Happy's Infinite Hash Rosin Adventures : From Seed to Hash Rosin

I’ve read mixed things, definitely know what run off is :wink:. Reason I brought it up and got yours along with hopefully some other OGers input. Different parts of the interweb, but best input comes from OGers like you.

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I wouldn’t do it. Water, drain, rinse, repeat.


I think the thing is you don’t want to over saturate the medium with water. I don’t think the runoff itself is harmful. In the case of leaching the soil, you probably wouldn’t want to use the runoff unless it was diluted. I use the waste from my hydroponics system on the flower bed. You could always experiment with it, where you have a low value house plant that you pump full of runoff juice. See if it dies.


Good morning Joe. You know what, thats a great idea! Now I need to find a house plant to get :laughing:

Have a good day everyone!

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I just upped my light level to notch 4 out of 10. The first level doesn’t work on the HLG 600R but that’s a known issue. It’s around 18-19" from the top of the tallest plant. Lets see how they react and how the tempature does.

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This Flu sucks!

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Dude, 104’s pretty high, you might wanna go to the hospital…


107 is the death zone. As long as it doesn’t rise any higher. If that is a child’s reading, they usually run a higher fever than an adult. Always err on the side of caution though.


Yeah, better safe than sorry. I haven’t had a fever or even a cold in years, but still… Shit can spike. I think I’d go to the doctor if I had a temperature of 104.


heh heh I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV. That stuff I parroted back was advice from the government web site called health link.


Had a hell of a nap, woke up a week later feeling better lol

Does this Flo look to be male?


Glad you made it! :laughing: :smiley:


Definitely male! He’s got some weird looking balls!


Here’s a group photo of the kids. These feel like they’re taking for ever to show sex. I thought by now I’d have all the males out but who knows.

Transplanted two into a 4 gallon pot but don’t feel like wasting time if males.

I love how this Unicorn Poop is growing.


I might try my hand in some cloning, I need to pick out the two keepers and clear up the closet. I do have some clonex, where do you guys typically take a cutting from?

Check out how the mutant Flo has come along, was practicing some super cropping.


I’m sure there are people with more experience that can chime in but I have had seemingly equal results whether cutting the upper new growth tips or the tender shoots further down the branches. As long as they’re not “woody”.


Thank you my friend, would the circled part be cut at a 45°?

Edit :

This looks cheap and easy to get going fast.


That looks like a reasonable spot to me. Good luck and enjoy.

Cloning used to scare the crap out of me until I accidentally let some cuts go dry in a cup of low ppm water. I literally just forgot they were there. Discovered them around a week after I cut them and they were covered in roots. Most of these plants are just itching to stay alive as long as we can get out of their way. :green_heart:


Thanks bud, I’m going to research after I get rid of these munchies.


Just like that a 4x4 tent goes up. We may be pulling clones tomorrow. Super nervous on the while process I can’t lie.

The family went out of town, they should get a laugh at the pop up tent over night.