Guapo's Journal

Youngins are getting bushy! They’ll be pretty close to outgrowing the tent they’re in now by the time I can clean out the big one and get them set up in it late next week. I ran 4, 7 gallon pots last run to good success, but I have 6 females and refuse to give up on any of them, as they’ve made it this far. I found some 5 gallons that will fit 6 in my 2 x 4, so I’ll just have to pay more attention to what they need as we get later into the run. Gonna try to keep them short and well trained.


Yesterday I managed to trim and jar all 4 plants from last run. Took a while, but it was well worth the trouble. Other than yield, the 4 plants ended up producing pretty uniform smelling and looking buds. Light green with a smell like sweet, rotten fruit.

Todays chore was cleaning out the 2x4 and getting it reset for the 6 SFV Smog. They seem happy in their final home. Sometime this weekend I’ll transfer them into their 5 gallon pots, and get them ready for flowering. Im afraid they’re going to quickly take over their new home…


The busy week for the tent continued into yesterday as I managed to clean the tent, repot the seedlings into their final 5 gallon homes, and got them moved over into the 2x4. I also put the netting in way earlier this time, so hopefully the canopy will be easier to manage. I can already tell watering all 6 will be less troublesome than the 4 I had in there last time, mainly do to stripping more lowers so I have room to maneuver. Devil is in the details…

If you look closely, you can see that I snapped one of the mains on the plant in the top left corner of the picture. Threw some painters tape on it, hope she bounces back!


Last night I changed the lights in the tent to 12/12 for these ladies. Hoping to chop em down around New Years if all goes well. Didn’t cut too much off, was much more diligent about keeping up with it as they grew this time, so I only had to remove a few leaves and nodes.

For anyone curious, here’s a list of what I use:
Buildasoil potting soil 3.0
Rootwise trio
Aloe powder
Powdered Horticultural Coconut
Quillaja powder
Fish $hit


They’re starting to stretch, and quickly filling up any available space in the canopy. Its gonna be a full house soon…


Had to put some right angles in em last night, they’re stretching like crazy and will prolly push the height limits of my tent if I’m not diligent. Otherwise, they’re lookin healthy and happy so far. About 3 weeks until I get the next round wet, got some fun choices to make for that one…


11 days since the lights got changed to 12/12 and we’re starting to see some big changes in the ladies. Tons of growth, and now they’re showing pistils and bud sites. Happy with how clean they look underneath too.


Today was a very eventful, and difficult day in the 2x4. As I’m still new to this, I severely underestimated the stretch from the SFV OG parent. They’re right around 2.5x growth since I flipped them to flower about 17 days ago. This morning they were 14 inches from the light, with no room to run, so I had to make some major changes. I took the top off the tent, got the fan and the light out, and installed the 12 inch extension to the tent. It almost touches the ceiling, so then I had to switch the AC infinity to push air through the can, which is now outside the tent. It wasn’t fun and I really woulda loved an extra set of hands, but thats not an option in this life currently. Anyways, it got done and now theyre back to having about 22 inches of space.



Sfv smog
I know alot about that sfv Smog lol
Your plants all look beautiful :heart_eyes:
I grew up in the SFV.

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Thank you! SFV OG was a favorite of mine a while back, and always wanted to grow it. Wish I took into account how much it would stretch, but live n learn.

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Coming up next…


Stretch is finally over, making progress…


Here we are, about 26 days into flowering. Theres 6 of em, 2 are much taller than the rest, I assume SFV OG leaning hard. Left front is stacking the most though. Experimenting with Fermented Pumpkin Juice in flowering this run. Will report back later as to if it does anything, but its supposed to help with fruiting and flowering plants, time will tell…

And these just got wet, in my favorite coffee cup…


Excited for this, @E_L_Guapo !!!


thanks @Sasquatch I am too! Had to join in the fun and run some BOG like the rest of OG. Already have tap roots on 4 of em and its only been 22 hours so far.


Well, these are some vigorous seedlings. I was gonna keep em in the paper towel another day, but the taproots were out of all of em, so into the dirt they went. Covered them with baggies until they pop through, but I doubt it’ll take long. 2 tents, double the fun time!

13 Sour Grapes, excited for these!


9/13 are through the soil already. Very impressed with the vigor in these beans!


Make that 12 out of 13 through the soil. Fastest growing seeds I’ve popped so far, not one needed an assist out of their coats. My 4th grow is off to a solid start. Also, hope everyone is getting ready for Black Friday deals so they can stock up on whatever they’ll need for the season. This time last year I was trying to figure out what I’d need for my first grow.


These ladies are at day 35 or so right now, which is also around the halfway point to harvest. They’re lookin happy, and really starting to frost, and bulk up. 2 in the back turned a little lighter than the rest, but my light wasn’t centered in the tent after I added the extension, so I think they were just soaking up a few more rays than the rest of them, and they’re turning darker again now.

This is my view as I sit on the floor and hand water them, while we listen to some music. Maybe weird, but its part of the ritual.


Sour Grape is bopping along as well. They all seem happy, 1 didn’t make it though. 2 sprouts came out of the same seed, I tried to separate them, and it didn’t go so well… Live and learn!