Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Mother’s Milk


That MM looks really nice. I have some of Sam’s MM B.B beanz :fire:


Looks great for preme. That mamba wants to go a long time huh?


@Hashpants Not the necco wafers. The candy was smaller like the size of certs or something. Why do I want to say sweet tarts even though they weren’t really tart? lol

@Herbie Yeah, My buds didn’t get much bigger than yours. Mine was super fluffy. Tons there, but no weight at all. Wonder what that weird roll out flat bud thing is about? It’s got to be some sort of genetic fluke. The MM wasn’t as bad to trim as the Blue Dream at least. It only had a few of those weird flat layered buds. The BD was the whole damn 7 foot plant!

@Greasy what were the buds like on the MM Mother plant? Did you get any mutant buds? lol

@ColeLennon the web said the Black Mamba was a 12-14 week strain. She leaned pretty sativa, but she still had like 50% brown hairs already. I am bummed to take all these plants early.


My daddy loved Certs


Cherry Pie is ripe. Def not a preemie here. I can smell it across the yard. Boy am I impressed with this girl. She was a sleeper. I can see why she was on the top 50 plants to grow list. Check out these colas…


One time we were hunting and I sneaked down a road.My dad was sitting there ,he said want a certs. Yes . He said there’s a 6 point buck there on the ridge .I said what? I just walked down that road. He said look, it was standing in the road. I raised up my gun and said are you gonna shoot it? He said no go ahead and shoot it I said if you ain’t gonna shoot it ,neither am i.


If I had to hunt for my food outside of the grocery store, I would be a vegetarian. Just couldn’t kill an animal to save my life.


Some success




Yep, gotta be the smarties. It’s almost Halloween, so I’ll buy me a once a year bag of them, heh. :grin:


Little bits of tasty chalk.


YES!!! You win the 30 million dollar question! Smarties! Thank you! That was driving me crazy. That reminds me of the MAC quite a bit. I can’t quite figure out why I like it because it’s so weird, at the same time, I think I like it cuz it’s so weird.


Unfortunately the Iced Cube didn’t make it. I thought it was fine until we pulled it down. It was really fluffy and we found 2 giant pillars in it that pretty much destroyed it. We ended up with maybe 2 ounces of bud. I’m bummed.

Only plant left now is the RKS. It’s probably a 3 day take down. People start coming into town on Wednesday for the wedding anyway. The smell of weed drying is so strong in this house. My car reeks from being near the drip drying bud. I realized that I absolutely reeked of bud at my clients office yesterday. I’m over it.


Sorry to hear you’ve had such a rough season with your plants. Looks like clones are not a good option for your outdoor growing. I’ve never grown the MM31 myself, but here is a bud that a fellow OGer grew of the strain. It’s excellent smoke! I’m betting if you didn’t get proper buds the reveg is the cause.

Sorry we didn’t make it up there to see the plants pre harvest time. Felt kind of guilty giving you those clones that you struggled with so much this season. Hope you guys have a wonderful wedding, and honeymoon!


It’s okay, Man! I struggled with all of the plants and mold this year. Don’t feel bad at all. It was worth a try. I think the MM is gonna be great smoke, the buds were just really crazy from the reveg. We still got a lot of smoke from it, just not a lot of weight.

I can’t even believe we get married next weekend. Completely blows my mind how quick it got here. I’m super nervous. Really hoping everything comes together perfectly. I’m absolutely shocked at how many of my friends are traveling just to be with me for this event. One, all the way from Connecticut! I feel so blessed they would come so far. So far, most of my vendors have called me to confirm everything for my reception. Makes me feel a little more relaxed. All of the flowers and decor for the reception are diy, so next Friday I have my mom, sister in law and my friends coming over to arrange flowers and make runs to our venue to drop off boxes of stuff. We still have to take down the RKS for the next few days, plus my fiance’s birthday this weekend, I have payroll tax returns to do for last quarter for like 8 clients and a day of beauty and 3 clients scheduled through Wednesday. I’m a really busy bee. Phew!


Prayers and best vibes sent to you two for now through the future! Just roll with it and enjoy! :pray: :partying_face: :man_dancing:


Thank you @GMan !

Fresh Dry testing PBB. Delighted to say that it tastes like peanut butter. The natural kind. Actually more like thai peanut sauce. How completely odd, but wonderful. The high is def psychedelic so far, right behind my eyes. Nice! It’s gonna be really strong when it’s cured. I can just tell. Hey, am I the only who tests their buds freshly dried? Or do you guys wait all the way until it’s cured?

I just went in to check on the grove bags of bud curing. Only a few so far. Most of the bud is drying, actually. Anyway, I was just worried that the Blue Dream wasn’t completely dry. So I pulled open the bag. Yeah, it’s too moist for my comfort. Problem is both of the giant racks are full. I opened the bag for now. I can combine a few of the layers of bud now that it has shrunk down, probably on the Orange Goji and maybe the Mothers Milk in the morning. Hopefully I can get a spot to put the BD back on the rack for a couple of days. There is so much bud drying in that room that it has created it’s own humidity effect and is drying slower than usual. Of course I have a big fan in there, but still.

The guys took down about 1/3 of the RKS today. It looks like there is still an entire plant out there even though they started at the top. It’s still a monster. I’ve been working the last 4 days, but tomorrow it’s my turn again to trim. So another 5am weekend for me. Hopefully we can get this sucker finished on Sunday. It’s too close to the wedding. So much going on.


How’s the wedding going? Enjoy! :fire:


Not at all. We can never wait until the cure.

We do make it the first smoke of the day though. Just to get a real feel for it (not muddied by something else we may have smoked that day).

Curious to see how your Blue Dream turns out. We know she’s your favorite :slight_smile: