Closetgrowth's "Dark Devil" Auto Grow! .. Seed to Flower! :)

Hello everyone! :slight_smile: First of all, I wanna Thank Mr. Sparkle for helping me out with his fantastic genetics! You grow some of the Best auto’s Ive ever seen! Nice work Mr. Sparkle, Your grows are impressive!! You are a true Master!! :slight_smile:

Soooo, Back at the Ranch… I planted 3 seeds, and they have all germinated in an instant. Since then, I have transplanted these little girls in their own 5 gallon buckets. They are doing great, but seemed to slow down considerably after the transplant. Might be “shock” from the transplanting?..Just not sure. This is the very first time Ive grown an “Auto”… Any tips, or input is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, and Have a great day, and a much better evening!!



Awesome @CLOSETGROWTH glad to see you got em up and going! The strain was my first auto and I’ve had them growing non stop ever since! You will not be disappointed with them, they are a blast to grow and the flavor is amazing and one of the fruitiest you’ll ever taste!


Hey Trevor! Ya, Pretty cool indeed! The whole concept blows me away! No timer needed! haha… Ive read about em throughout the years, but never showed any interest in growing any. But, Seasons change, People change. So, Here Iam giving it my all. I will not get offended for any replies that may help me out in any way. I have thick skin. So, Please OG let me know how I’m doing, and what may improve this grow. Respect to all! Happy Sunday!!! :slight_smile:

Here are some recent pictures, and the images are minutes old… They are now in 5 gallon buckets…

Dark Devil"


Off to a good start, I would say the first two will be your winners.


Hmmm… Could be? One of the start up leaves looks a lil funky on one of the plants… lol

Nice, glad you decided to give auto’s a go bro.
I’m just gonna go chill in that bean bag chair and pack another pipe load an watch the show.


Right on Man… Ya, I never took an interest in em til I seen some of your grows, and Mr. Sparkle, and so many others. Might as well give em a go. Seen some Huge yields… And they say the potency is up there with the photo’s… Got a great strain for starters, Only time will tell.


Tell ya what Rock,… I kick myself everyday for scrapping the “Black Rose”, … Seriously.


I got a pack of these from Mr.Sparkle too. Cant wait to be able to grow some out. Hoping to pop some by the end of the month if I can get some shit together.


Nizzz… Yes indeed, Mr. Sparkle is a class act dude fo sho’. All around Nice guy. Never heard anyone say anything bad about that dedicated plant Guru. The World would be a much better place if we had more Mr. Sparkles!.. Respectfully Bowing to one of the great “Masters” of cannabis. Thanks again Mr. Sparkles! :crown:


I’m exited for you! Will follow closely :slight_smile: would like to try auto’s some day too.

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Hey Thank you very much Kayoes… “Variety is the spice of life”…


“Everything else would be boring” :slight_smile:

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Looks like the “stall” has somewhat ended! :slight_smile: … Im sure it was due to transplanting the freshly rooted seedlings into their own 5 gallon buckets… Anyways, I Noticed a change for the “good” this morning. Wont do that again! lol Next time, Ill just plant the seed directly into a 5 gallon bucket, and leave it alone. By the way, I popped even more Dark Devil seeds, and their looking nice and healthy as well. Here’s a quick picture of one of the older Dark Devils. Looks as if she’s back on track… Ill post more later. Oh By the way, I gave each one of my girls 1/4 teaspoon of Jacks Classic 20-20-20 along with 1 drop of Superthrive per gallon, and that is all. On this run, I’am using straight up city tap water. Seems like my plants always turn out much better on tap. Dont like to fuss with cal mag etc. Too much junk in the trunk ALWAYS lead to disasters, and/or poor plant health… Should get interesting around here, especially since these girls will be under Hps lighting. 600 watts for now, then I’ll bump em up to 1000 watts in flower. Thanks, and Have a nice day! :slight_smile: K.I.S.S. … It’s the way I roll! :wink:

Dark Devil Babies under 600 watt eye HPS(Yellow due to the HPS light)


Nice, I’m back on the Jack’s, myself for the pheno hunt/breeding tent. You know the stuff is good when you had it for over 10 years and moved 3 times and STILL have it haha


Morning Rock :wave: :grinning: Ya,Jack’s is really good stuff, you already know. Jacks has never done me wrong in soil, or in hydroponics. Im not into organics at all. Organic soil is way too thick, and all it seems to do is suffocate roots with that mucked up rich texture. Not into paying for poop in a bottle either!… Fuck that shit!! :laughing:

I have gone back and forth between Organics, and the chemicals for decades now, and the synthetics Won the Contest over and over, Hands down!

Also, Organics seem to make my plants grow real slow, and the yields are far less than a chem. grow. Its what Ive observed folks, not only here, but at a few of my buddys places as well. Most of them went straight back to chemicals. The Jacks Hydroponic nutes, along with their calcium nitrate leaves my dwc roots a super bright “neon white” color, without any staining. The only additive Ive ever used in hydro is just a single drop of Superthrive per gallon, and thats only in veg. Then when I put em into flower, they receive just 1/2 teaspoon of the Jack’s hydroponic mix, and a 1/2 teaspoon of their calcium nitrate, … and then I’ll change out their nutrients/water once a week… My ph hovers around 5.7-6.2 with tap water, and never leaves those boundaries. I rarely use any ph up or down. Anyways, you know how much I love the Jack’s!.. :hearts:…

Ive strayed to the other popular ferts and nutes in the past, but nothing seems to perform as well as the Jack’s Line… I tell it like it is!.. And you know me, I experiment all the time, at every chance I get.

Have a Great day Rock, Driving the Chevelle to the paint shop this afternoon… Its been a good day, and hopefully it’ll get even better.

Have a good day my old friend :sunglasses::+1:


Yes I always loved you root porn from those buckets. ALWAYS bright white and MASSIVE


Thanks Man. Ya, I dont like shit brown roots at all… Not me. Even if their healthy. Roots should have a nice white appearance. Not brown from manure/feces. Each to their own I guess… I think I’ll stick with what works for me… Tap water, synthetics, and a drop of Superthrive. I dont mind swapping out different brands of ferts in a soil grow, but in Hydro, its all about the Jacks! :slight_smile: By the way, Iam a few weeks away from Harvesting that single seed “Passion fruit” plant. I will update that thread soon. The temps are much nicer these days…Back in the 70’s. Ohh, I even rooted a clone from that Bad Girl! Hell ya!!.. That strain smells so damn fruity bro! Glad I ordered that “one” single seed … haha! Will pay for itself in a jiffy! Best 21 bucks I ever spent! :relaxed::v:

Passion Fruit clone In Tap water along with Jacks Professional nutes, and there calcium nitrate, and of course, an over abundant supply of oxygen. No air stones… Dont need em!! Less is More! :wink:


For sure. Very informative and knowledgeable person.


Thank you very much for the nice words!.. I dont know everything, But i have a good understanding on what works, and what doesn’t… Been getting my hands dirty since 98’ … Have a great day, and Best of luck you! :smiley: