Guapo's Journal

The big girls are about 10 days to the water only portion of the show. Really happy with how its looking and smelling in there.

The BOG seedlings are starting to take off, gave them water yesterday for the first time since transplant. I also cut off a little bit of each of their leaves, and sent them off to Farmer Freeman for sex testing, lets see how many ladies I need to fit in my 2x4 this time…


I have been a little under the weather, finally feeling better, but my plants have been growing strong…

Hoping to get the sex testing results in the next couple of days, they’re looking like its time for a bigger pot…


And here are some of the flowers, day 49.


Very nice looking grow. Nice and clean.

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Thanks @Hemp ! Cleanliness has been one of the few things I’ve been able to control since day 1, so I keep on top of it.


Had a little issue between USPS and Farmer Freeman, so the results of my sex tests are still delayed. While I’m happy with how long I’ve been able to keep them happy just in cups, I had to transplant as many as I could in my 2x2. 9 are in 1 gallons, and the 3 happiest looking ones stayed in their cups, and are suspended between the gallon pots because it’s the only place they really fit.
Once I get the results I’ll probably have to repot some, kill others, and re-use some soil, gotta make due with what we’ve got…


What do you think, maybe 2 more weeks @corgitron ?
In all seriousness, will start looking to chop these sometime around Christmas, the Eve would be about day 70.


My general rule of thumb.

When you think its ready give it another week.

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But they do look amazing and your close for sure. You gonna try And reveg any

I was kinda kidding, I said I wouldn’t harass you every day this run asking if they were ready. Looked into re-veg, as 2 of them look amazing, but with the @Tonygreen SFV x GorillaBubble Christmas drop I’m going to take that as a sign that I should just run those after the Sour Grape. Been wanting to run TGTB anyways, as you know. Thinking about making a DIY ez-cloner out of a small tote or 5 gallon bucket so I don’t run into these issues again when I find more fire, and can just keep backups and then decide if I want to use em or not.


Man you know id always answer any questions. Your doing amazing.


As my current run gets closer and closer to the finish, I’ve been kicking myself for not having clones/the option to run 2 of them again. I decided to build myself an “ez-cloner” and save a ton of money in the process. Just needed some neoprene collars and a little submersible pump. Rest of the stuff I had lying around. It’s simple, and ugly, but I bet it will work. Going to have it set to an automatic timer to cycle the pump on and off. Might test it with my philodendron, since the Sour Grapes are still a little too small to clone.

No idea how to convert a .Mov to an acceptable format, so you’ll just have to use your imaginations and trust that it works :rofl:


Home stretch with these lovely ladies. Looking to chop in the next week or so, smells like honeysuckle and gasoline in there.


That looks amazing. Nice colors

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Here’s the Sour Grape, only been in 1 gallons for 10 days, and they all have roots coming out the bottoms already. Kinda crazy since they’re fabric pots. Gonna be some healthy plants in there, kinda a jungle still, been having problems with USPS.


Nice and full.

Thanks sadly I got my sex test results on the plants back last night, and only 5/12 ended up being female. Of course that included the one that was least happy about being in a keg cup over a month, but such is life.


what are we looking at in this post?

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Bog Sour Grapes


Youngins are all B.O.G. - Sour Grapes
Flowers are all People Under the Stairs- SFV OG x 4DD
and just for reference, 4DD is ChemD x ( Chem4 x Chem ibl )
Thanks for lookin!