Halo's first auto run!!!!!

Thank you!!

Finally put my second fan in there, just because I’m getting into the thick of flower and would rather not need it now and have it in there than vice versa. Realizing I never gave my total growing specs
Growing in HP Promix amended with FFOF, Lotus Nutrients, tap water, 3gal pots each.
These girls are 6 weeks (and 2 days) old. Started seeing pistils 1 1/2 weeks ago. How do you go about measuring when flower starts in autoflowers? Is it presence of pistils?


I do believe that’s it — I have a few autos going myself and it’s my first run with them. I think they’ll just…start flowering when they’re ready. I’m sure you’ll see signs! Do you plan on leaving your light cycle the same the whole time as they’re autos?

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I’ll have to check out your autos but your Maui Wowie (Waui?) bagseed is a little monster!

I’ve had them 18/6 from seed and I’ll probably keep it that way, wbu?

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I’d like to keep mine going at 18/6 as well (19/5 atm coming back from 20/4). That said, I need to set up another flower tent soon. So, we shall see! I think the yields on the autos is better in 18/6.

And I could be wrong here but I think Maui Wowie is correct.

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I think you’re right about the Wowie spelling. On a really trash cart I chiefed as an idiot for my first time vaping something from a smoke shop [I didnt know how to inhale so I ripped it as hard as I could and proceeded to cough and choke for the next 5-10 minutes, I got crazy rainbow visuals on it] it was spelled ‘Maui Waui’ so Ive never really known the true spelling lol

How did you like running 20/4?

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Seemed fine, but I think 18/6 or a nice gas-lighting schedule may be the way to go.

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Feel like this is definitely a Renaissance painting of what just went down…

I was doing my nightly sit-down-and-thoroughly-look-at-plant thing when I decided to get my microscopic usb out. Was just looking at some cool bits of the flower when I finally decided to check the root zone of #1… and see about 10-15 little freaks down there. Same mites as last time. Honestly unsure if they were cyclamen, more like broad mites. It must be the FFOF, it’s the only thing I used last time when I had mites. I threw out the bag, it was only 1/4 full. Think I definitely caught this infestation earlier than my last grow though.

I kinda went scorched earth and pushed a gallon mixed with Captain Jack’s Deadbug brew into both plants, sprayed down my whole tent with the stuff. Then sprayed Dr Zymes.

I must be messing up somehow. I bought new Promix, used new fabric pots, cleaned and let both fans sit, whole tent setup sat after I cleaned it for 2+ months before I started this grow. Maybe I wasnt thorough enough? The only thing I reused was the same FFOF soil… ugh …


I only saw one mite this morning, which always means there is more. Did one more spray down. Going to order some Grower’s Ally. Glad I caught it this early again. I have a fresh bag of FFOF sitting outside my room that I ordered a while ago. Unsure if I should use it. Maybe just bad batch I got? Not even sure if it was the FF, maybe it just got reinfested from last grow when they all died back and I didnt do a thorough enough job. Going to clean out my lung room today, or atleast try to.


This is the only one I spotted this morning on my check (below the perlite bit on the right) It was moving rather slowly. I quickly culled it with a second spraydown. Ugh…


Ok… home now. I checked again and no sign of life. We’ll just have to wait and see. Maybe soil mites?


Hang in there and good luck! Staying tuned.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure they came from what I used of the FFOF. I had ordered an extra bag about a month ago that’s just been sitting at my house in a different part of the house, still in the cardboard box. I’m sure it’s from a different batch but I really dont want to take a gamble.

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No mites spotted. Yay !!


I’m not sure what kind of mite that is either, but to give you some hope - There are beneficial mites as well as bad ones, the general rule is fast-moving ones are “good” because they are usually predators that eat the various slow-moving pest mites which eat our plants.


Thank you for the tip! I honestly have been unable to discern what type of mite it is. Clear, translucent, same mites that I had last time that laid oval-shaped eggs. I thought broad mites but I might be wrong. They move at a patrol-like pace, so a lot slower, and mainly hung out around the rootball, never spotted any on the stems. Maybe some sort of soil or root variety?


Got a trich pic tonight, no sign of mitess…!


I store all my soils in HDPE 20 gallon weather-proof/bug-proof barrels. They have lock rings and gaskets. I keep my flour, rice, and sugar in them downstairs also.
Usually when I bring in a newly purchased soil, like FFOF, I’ll sprinkle it slowly into the barrel. All while spraying with a heavy mix of Cap Jack’s. I usually have the barrel pre-sprayed, and tend to do a heavy douse on the top layer. Then it gets sealed until it’s use.
Nothing can live in there, lol.


I figured I should do some sort of spraydown on any new soil before bringing it into my tent. Thank you!


Here the girls are this AM. Interestingly, the topped one has only thrown 5-fingered leaves while the untopped one has started throwing 7-fingers.