HaRdRoC's BrEeDiNg TeNt

Looks good to me! Does not appear like the cat has gotten at them yet


Haha, nope not yet… I do have to keep an eye on her when the tent is open though. She usually sits on a chair behind me when I’m playing with the girls, but if I leave the room she’s right down there sniffing and rubbing up against them.


Thought I saw a pic of her in the background but you must have removed it…


Lol yea she photo bombed a pic, it’s up a bit


I collected pollen.


What strain is that?


Ultraviolet x Lowryder


And we’re down to 4…
I picked plant 1 for the stud, as he was the 1st to pop and had the best vigor, only one to have a strong smell from stem rub, as well as having the “crown” mutation, 4 shoots coming from 1 node.

2 was 2nd to show, most squat, and tightest node spacing.

4 was the first to show and has a very strong sweet smell and has best structure, thickest branches with tighter node spacing than 5 but less than 2.

5 has yet to show sex but branches seem to be a bit wispy.

So far, I’m looking at 1 & 4 as the king and queen, but will hit a branch of each and probably the SLH in the cup comp as well lol.

The stud, and the “crown”


Looking great, man!

How’s the airflow through the carbon filter in the “push” arrangement you have set up? I have been thinking of doing the same thing because my carbon filter takes up so much damned space in the top of my tent (set up in a “pull” arrangement), but I am concerned that the airflow won’t be sufficient. I guess if I get a kick-ass in-line fan like the one you’ve got it’ll be just fine, eh?


Thanks man,
I actually switched it around, put the filter inside the tent and the fan outside, on top of the tent.
It’s more effective for killing the odor that way I found out lol.
The fan is pretty quiet, I have it 2 notches from full speed right now, stays about 82.
I think it would work better with a 6" fan with the filter outside.


Superb work my Man, SUPERB!! The Jack’s will never do you wrong. :grinning::+1:


Thanks broski, Very true… cheap and it WORKS WELL!!.
I’m gonna have to track some more down, and tell my partner to screw the organics. I could do over a 100 grows for the price of 1 organic grow with Jack’s


Yah, Organics may taste a tad bit better, like they say, But I never got the “Wow” factor from most organic gardens that Ive seen online, and in person… Its true.

Whats worse is AN products… 20 expensive bottles to do a single grow?? No Thanks! Even If i was a millionaire, I wouldn’t spend 500 bucks a grow… Nonsense.

Jack’s has been around alot longer than Old Fat mike from AN… If you ever visited AN’s site, and leave your email addy, they’ll pester you with their products til the day ya die!.. Rude, and pushy… and costs WAY too much.

I give all my girls 1/4 teaspoon of Jacks ferts, and they come alive!! No fuss, No muss. And once I see some of them hairs develop, Ill bump it up to a 1/2 teaspoon til the end.

Not sure if your into Superthrive, or not… But, I believe a drop per gallon in veg, is added insurance to develop a nice healthy plant.

Rock on! Your thread is amazing, and you have done a terrific job!.. Hats off to ya old buddy!! :wave: :slight_smile:


Yup… my male to female ratio still sucks…
Number 5 is a male.
So I got 2 females outta 7, I really don’t know why I have such shitty luck with the ratios lol

So here’s the final 3


Well, now my thoughts are to do an open pollenation, and take a couple branches and put them in the humidity dome, to collect pollen for later crosses.


So, I decided to pop these

And I will hit them with some OG spunk, when ready, just for shits and giggles


So here’s the next line up to get whacked by pollen, IF they pop…

Green Crack, Mighty Grape, Blue OG & White Diesel x Ghost Rider.


The biggest benefit (for me, personally) of organics is the simplicity. With the products I use (General Organics) the process is extremely simple, foolproof, and very effective. When I say simple and foolproof, I mean I don’t own a pH meter or an EC meter because I never have to test or adjust either. I literally just follow the recommended feed schedule from seedling to harvest. No dicking around. No flushing. No bullshit. It has worked perfectly every single grow.

I got 4 grows from a $72 “GO Box” and still have a bit left in some of the bottles. This works out to about 15-20 cents per gram of bud.

Not trying to convert anyone. Just explaining that flavour and smell (which are excellent) aren’t the only reasons to use organics.

Now back to this awesome grow!


I do like the water only approach and the micro organisms communicating with the roots and all that, but I also like to know how much nutes a plant takes up.
Also with Jack’s I can buy a huge bundle of Hp pro mix, dirt cheap, (pun intended) instead of paying $35 for a little bag of organics. As well as Jack’s nutes are pennies a grow and work great.
I can also use waaaaay smaller pots, then having to use 10+ gal pots. The max I use with Jack’s was 5 gals, and that’s if I wanted MONSTERS, usually 3 gals.
As it stands, it costs about $120 just for soil each run…
I’m getting cheap in my old age lol.


My “soil” is comprised of Promix HP, perlite, earthworm castings and dolomite lime. I don’t consider it expensive at all. All past grows I used 3 gallon pots and I am switching to 1 gallon for my next grow. Again, my goals are simplicity and quality. Yield is way down on my list but I always have way more than I can smoke and end up giving it away.

Micro-organisms? I have no idea. If they are there in my grows, it is by accident.

I have no doubt whatsoever that you have chosen the best solution for your priorities and I am happy to watch your grows!