Gushmint test run fun (hopefully)

Alright new shoes 2 gallon final pots. Going to cull one apples and banana leaving me with 18 plants. Let the pots dry out two much and it went into shock and shrivelled up. Oops
Looking a little rough fed them 1000 ppm give them a couple days to acclimate to temp closet lol

and the poor apples and banana in life support


Couldn’t find a tent to fit my space so diy time made a 6.5’long x 6.3’ high x 3.5’ wide

Full days work back hurts but for 150 in materials i saved a couple hundo. Just need to make the door flap and velcro seems

Now the plants doing fine getting room dialed in better

Trying to stay at 75f and 60/65 humidity pots haven’t been watered in 2 days since first transplant watering i think humidify was to high to dry out but the inline fan will help

Got some red stems not sure if deficiency or genetics some have some dont

And group shot


2 days after fimmed bottoms starting to grow fed them 1000 ppm with jacks going 4 2 1 2 weeks tops before flower switch


Plants aren’t happy after the mini preflower defoliation plan was to flip to flower tonight most likely that will be what happens

Let the fun begin EDIT OFFICIAL DAY 1 OF FLOWER. AUG 20TH 2023


Eyeballing a Government Oasis clone (Gmo x Gush Mints), so I am curious how this all plays out. Best of luck with the sexing.


there all fems unless you mean dodging any herms lol. one of the crosses i was offered was the gmo x gush mints not oasis clone though and it was a good idea i declined as all the breeder got was all herms. but his gmo cut is super unstable he states up front


Just found your thread looking good I’ll be tagging along. Good luck with them .


thank you brotha. hopefully the buds that come attract some more ppl. unless they suck then less the better lol


You running spider farmer lights which model?


no just the inline fan carbon filter and controller im running a mars sp6500 in this space. but if they want to sponsor me im all for it :stuck_out_tongue:


Sounds like a great light pretty pricey though. I’ve been waiting a couple years for them to send me a light to run .
@MarsHydro hint hint.


i got a good deal on them two for 1450 after discounts. now there like 950 each… they are amazing if you have like 8 or 10 foot cielings but pretty over powered for my use atm lol


I’m just waiting for the moment somebody wants to sponsor me :face_holding_back_tears:
Athena letting me get a free trial was a start but I want a new light that I can’t afford :rofl:


its always the ones who can afford who win ! lol

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I never could quite understand it :joy:

Light fan leaf strip 5 days into flower. Getting some fruity sour smells finally couple of standouts to me so far but way to early to say


They all sound good but Gush Mints x Dante’s Inferno😍

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this is the one that is impressing me and maybe one gg4 and apple and banana. but its still early just praying no herms appear

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I’ve heard the Dante’s like to herm but I believe if your dialed with your environment it shouldn’t be an issue.

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Didn’t feel like spending 120 bucks on plant risers so used a scrap pvc pipe cit into 3/4 inch and contact cemented three pieces together should work fine. Made ne with 4 just to see