HaRdRoC's TeNt (back at it again)

may be less than that before that ones ready.


Here’s to hoping lol. I just switched that tent to 12 n 12 today, because my tent is FULL, so I gotta know the sex of the others.
They do feel nice and dense atm

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I’m VERY impressed with the Sour Bubble x Big Kush, just love how she’s growing. One just has a MASSIVE stalk already. They are the 3 big leafed ones.


Number 4 of the BlackBerry Breath is a male, kinda sad to see this one go, as a wannabe pollen chucker, I think this would have been a decent male.


Could someone let me know what this is? I’ve never run into this before, is it a micro deficiency that the nutes are lacking or something?


Looks more like the nutrient burn I had on my plants last month, with the leaf edges rolling up. That leaf is huge.

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Nute burn is usually just the tips of the leafs, not in between the viens like that.
Could it possibly be from spraying protekt?

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Just the tips if it’s minor burn, if they have too much excess it appears all over the leaves, like mine were on the G99 and Blueberry CBD. Temps and humidity will make a difference as well.

Protek shouldn’t do that.


Ok, must have been awhile since I overfed my girls lol


yeh when I burned mine bad, I didn’t think it was too much nutrients either, I thought it was potassium deficiency, then too much light or heat, it wasn’t until they hit the stretch in flower that it really resolved itself. Most problems look similar at the start that’s the main trouble. Mine was caused by too much malted barley powder I think, sent the bacteria into overdrive.

Got some great roots on that plant though.


I think you’re right. I’ll have to start backing off the new nutes. With Jack’s, I feed 1/4 strength every watering. With these nutes, the same, but every other watering. There is a big difference in the N content though, alot more than the Jack’s.
I’ll try weekly feedings from now on, and see if that helps


Got Purp???
Flush day!!!
Damn, this is one sweet fruity smelling biiotch!!
@RiekoX, was a pleasure to grow this plant.
Thank you very much.
Got one feeding last week and one watering.
After today, I will water it on Tues, then a light watering on Friday and chop Saterday.
Also gonna try out the 48 hour darkness. Never done that before. Mostly cause I need it outta the tent lol.


Fuck yea dude I’m glad to see some greenery your way! :raised_hands: :man_dancing:


Thanks man, just can’t stay away from growing lol


Yea, this is my thought too. I wasn’t giving enough attention to some plants I’m running now, and they have similar burns. Turns out my EC meter went out of calibration too, so I was feeding hotter than I thought. Got tips and serrations burning, and then in the middle of the leaves. Just needed a more runoff than I was giving, and correct numbers from the meter.


Gave the SBR x Dark Devil the axe tonight.
Very fruity, sticky and nice trich’s too.
Can’t wait to test it!

So impressed with these auto’s, I called my buddy to come take the BlackBerry Breath, Dosidos 33 and the Sour Bubble x Big Kush to his house.

So He’s gonna have a nice lineup over there with 1 Orange Goji,
1 Dosidos 33,
3 Sour Bubble x Big Kush
2 BlackBerry Breath

I finally got him to do more than 4 plants!!! Lol

The plan is to veg them for about a month more in 3 gal fabric pots, then just let them go, do their thing.
Should be some nice flavors comming our way in a few months.

So, now my tent is free to grow out 2 of @RiekoX DFAM and another SBR x Dark Devil.
To be honest, that auto, changed how I look at auto’s now lol. Not in a million years would I EVER have thought I’d clearout a tent to run auto’s.


Will be interesting to see those autos grow, specially if they came from RiekoX … :sunglasses:


Looking great

and Dark Devil x SBR’s just for correction :wink: as the SBR was the pollen donor

also now you know why some of us like the autos and think they have there place.


Yip, and I really like the 70ish from seed to done.
Gonna grow auto’s for a bit, till I get the itch to pop some of my Bohdi gear.


Wait until you smoke some you will want to grow a lot more. :wink:

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