Guapo's Journal

Was watering the flowers today. They’re at day 56, so 14 days or less to go on these. About 6 days ago I stopped with the build a bloom and coconut powder and now they’re just getting ph’d water with fish $hit. Snapped a couple photos while I was sitting down watering.


Hoping to finally get my farmer freeman results today so I can get rid of the males and finally put the ladies into bigger shoes. Been feeding them with a foliar spray, and top dressed with some frass, but one or two of them just aren’t really happy. Guess they survived the overwatering while I was away, but are getting their revenge…


They go plenty of time to pull out of it.

I’m not too worried, need to improve seedling/solo cup phase of growing. All 3 runs have looked similar to this sadly. I know I overwater them.
Anyways, got my Farmer Freeman results today, 6 of 8 are female. Now I have an interesting problem as I can only really fit 4 in my flower tent. Got a little time to figure it out though. Not the worst problem to have I guess.
I’ll post some pics later when I get them into bigger homes.

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Very nice. Quick question. What does adding the fish poop with plain water at the end do? Just curious :).

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Its basically bottled microbes. Enhances uptake.
Resulting in a stronger flavor profile. @DezmondG


@DezmondG that’s a great question. I like @corgitron s answer better than what I was going to say. Honestly, I use very little and have just been following the instructions on the back to great success. I could probably save myself a tablespoon and drop it out in the last week, but Im trying not to tinker yet.


Well, yesterday I remembered that I had to cut a few of my one gallons off last run because they had seams on the inside and dirt got stuck in them…
So, I grabbed some one gallons today and got the 6 ladies in new shoes. Its a little tight in there, but they’ll be fine. Once they get used to their new homes I expect them to bounce right back.


Already two tents?

Already? got this little vivosun while I was hammering the first run through flower. It comes out for a few weeks at a time, just long enough to get me in trouble with the misses. I convinced her it would be good for our garden crops so we didn’t have florescent lights going in our living room…

It lets me get a good month head start while I finish whats going on in the big boy.


Watered the 4 LVPB in flower today and snapped a few pictures.


I need to trim the lowers/larf better, but I’m happy with how frosty it is anyways…


The 6 seedlings are starting to look much greener, and are clearly enjoy their new homes. Just gave them some water.


Just got done watering the bigger ladies, close to chop day now.


Little ones are really starting to grow now. Still have some signs from the overwatering, but they seem to be on the mend.


Topped the youngins, they really seem to like their new homes now. Made the switch from og biowar trio to the rootwise trio this run, and there’s no lookin back now.


Today was a big day for the flower tent, it was their last! Woke up too early and drank way too much coffee in excitement for chop day. Its a pain to get the 2 layers of scrog off alone, as well as cutting them and hanging them, but that’s the life I chose. Very excited to see how these turn out. 10 day forecast looks good for drying. Managed to clean up the tent a little before I hung them as well. Fingers crossed they come out ok!



gotta thank @corgitron for this, least I could do. he’s fielded way too many

of my questions, often the same one posed different was… aka, are they done?


Awwe man, no worries. Any credit i get should be directed at, Dansbuds, Tony Green, Mean Mister Mustard. And Bog. Imo i couldnt have asked for better mentors.

Some of the things i see you doing are things that most aged vets neglect.

Just keep up the good work.


In that boring, in-between time while I wait for the whole plants to dry. They’ve been sitting at 62degrees 60rh since Sunday with very little fluctuation. Veg tent is looking very solid right now.
All plants are topped, and I tried stripping the lowest node off this time too, so it won’t be such a pain to water when they’re in the flower tent, hopefully. Just trying to make life easier for myself, which I don’t always do…