Halo's first auto run!!!!!

What do you mean by too good? Shouldve saved a bit more of my money ? Lol , I think I spent like 150 on it

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Here they are tonight before I head off to a little get together😂


Just that you can have too much light and it will end up hurting the plants.

For example, I’m running my grow lights in my veg tent at under 50% power right now as I’m trying to avoid light damage on the younger plants.


Gotcha!! Mine is at halfway between 25% and 50% right now, I switched it (edit)from 25% about two weeks ago. When around time in veg do you amp it up?


I’m still learning that myself growmie! From what I gather it seems to just go up along with the health and vigor of the plant. Aiming ultimately for full power in flower — but I think if you want to be proper you would take PPFD measurements and then calculate DLI based on your light schedule to achieve an understood optimal light intensity for your plants.


Gotcha! I really need to find an app to measure, Ive been raising it about 3 few inches every few days as they grow, basically any noticeable height changes overnight or when ive been at work


It’s paid but there is an app called Photone that does okay measurements. You’ll surely get more accurate measurements with an actual PPFD meter, but they’re a few hundred dollars.


Oh sweet, Ill have to check it out


Ppfd meter is the app i use. It pairs with a 30 dollar lux meter and gives decent ppfd readings. First learned of it from shane @ migro yt channell


Oh nice, thanks dude!!!

Here these ladies are today looking happy!!


I’ll smoke one for your happy plants today! Keep up the good work!

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Late night brain thoughts
Really need to get a second fan in there, gave the girls a drink tonight [500ml each] with a 1/8tsp of cal/mag, still seeing a bit of clawing so I really wanted to hold off feeding just yet. Probably going to feed in a few days. Really am a newbie at this !! But having lots of fun. It’s really helpful having something to care for and see results from.

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Quick one of the girls, been keeping track of their heights and each have grown about ~2-3in every day.


That’s fast! Love to see vigorous growth :).

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cool shot i got tonight!


Looking to feed tomorrow. Thankful that the genetics are doing the work for me in terms of leaf spacing… not much to worry about in terms of defol!!


Those look so clean compared to my jungle, lol.

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Enjoying the show :metal::sunglasses: Good luck!


You’ve got a nice setup for your jungle though man!! Looked up her genetics on seedfinder the other day, probably the NCH peeking through, really been a blessing that there isn’t much to worry about [except there is, because now I just pay extra special attention to what is there, lol]

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