Thanks bro!
I was about to remove the lowest two branches but they look thick and well developed. It seems counterproductive to do so.
I will wait a few days more before i top and decide than what to do with the lowest branches.
Thanks bro!
I was about to remove the lowest two branches but they look thick and well developed. It seems counterproductive to do so.
I will wait a few days more before i top and decide than what to do with the lowest branches.
The lower branches do look good
I really like this tutorial on topping
It’s a good read
Thanks! I’ll wait until the 5th node starts to develop and top than!
Or better yet until the sixth, so the ones behind may have five nodes and i can top all of the plants to the fourth nodes.
nice new growth , soon the ugly will be all gone
Yes they are recovering as we speak.
The branches are much clearer to see after defoliation.
How about the lowest two branches, leave them or cut them?
they do look happy,Hamme
yes they look very happy! great work , and the plants on the slabs are finally takng roots
hamme, do you always use slabs without the smaller cubes? i never tried that
Yes i do because the smaller cubes on top of the slabs are more ideal for watering from the top. When watering from beneath they tend to dry out.
oh ok that sounds pretty logic! i never tought about that
I figured it out with trial and error.
learing by doing i like that
Me too, you never forget those lessons.
Yes sir ! You‘ll never forget what you learned that way
Big up to @ifish for pointing out the carbon filters for the bong. This morning i waited to get lifted after i collected the package. When you hit the bong it feels as if there is no water in it. Hitting is a little tougher but the smoke is not at all hash on the throat while giving the same satisfactory as a normal bong. I for sure am sold that this might very well be the way to go for me too. Firs impressions are rock solid bro!!
I was talkin a roor glass carbon filter , what’s that , fancy glass carbon filter holder ?
Bottom half is roor filter , top half bowl , keck clip holding both togeather
Now you like the carbon Give the roor a try too @Hamme , keeps your bong cleaner and no restistance when clearing the bong also : ) havin the carbon after bowl and before the water is a big plus
Yes it is! It works the same as yours bro, with carbon in the filter where the smoke passes through.
The carbon filters are sold separately and cleaning the bong is peanuts.