water so that it spreads and is absorbed by dry soil and potting mix. :+1:


Thank you,very kind❤️

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The KNF folks were just making some soap here recently. That’s a ‘wetting agent’.
Just Potassium hydroxide and vegetable oil IIRC.
