Guapo's Journal

These 6 ladies got the chop today. Ended up taking them about 71 days. One of them prolly coulda gone another week, but my 3 favorite were starting to amber, and the next two were right behind. Got em hanging, its about 59F 61% humidity in there right now, hope it stays that way for about two weeks…


Huge growth from these 5 ladies in the last week or so. They’ve gone and filled out this 2x2 nicely. They’re all about 16-24 inches tall, and one of them has fan leaves about the size of A4 letter paper. I tried cloning the tops of the males in the cloner I made a few weeks ago, and I’m glad to report 11/12 threw roots in 8 days. Just glad it works, hope to find some Grapey goodness in these that I can hopefully keep around.


Very happy with how these turned out. Run 3 in the books. Cut em up after 12 days averaging 59F 60.7% humidity, and got them into jars. Some variation between them all smells wise, the one I tested has gas and lime flavors so far. Sterilized the tent, and will get the Grape into 5 gallons, and in there sometime tomorrow. Fun never stops around here.


Reloaded the 2x4 with the 5 Sour Grape Ladies, gotta prune, take clippings, and get a net in, but that’s a problem for tomorrow.


Clipped a ton of lower growth off the BOG Sour Grape, and trained them with velcro and a scrog. Made the jump from bungee cord to disposable scrog after trying to carefully get two layers off 6 plants that were all over 4ft, school of hard knocks is always in session, and we try to learn the first time around here…

Trying two different forms of cloning out, aerocloner and plugs in a tray. Since I failed to backup my SFV Smog, I’m taking another learned lesson and making sure I have at least 1 of each in backup so I can run them again and pick a winner if necessary.


Nice work. I do like the clones. Smart

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1 week later and They’re ready to be flipped to flower. Going to change the light cycle tonight, so tomorrow will be the first day of 12/12. They’re pretty big, and very happy, interested to see how much they stretch. Clones are doing well, and starting to show roots after 7 days, I’ll get the best ones transplanted sometime this weekend.


9 days later and I planted the ten best looking clones, 2 of each. Overall it seemed like the clones in plugs grew more root tips, that also seemed longer. I also found the ones I cloned in the bucket to be harder to plants into soil. I will continue to mess around with both methods until I’m confident in a favorite, but plugs in a dome seem easier for my setup. Gonna let these slowly hang out as I suss out a favorite over the next two months.


Both tents are happy and healthy. All the clones rooted and have started to veg again, just gotta pick the winners to re-run. The flowering Sour Grape that is front left in the big tent is stretching a lot more than the rest of them. Tent is real stinky for only 10 days into flower. Also brought the light back up, glad I didn’t take the height extension off.


Smooth sailing over here. Topped and trimmed the clones today, prolly only a week or so before I have to make a few cuts and put them into 1 gallons, roots are shooting out the bottom of the cups. A couple of the ones in flower are already showing a bunch of frost for only being 16 days under 12/12. Lots of grape, wine, and funk smells coming outta them.

This is easily the thickest stalk I’ve grown to date, thicker than my thumb and they’ve only been alive since 11/11.


Today is day 21 of 12/12, ladies are looking good and hopefully pretty much done stretching. Starting to show some frost, and really smells like grapes and red wine in there, with skunky undertones.


Also got around to transplanting the clones today. I picked the nicest of each of the 5 phenos, and put them into 1 gallons. Transplanted both of the clones from the plant that is looking frostiest so far in flower, and also has the kinda smells I’m looking for. Whichever I end up choosing, at least were backed up.


tops of the 5 different sour grapes I have going right now. 1 of them will certainly be run again, and theres another 2 that might join it. Luckily I kept 2 clones of the frostiest one. Tent is starting to smell more and more like grape medicine.


Clone tent has filled out and basically exploded. Lots of velcro straps being used to hopefully keep them away from the light…


Friday morning I decided to remove another 2 clones from the re-run, so I’m down to 4 in this 2x2, but it just looks like a jungle still…


Look better than mine friend. How much vert space you got left?

Maybe a foot or so, its gonna get close, they gotta stay in there another month or so, might just start topping like crazy and see what happens. Will prolly get rid of one more before the end of the week, I don’t like its structure, I’ve had to really tie it down.


We know better. I’m sure you got a nice grow going.

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Well, woke up feeling mean so I took out another clone. Down to just 2 phenos to re-run, the frost monster, and the Sour Bubble leaner. Was keeping one other around, who seemed to be a nice mix of the other two, but she was the stretchiest by far, and had too much internodal spacing for my liking. To keep her in line with the rest, I was really having to strap her down.


Were in the home stretch with the Sour grape, should be coming down sometime in the next 2 weeks!