HaRdRoC's BrEeDiNg TeNt

Thanks man, I’m just trying to cut my costs down, but I doubt we will stop using organics In my other grow, till we use up what all we bought, like the voodoo juice, bud candy, mycos and the teas.
Got enough of that shit to last well over a year after this grow.


I would hit #4 with #1 and just do that. You can see the uniformity in the plants. My run of 3 “different” ladies produced THE SAME BUD on all 3. Not enough difference to worry over, and the yield on all 3 were very close, the cross is very stable from what I saw.

All 3 of the Amnesia Haze X OG plants look OG. NONE appear A.H., so the genes in this cross are solid, and I personally think @50State did us ALL A FAVOR and got it right the 1st time on this plant! The results are so good I do not need to go “pheno hunting”, nor run a ton more of these seeds. I have a Mom, Razor, and gonna be happy with that. I will stand Razor’s OG up to pretty much anything I have run, now or in the past, I do not need to FIX this cross, it is right already!!!

I kept OG pollen and shall use it with things I think will go well with it, like the Amnesia Haze. I shall find out in the next 30 days or so, just how dominate the male was in this cross, but so far, it appears he passed on a LOT OF HIM to the OHGA cross. I was hoping to see more AH in the mix, but I only have 3 seedlings, so I realize I do not have enough to really call anything, lol.

The OG is SO GOOD , and just getting better, you should just hand pollinate a few branch’s of 1 of those ladies, run the rest of the plant and the other non seeded to have some Bud for you.


Nice, glad to hear it’s pretty stable, I was just gonna make a bunch of seeds, and with 50’s permission of course, put them and the other crosses of it up for another server run, for those who missed out last time.


My soil is similar, very to yours. I personally prefer organic…and it does not need to be $$$$$. My VEG formula, which I use at 1 teaspoon per gallon is a quality liquid organic complete feed with everything…very damn cheap, like 30 bucks for a gallon, which will make 1024 gallons!!! YEAH!!! Complete, needs nothing else for veg runs.
My flower feed is around the same cost. So 70 bucks to my door and I have enough for the entire years runs, and I run a lot!!!


Diesel and Rider off of Baked Reality?

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Not sure, bought it off of the 1st server run

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Gonna have to check into Jack’s.
Lots of people use it supposed to be a one shot deal?


@Jetdro, I feel bad about de-railing @HaRdRoC’s thread, but I am interested in knowing exactly which products you are using. I love General Organics but if I can find something even simpler and cheaper, I’d be willing to give it a shot. PM me if you don’t want to continue my cluttering up of the thread. :slight_smile:


I use the Dynamic Duo, but I guess it’s hard to get, or they stopped making it or something??
Jack’s have a couple new lines out that I’m not familiar with

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I don’t mind one bit fellas, share the info


To early to really tell, but I think the OG is going to dominate anything it is crossed with. What I am seeing in my 1st cross with it. The closer I look at OHGA, the more OG I see in them. Do not see any AH in them.

50 will allow you to make seeds, long as you give credit where credit is due. I think we are lucky enough to have Orange Goji, and pretty happy with it.


Rock dont care, he is chill.
Urban Farms Texas Vegetable Food. VERY concentrated. 1 teaspoon per gallon(not tablespoon) is perfect.
So complete, look it up, then look at it’s ingredients, you need nothing else all of veg. Works like a charm in my Octopots, OR my 1 gallon hand watered pots. @ 1 teaspoon per, since my soil, much like yours, is inert, I feed EVERY watering. Had no issues doing so. never PH anything, never PPM anything(use an NPK calculator ) straight tap water…K.I.S.S.

I USE TO USE their TTF for my flower, but it has WAY TOO MUCH N in it…They make something called GOE, Garden of Eden, same deal, complete, excellent and potent. 1 tea per on this also.

It’s ratio is OK, but in testing it against a “mix” I am making, the “mix” is performing better. I make the mix at a ratio of 1/2/2…the GOE is like 1/1.8/1.2…

I went with 2 different powders for the test. 1 @ 20/20/20, the other @ 4/26/26…one was 11 bucks, the other 15 . I use the straight 20/20/20 at 1 tea per for MOTHERS and slow growth …the Texas Veg Food at 1 tea per for vegging plants and 2 .5 weeks into flower.
For the flower, I mix 50/50 those 2…gives me a nice 1/2/2 ratio(ratio’s of N to P n K) which works GREAT. Weeks 6 7 8 I will just use the 4/26/26…1/4/4…@ 1 tea per…SO NOT raising the PPM, but changing the RATIOS of N P K to suit the plant.

Jacks has way too much N in my opinion to be used in flower. It will produce great results but your growing LEAF not Bud when your N ratio is 2 or 3 times higher than it needs to be.

When I ran a “jacks type” fert…my grows LOOKED GREAT…but…never “finished”, never “faded” and were WAY TOO GREEN…like I see all over here, dark green leaves in flower…The bBud density was not there(did NOT realize it at the time) the weight was not right, and the smells were down. Floppy stems and needing support during flower also signal too much N . All the signs.

The same plants(clones) run at 2/1/1 or 3/1/1 ratios…or any ratio where N is HIGHER than P or K…run next to 1/2/2, or 1/4/4 show the big differences. 3 times the smell, 3 times the stem strength, much less “dark” green color, much fatter and denser buds. Fact is they do not want nor need the extra N in flower.

Jacks offers their bloom booster…prolly for this reason. IF you gonna run Jacks all purpose at 20/20/20 then you would need to “amend” it with their booster in flower. PROLLY WHY it is a 20/20/20 ratio…SO EASY TO MIX and change the P and K values. Then the booster is low in N high in P and K.

You want to really learn it all…check out new member ifish from Europe. He is my mentor, and has taught me all the stuff I needed to know about ratios…he can explain it really well. Basically you want:
1/1/1 for Moms or steady slow veg growth
1/2/1, or 1/2/2 in flower to mid flower
.5/2/2 or 0/2/2 or even 0/3/3 or 0/3/4 in later flower.

When I changed my ratios to match what THE PLANT WANTS, my quality took a HUGE LEAP.


Thanks for all the info :beer:


Where are you getting this from?

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WHAT…the ratios’…??? 1/2/2. 1/4/4 or what do you mean???

Been testing the ratios…no doubt they hold true. The better “hydro” nutes have it figured out, and run around these #'s…the ratio # 's I mean…when reduced to the minimum common denominator

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I use the 20 20 20 till the end of the 1st week of flower, then switch to the 10 30 20


the 1/3/2 ratio is great for flower…everyone has their own opinions on where the P and K should be. Some say higher P than K, other higher K than P…important thing is your RATIO is GOOD there!!!
The bloom booster at 1/3/2 should work well. Personally I would not use the 20/20/20 with it, as you are just adding in N you do not need.

20/20/20 in veg is a slow safe ratio, why I am not seeing explosive growth in the Orange Goji yet…1/1/1 is not a strong veg formula.

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Yea I just use the straight bloom booster in flower


You are fine doing that.


That’s what I’ve always done with pretty decent results