Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Something is better than nothing @Meesh. I lost 6 autos outside this year to mold. I was lazy though and didn’t really look after them properly.
Hopefully you still yielded enough to get you through to your next harvest


I lost 2 out of 6.


It sounds like a bad year everywhere for mold. I’m sorry to hear of everyone’s outdoor issues!

It’s butt Crack orange goji takedown this morning or is is still night? Actually the OG is a monstrous beast and even with 3 of us it will be only half today and half tomorrow. I told dad to get the top first as the bottom has more pm. Regardless it’s getting an extra long soak in peroxide to neutralize whatever is on there.

Usually my dry takes 8 days. Even I’m not feeling that this year. Today is day 8 for the Mac and PBB and it’s not ready for the grove bags yet. None of the bud drying is large buds either. Global warming is just weird all around.

I’m gonna read up on @JoeCrowe pm killing method this winter and figure out how to kill all my mildew colonies for next year in the whole backyard. Then at least I’ll only have to worry about one type of damn mold. It’s always something isn’t it? @zephyr and the damn bulb or me and the reset on the fans etc… mold, mildew, caterpillars, tropical storms, summer rain… sigh.

I’ll try to remember pics of the Orange Goji buds. The colas are huge! Let’s hope they aren’t rotten. It’s insanely leafy, probably gonna be a long trim job.


Side note- after 2 years of medical nightmares and substandard health care, I have finally gotten my MRI results on my knee. Torn meniscus. Exactly what I already knew. Now hopefully I can get somewhere getting it fixed. I can’t tell you all the things I say no to doing just because I don’t want to bend. Seriously, it’s really affected my life. This year’s grow has been a complete chore and it’s usually a joy for me and a fun hobby.

I’m gonna have a hard time hobbling around Italy on my honeymoon, but if I have to just sit and wait for the man to tour things while I’m planted, so be it. I’ll see as much as my knee allows.


Well, lots of mixed news there. You are getting married and going to have a great honeymoon, even if you are limited by your knee.

Good that you have an official diagnosis on the torn meniscus. The health care system is FUBAR but now the system can at least proceed to a corrective action.

God, the mold this year. I won’t expand on that anymore than say I’m pissed as well and looking forward to starting a tent.

Best of luck with the Orange Goji harvest today :slightly_smiling_face:


This orange goji is massive and gorgeous! No bud rot, huge colas! Massive leaves though. Trimming is actually nice.

An untrimmed bud…


I call this Thud Bud because of the loud thud when I throw the trimmed dense gorgeous bud into the bucket. :joy:


@Jetdro dude check out the orange goji f1
This shit is beautiful and massive


Well 1/3 of the Orange Goji had too much pm. So I tossed it. Dad is chopping off and bagging up what’s left on the plant outside and tossing as well.

Luckily, the top of that massive plant yielded more usable bud than all 4 that we were able to even salvage from the first 4 we took down this week

I feel like the massive amounts of leaves encapsulating the buds saved a lot of the colas from the pm. It hadn’t made it past the leaves to the bud yet. The bottom and inside buds were not so lucky.

Tomorrow we’ll see if any of the blueberry clone is usable bud. Black Mamba has the start of bud rot so down it comes as well…

The cherry pie has huge donkey dick colas on it too, it’s holding up so far same with the RKS and the Iced Cube. Iced Cube is majorly pm resistant. In the middle of 2 of my hardest hit and it has none. The RKS barely has any either. I think green cure worked on it.


Damn, Meesh, this is painful to follow. Again. Of course I was hoping it wouldn’t be this severe for you all this year but it does seem like the whole dang country is getting hammered. At least there’s some salvageable goodies it seems so good on that! Have a good one.


I even got PM this year. First time ever… The Times they are a-changing.


5:23 am. Setup for take down. Black Mamba and Blueberry. Man I hate mornings!


Black mamba is premature but is still pretty nice


KNEW youd like her, and she would perform, those F1’s are worth their weight in gold @Meesh


After reading of all of the mold problems this year I’m feeling extremely lucky. No PM or caterpillars this year, and not even any bugs except an early show of a few aphids that disappeared for the rest of summer.

I only have 3 Lemon Thai and one small volunteer/heirloom in the making, that is a dead ringer for Sour Tangie. The 3 LT are full of large buds and much more of a show stopper than I expected. One was all bent over from the rain and wind last night and more wind today. It’s so heavy that the whole plant was halfway blown over, heh. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nice work with that Orange Goji! Beautiful work. I made a Lemon Goji with the Lemon Thai that came out really nice but I need to do a pheno hunt with the seeds I have left to make more. I only grew one and it was stellar but I’d like to find the perfect pheno to use for the next seeds. Even if it’s like the one I’m smoking now, I’d be real happy. :yum:

Better look into that Lost Coast Plant Therapy. You can spray it up to the day of harvest. But if you get on it early maybe you could save more bud. Best defense is to eradicate it early with sulphur but the PT is great for late onsets. :v:


Very nice. :sunglasses: :metal:


Well, we took down half of the mother’s milk clone today. The buds weren’t very exciting. Def not picture worthy like the Orange Goji or Black mamba. It was tons of fluffy, airy small buds with one finger leaves. It’s almost like it never really completely came out of reveg. This plant is completely ripe though. Very smelly and sticky. It had a few branches that had the weird roll out flt structure like the weird blue Dream too! Not sure what the hell that’s about because it’s only on a few branches.
Really bizarre

Cherry Pie was a quiet little plant I paid not much mind to the whole time it was growing and suddenly it has these gigantic honking buds on it and smells like love. It’s the next victim after the rest of the Mas milk. It’s photo worthy.


The guys finished taking down the Ma’s Milk today. That is one seriously stinky plant!

I am testing the fresh dried MAC. The flavor to me is off the chain and super interesting. It’s kind of coming through now as a pepto bismol, bubblegum + medicine taste. Then fades to this candy like flavor aftertaste. The high leans more sativa. Bright and upbeat high. Slight body buzz, but faded off quick. Can’t wait to try this after the cure. Def a keeper. Really hard to describe the flavor. If anyone remembers those chalky like little candies that came in a roll. It reminds me of that quite a bit.

Tomorrow, I am at a clients, but the dudes are taking down Cherry Pie tomorrow, but I told them to get pics cuz she’s a perty one.


Necco wafers


Mine smells like melon. It also has the weird thing going on like you have described. It had flowered out when it was first put out as well. Yield was far from what I expected after running it indoor