Gushmint test run fun (hopefully)

11 days in flower things are getting too bushy so Saturday will be defoliating and cloning day. If any herms are found they will be culled


So change of plans since long weekend and its going to be super hot here I decided to clone and defoliate all friday incase anything comes up.

Heres the gg4 cross couple nice ones

Heres 4 apples and bananas kept the runt i almost killed in veg

The 4 dantes infernos really like the two tall ones structures

And the last 5 alien mints(capjunky) along the wall looks like 3 diff phenos for sure

And after a long haircut showing off their long legs

thanks for following along and see you at the end of week 3


Beautiful lollipoping job!!! That’s a shitload of tops! Do you have a dehumidifier? The rainy days of fall are almost upon us. Did you keep any cuts of any of these strains?

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i took a clone of each but looking at some today i dont think all will make it… i really wish i thought of you when lolipopping and brought you a couple snips of each but im sure you have your hands full atm. i just hope the ones that root are the keepers.

i have a nice powerul dehu at this place incase so that should be ok the inline keeps the humidityat 60% right now and after the defoliation its in the mid 50s i knew i should have taken 2 clones of each but plant count where they are is low.and revegging wont be an option on these leggy girls


Either way, the girls look very happy! Can’t wait to see the buds fill in!!

When are you starting 12/12

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monday will be 2 weeks in flower. hopefully i have some bud formation soon lol might have to check the timer make sure its on 12/12 and not 14/12 or some bone headed accident haha


Pics if the clones not looking to good for some being propped up with bonsai wire. Fingers crossed all take



Love the stuff

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me too! got a bunch from amazon and it works well for alot of things!

Looking good :+1: my cuts always have a little adjustment period right after I cut them while they find balance

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well apples and bananas 3 and 4 showed some pollen sacs plucked what i hope to be all and alien mints # 4 showed more than them about 12 to 15 little pods every where.
unsure if im going to kill them or take chance and run to finish. guess ill decide if i see any more come back

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Add gg4#5 and dantes inferno#1 to ballsack list. Only a cpl though.

Day 20 in flower gave them final leaf strip and check for sacs tweaked by back reaching to grab last plant so thats fun

Apples and bananas #5 that i almost killed in veg making a nice little bush in veg and the clones all looking pretty decent minus 1 so thats a plus!


I heard Dante’s inferno is prone to herming. I was going to get it and decided to pass it up.


I’ve been running a cut of Dantes Inferno for a few months now. No herms. Really nice smoke actually.

@204medismoke bummer about all the intersex issues. Sorry im so ridiculously late to the party as well. Haha hopefully some of these straighten up. Id run the clones of you end up tossing these mothers, ive had a whole run of fem plants from seed herm before, ran the clones of them and not one issue. Just food for thought.


hey bro welcome to the fun lol. thats why i am hesitent to kill any plants i wanna see what they produce and try and see if its worth running their clones there really pretty plants with nice structure lol.
just gotta hope no more balls appear but once the buds form its goin to be a real pain in the ass to move them and check without snapping anything. prob gonna need 40 bamboo stakes lol.

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15/18 rooted waiting on two gg4 and one alien mints.


Day 28 of flower. Starting to get stinky and building their own unique scents. Having trouble with humidity since its to cool for ac to work and to warm to turn on furnace. Temps are around 75f and 70% humidity if i close door flap it goes up to 75/80% hopefully once the furnace gets going it will go down to 50s

15 of 18 clones in solo cups 3 being stubborn 2 gg4 crosses and 1 alien mintz the apple and banana#5 that was almost dead diring veg now flourishing


Plants are looking really good! Good work man!


Can’t wait to see them fatten up!! Looks good!! :+1:

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How big is the area that you are using for flower? How many watts is that light of yours?

My closet is about 2.5’ x 6’ x 8’ …i run uo to 400w…wanna see your harvest and compare to mine.

How long veg?

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