Guaranteed the Feds are going to legalize

They already do because it’s still federally illegal. If the feds open it up like any other plant, drop it from scheduling like they’re talking about, there won’t be a federal law against home growing. If they for some reason kept it scheduled, then the whole thing is moot and not really legal still.

I can’t see them keeping it at schedule 2 when that requirement is severe psychological and/or physical dependance, of which cannabis is not. It would have to be 3/4/5 or not scheduled at all.


I right there with you on that. It’s jail for me.


I’ve had the door knock down a few times, but nobody was home. I’ve gotten very lucky several times. I did get busted in a state up north. I told the state trooper they can test it. It was some of the nasty stuff I ever had. He made me throw it out on the ground.


You and I might but the feds sure don’t.
In 1956, cannabis was included in the Federal Narcotics Control Act


“Narcotic” is a stupid term to use the way LE does anyway. The word means that it induces sleep. Sure, it applies to opiates but not really most of the other stuff that falls under that label. Like wouldn’t meth fall under the”narcotics” umbrella (the street form at least)? Pretty sure it does the opposite lol.

I’ve said this before on here but not everybody is down with the whole “outlaw” thing like some of you. I’ve got a young daughter and a mortgage. I work a desk job for a publicly traded company. I don’t want government/pharma/Monsanto weed either but I also don’t wanna have to live in paranoia bc of a few plants in my basement. They should regulate it like they do homebrewing. You’re allowed to brew legally and it’s considered a normal hobby that people do. There technically are limits on how much you can produce but unless you’re opening up a back alley taproom cash only nobody cares.


We’re in a situation where Blue States want to create top-down protected markets (see: Washington banning Homegrow and taking 1/3tax for all pot sold) with Red States either keeping their head in the sand or having much more open markets (See: Maine or Oklahoma).

How this happens federally will come down to which Presidency it happens under IMO. If its a Blue President they’ll want to use pot as a way to fund their agenda; if it’s a Red President they’ll let it rip, probably even have a tax holiday to promote legal market. My prediction.

Weird outlier is Virginia, Red Gov inherited an in-motion pot plan and seems content to drag his feet.

Overall these state setups are insane and we won’t really be cooking until we have interstate/international cannabis trade. Costs to consumers will fall by at least a factor of ten. People building businesses around the idea of a $35/eighth being “cheap” are in for a fuckin rude awakening!


And we all know, the black market is a response to over regulation, prohibition, and so on.

Support your local weed man.


im 69 , no spring chicken . i have grown it since high school . i have always worked full time , bud has never been more than my personal and at times a bit of side money . Bud has never paid my bills , i worked 70 hours a week for decades for that . Long enough and paid enough taxes so i no longer have to work and the government pays me monthly now .

I have pulled down countless grows in the middle of the night . Spent countless nights sick to my stomach in worry . Countless pull overs and illegal search’s of myself my car and my friends as a young man . If i pulled out of high school with anyone else in the car it was100 percent getting pulled over within a mile. Treated like vicious criminals .

i have never been arrested , never in jail , never in court . i have never had a cop at my house in 28 years . I have paid much in taxes and have never required the law to handle anything for me .My record , and even my driving record are spotless .


i have lived most of my life in fear of losing my freedom OVER A PLANT . Grown in the privacy of my own home! The 70 and 80 and 90’s were a nightmare . Weed growers were hunted , young peoples rights violated , so many 20 year olds with ruined futures over mere grams of weed .

In Cali you can buy it and carry it and consume it , for what , like 18 years. Here , KIDS are given 10 year terms over a half ounce .
1000’s of them . They come out to a great future of minimum wage jobs .

We legalized hemp here . City will not purchase machine needed to test the bud , so they CANNOT tell difference . Caught with 4 ounces or less , ticket , 3 hour online class .

IM SO SICK of the mans bullshit i no longer buy into ANY OF IT . We speak out of both sides of our face’s here .

I am free from their claws now , just am . i no longer worry , no longer loose sleep , and even though not legal here , i will smoke a joint where ever the fuck i want to . i ride in the park with my pack smoking one . Half the tme we come back across the gravel back lot and cops hang out there doing whatever they do . ill blow a cloud as i go by .

Im 69 , grey hair , WTF they gonna do to me??? Arrest me over a joint ?? Sieze my dogs ( yeah , good luck with that ) . Fuck em , every last dirty little dick one of them .

NEVER had law at my place , retired now , there is no concern of them ever knocking on my door .

So , WHAT I MEANT , was this

i will do what i want in my own home . The government will not dictate to me what i may or may not do in my own home . Legalize it , yeah great , dont yeah great , one way or the other it is not gonna effect me one bit .

ill never buy legal weed , ill never be caught transporting it cause i grow it here . Make harsh penalties for home grow, so fucking what , been that way since 1972 for me anyway .

No one is gonna stop my love of this plant , nor my growing of it .

Thats what my “snide” comment meant


Got the right idea , keep it close to the vest . Having no visitors over & being low key ie no smell , no tell , no sell . No grow diaries , pics , witnesses . An outlaws world is always black & white , simple as that .


Here are the ounce prices and my closest pot shop. This is where I buy my shatter’s and shit.
flower prices 30 -60 an ounce
links not working
Purple Punch 60
Blueberry Muffin 60
Lemon Walker 36
Haze 60
White Runtz 40
I buy premium BHO shatter average 10 a gram
Come harvest in a month or two prices here drop even harder. Supply.
You can still pay 200 an ounce for wild shit.
Unicorn Poop 200
Meraki Mango 200
Sugar Puss 200
Apple Jelly 200
Narnia Flower 200
I couldn’t tell you a fuckin thing about these wild strains. 200 an ounce right now.


I’m in Canada and in the province I live in you can grow 4 plants total and posess 30 grams while traveling,I don’t think you can grow in Quebec or Manitoba…They want to keep the profits in the hands of different criminals.
The amount of cannabis an adult is legally allowed to possess under the Act is based on dried cannabis.
Equivalent to dried cannabis amounts

Under the Act, one (1) gram of dried cannabis is equal to:

5 grams of fresh cannabis
15 grams of edible product
70 grams of liquid product (non-solids containing cannabis, other than cannabis beverages)
570 grams of cannabis beverages
.25 grams of concentrates (solid or liquid)
1 cannabis plant seed

Producing cannabis beyond personal cultivation limits, or with combustible solvents

  • tickets for small amounts
  • up-to 14 years in prison

Taking cannabis across Canada’s borders

  • up-to 14 years in prison

Giving or selling cannabis to a person under 18 years old

  • up-to 14 years in prison

Using a youth to commit a cannabis-related offence

  • up-to 14 years in prison

Offences regarding promotion and enticement of youth

To address the goal of discouraging cannabis use by youth, the Act prohibits:

  • products that appeal to youth
  • packaging or labelling that appeals to youth
  • selling cannabis through self-service displays or vending machines
  • promoting cannabis, except in limited circumstances where young people could not see the promotion


  • a fine of up-to $5 million, or
  • 3 years in jail

The Cannabis Act also contains two new criminal offences, one for giving or selling cannabis to a youth, and the other for involving a youth to commit a cannabis-related offence. Both new offences carry maximum penalties of 14 years in prison.


Maine is somewhat unique in that it’s almost representative of the nation as a whole. We have a very large rural area that encompasses most of the state, and then a few major population areas like Portland, Augusta, and even Bangor.
Politically, it’s a huge mishmash. In the rural areas, Trump signs are everywhere. Portland is the exact opposite end of the specturm…but people on both ends of the specturm grow weed.

Biden said he was going to legalize it when he was running. He also said he was going to drop Medicare age to 60 from 65. Unfortunately, neither has happened yet, and no one’s holding their breath,.


And the EU to follow, or perhaps legalize sooner than the USA, that would be cool too. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


No, I’m pretty sure that cannabis (sorry, “marihuana”) is classified as a narcotic. At least that’s always been my understanding, maybe I’m wrong.


The bottom line is that nobody elected the f*ckers deciding how it gets scheduled. Just some bureaucrats making arbitrary decisions while they ahem follow the science.


Yeah, in a free market, prices are set by supply and demand. Then we’re talking agricultural products. They charge as much as they can for tomatoes, but there’s a limit to what the prices can get jacked up to.


:sweat: 'Glad I found my indica. :laughing:

Not sure if anyone is still in an argument here :thinking: :laughing:

Again, just be careful folks.



I think we’re all just talking. Keep in mind that courteous debate can advance shared understanding and is healthy. -my $0.02 anyway…


Thanks everyone for your input. I’ve learned quite a bit from this thread today and even got a badge! :nerd_face:


Yes sir! Was doing it for years in Chicago Illinois before I moved to California in 2000 than did it again when I moved back for a few years…was definitely exciting

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