Growing with Air-Pots? Suggestions & tips please & thank you!

@Terpsnpurps , here’s some snaps of the BOG SourBlutooth F2 having a slow time with the re-veg due to the temperatures being so low; which is my assumption as the other plants in re-veg from sexing that are on a heat mat with steady 21-22c temperatures are bouncing back faster in the 2x4.

Y’all can see how far the flowers continued to develop after moving them back into 18/6 :open_mouth:

Basically next time running this thing imma gonna use a Feminized seed (or) clone vs sexing and reveg. It’s been so long I forgot how much a pain in the ass it is and why everyone plants a pile of seeds just to cull the males.


Yeah I was going to ask about a seedling heat mat… lol…

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Yeah I’m gonna clearly need at least 2 more in the long haul. Will most likely order 1x for my new 2x4 veg tent and then the one for 1/2 of the 4x4 closer to the tent’s flip date.

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Just in case it wasn’t clear:

  1. I made this thread in hopes of better understanding how these air-pots work for people.
  2. I grabbed 2x units as a test run after folks giving me info based on experience.
  3. Months later I now have 5 tents running right now… and EVERYONE IS USING AIR-POTS.

Verdict: Air-pots are the bomb.


Are you using the brand or knock offs and do you think/know if it matters?
I’m ready to buy some, just want your decision.


I didn’t know there were knock offs! :exploding_head:
My supplier has official units so i have no clue :man_shrugging:

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Ultra Oxy Pots…

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They look near similar that if they are the same build they may work just as well. The air-pots are beefy as fuck so I hope these are as well.


thing I’ve read is they are very similar., Gonna Get a couple of each to try. Thanks for info and thread.


I’m happy it worked out so well! Please let us know how the Ultra Oxy Pots turn out.


I have real ones and knock offs and the knock offs I have are indistinguishable from the name brand. I ordered them from a 3rd party on and they were cheaper by a decent amount. I would order them again without hesitating.

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Thank you, much appreciated. Gonna give em a try.

Score @Slick1! Thanks for the confirmation on non-shit-knock-offs! :hugs:


I can tell you right now you need try to lower the pot if possible… I made one of those as well… and I have my plant pot sunk down way lower than yours… (airpot) and it is doing great as far as wicking etc… 5 gallon equivalent superroots airpot on a 10 gal tub… I used airpot to create the net pot too. good stuff!! Wicking stops wicking upward at 300 mm 11.8 inches…


Can you elaborate on “lower the pot if possible”?

I know this thing seems to be working well enough for now. :man_shrugging:



Yes your net pot… I shortened mine and sunk whole thing into lid causing base of plant pot to be even if not slightly lower than the lid of reservoir

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But no man yours looks like it’s working well!!!

So wait you use hydroton then in your net pot?

outa likes @Terpsnpurps but :heart:

Yes, hydroton in the 10" net pot, then a mix of coco chunks, promix BX and perlite. I packed it all together moist so there’s no mix falling into the bin. The water level maxes out submerging 2cm of the net pot. After a few days it’s below it and in a week I add a few litres of fresh nutes to top it off.

This image was me appeasing @CADMAN who wanted to see the roots… and I’m glad I did because it was worth dealing with to see how far it’s come considering the above soil growth just STOPPED until a few days ago.


I Will start tomorrow my First seed into airpot,3 gallons.I put the bottom at the First row,not the second or third as they Say,I do not see any problem doing this.I gained a Little room for the roots.But I have a question:how Is soil with perlite going to not fall under the bottom net?Should I use some clay pebbles?

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