Gumby Plays Cupid

I’ll be keeping an eye on you. It will turn out fine.


Glad to hear it! Couldn’t do it as good without all of you

A kidney stone every year or so? Holy fuck, ouch. What causes em?

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@Worcestershire_Farms Well my diet isn’t great, and im always dehydrated so im sure that doesn’t help and my genes make me more prone to them, my dad is the same way… It sucks

Gave the seedlings a little water earlier today. They have stretched quite a bit so ill be burying as much of the stem as I can. Have 2 with small skinny first sets, they are a bit droopy, the other 4 are praying and seem to have a much healthier set of first leaves.


Yeah , C99 X chernobyl sounds like an awesome mix for sure, Rocket fuel,:fire: To the moon!

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Hope those turn around!

Ah, yup!

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So it looks as if I should maybe cull a few seedlings and germinate some more beans… A few look ok so they will stay but I somehow managed to mess these up…

I threw 2 older NL seeds into water and SuperThrive - Thought to be RQSeeds

My pics aren’t uploading so ill post when I can…

The auto seems to have started to take off, only weird thing is that its first set of leaves looked nute burned but I only used my tap water… I think :thinking:


So I did something wrong… Not sure what it could have been. All the seedlings hate me for what I have done to them and decided not to show up for work…

What could be the problem… Temps are in range, my humidity is really low like 30’s. Ph is always 6.3-6.5 and ec is around 398 in my tap, but I tried for a bit with purified bottled that’s around 180 ec. Soil is dr. Earth potting mix with earthworm castings and it’s a pretty simple mix from what I see and I added a little perlite

Here is the auto in coco that is about 16 days above ground, it seems to be doing well, I know its not a good comp but at least I know my ph meter and ec is reading the right ranges.

Auto was nute burned pretty severely on its first set of leaves and growth stalled and then took back off. I don’t know why I think I may have mixed up my water and accidentally fed it quite High at least that’s the only explanation I have for it

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This is disappointing.

I cant help with coco grows.

Sorry for the loss.


Well they were soil, and that was the plan for them… I just don’t know what I did… Unless when I accidently fed the auto I gave them the autos food which is a ph of 5.78… I have to wait to smoke until after I water from now on…

30% humidity is too low especially in veg. It is winter so if your pots are on the ground the soil could be getting too cold. I assume the room temp is mid 70’s. Good luck, i hope things get better for you.


those cups look dry, and couple to a lock out of some sorts


Up your humidity seedlings are good around 60-70%. Also going to guess magnesium or nitrogen deficient. They’re hard to tell apart in seedlings. It’s prob caused by the low humidity. They’re perspiring to much for the roots to draw up enough nutrients. Also mag is best absorbed at 6.5 or above in soil. So i’d up your ph to 6.5 up humidity and hit with a 1/4 dose micro. Also here’s the best sick plant guide i’ve found with real plant deficiency pics. The Complete Guide to Sick Plants, pH and Pest troubles! | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums


Thanks everyone, I found a humidifier but it creates steam with heat my ultrasonic crapped the bed on me…

Assuming it shouldn’t kill my temps too much

Ill have this in place before I put the others into any medium, i really hope it helps. I’m sure the auto will enjoy a bit of moisture to breathe as well


Dr earth gets a bit hot in my experience, might be nute burned and locked out.
Also I didn’t catch what kind of light you’re running, but seedlings can get light burned quite easily.
Check light distance and also soil drainage.
It can be bone dry up top and a moldy swamp at the bottoms.


Taken care of the babies.


it kinda looks like the cups dried out or something and maybe deficiency. i can’t imagine that was caused by low humidity. i get around 35 RH for seedlings until they’re a bit bigger and in bigger pots then the RH jumps.
my first 2 feedings were ~1.4EC and my third feeding today was 1.6EC

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That’s my guess as well. Too close possibly? Sorry To see that. The list of potential treatments above should have you busy for a bit. Auto is looking good. :crossed_fingers: crossed for you!


@Enstromentals interested to see those zkittlez x cube beans once there going, working on a
(GG4 x zkittlez) × zkittlez atm :slight_smile: