HaRdRoC's O.G. Testers

First I heard of this Overgrow Canada… I love the idea of it, but damned if I would throw a bunch of unknown seeds all over my neighborhood. lol Still amusing though!


Just got these in the mail today.
Thank you very much Gorilla seed bank


They were the earliest flowering plants I’ve ever seen, which could be cool if you were willing to segregate that trait from the rest of em. Three weeks old they were all showing sex.


Day 9,

1st watering since transplant.
Been giving them a foliar of silica every 2 days.






I know you’re probably past it - but I run blumats and I love them.

Yes - mine have run out on me before, but it’s rare and if you have trays underneath you’re good to go (depending on your reservoir size).

From a convenience standpoint they are pretty awesome. I’m in the midst of building a 1/2” PVC manifold they plug into so I can add or remove blumats as my setup changes. Just sorting distributor setupS to accomplish what I want. Once this is going it will have a lot more flexibility to accommodate different plant counts within a space.


With 20 plants taking a gal each day each in late flower, I need a tray that can hold 20 gal with pots inside. Not sure I can get one to fit my 2x2, but with the tray I posted I can test it by bottom feeding 1st to see how much it can hold.
I can’t afford to have it overflow my tent, and damage my place and get found out.


You are doing a great job. 1 gallon square pots = what diameter? 6x6 8x8?


Thanks man.
5.5 x 5.5 x 8


Will probably be difficult to 20 pots of that diameter in a fit that in a 2x2 (even using fabrics and forcing them in a tray). I’d recommend going down to <1 gallon pots unless you can find smaller W x L but just deeper.

Dont forget to factor in drain/fill fittings taking up space.


All good :slight_smile:

I run a 2 x 2 tent as well - I only use a 5 gal reservoir and 2 standard trays have been enough to catch any full run out (with 2 5gal fabric pots in each tray).

But I hear you - any flood would be an issue.


Mine is a bit bigger than a 2x2, it’s 27" x 27".
Even if I can do half with Blumats that would be a big help, but the reason for me to do this, is because I wanna keep them in the tent as much as possible.
Taking them out to feed them, REALLY stinks the place up and odor is a concern here.
So I’m trying to find a way to grow as much as I can in a small tight spot, without having to take them out or have the tent open as least as possible, to keep the smell in.


Same here! Pulling plants out in full flower stinks up my house big time (even with ventilation running). So that really is a deal breaker for me - can’t be stinking the joint up all the time.

If you’re running hydro nutes you can do that with blumats, but I believe the recommend using drip clean in conjunction.

I run living soil that’s basically water only (so works great with blumats) but you can top water with nutes as required in conjunction.

I prefer to run a scrog, so without the blumats I would be SOL at reaching the back pots.


Well this just happened…
Set up the other 2x2 with the AC Infiniti PC fan and some sils to grow some bonzi trees, venus fly trap and of course a few keeper mom’s I find.


I just may do a non cannibis grow journal on these…


Day 12 of the testers.
All are looking good, culled one runt, that now that I think about it was the one that grew upside down and I turned it around in the soil. Surprised it was strong enough to grow at all after that.
I noticed that 2 of the ones from PFire didn’t really like the wind I put on them and they fell over, but are still growing straight up and just shorter than the rest, they just got a gangsta lean going😎

Well it won’t let me post my top shot pic, cause it’s to big…
Oh and am glad to get the Spyder Farmer 2000 back instead of the blurple


Had to take another pic, this one fits lol


Would definitely follow.

Girls are looking good. A lot of times just by changing the shape of my pictures to a square it’s automatically small enough to upload.


How long does it take to grow a Venus fly trap, you could use them in no till as a cover crop, and pest control at the same time :joy:

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Looking really nice new light they probably will explode .


I had the Spyder farmer last time but took it out to finish flowering, but this time I’m gonna use it all the way through

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