Harvested 2 JOTI Plants & Got ALMOST 10 Grams...Is That Good?

Can’t wait brother. The cookies look soo good.


Thanks, @CADMAN! Yes, even after all this time, I’m still in love with my Cookies! I’m about to start trimming up a few, as I’ve been doing for the past couple of days, and I just sit in awe of them as I’m trimming. The trichomes…the dank aroma…the incredible density of the buds. Trimming them is truly a labor of love!


I’m praying this strain we are testing comes out even half as nice as these photos. Dang…
Love the dark color and reds.


The colors are great, no doubt - but they are temperature enhanced. The buds I’ve grown in the heat of the summer are mostly green - but equally as dank and covered in trichomes. But with the introduction of the Black Candyland, who knows what we’ll get!?


What’s the parents of the ones we are testing,
Black candy land X GSC?

JOTI’s Black Candyland X your personal GSC?


All the GSC I’ve ever posted are clones of the same plant, and I’ve crossed that with the male JOTI Black Candyland that I posted at the top of this thread.


Man, these photos make me wanna get stoned from sniffing the photos lol :laughing: gonna be sooo freaking good. My wife also loves GCS…


I would love to do a trial run on your seeds but I could not until late summer. I just retired in Jan. I have a grow running and when its done my wife wants to go on a holiday for several weeks. But I would like to give your beans a go. If thats ok then let me know.


Hi @BigMike55. Hit me up when you get back and we’ll see where we are. Thanks and enjoy your retirement!


Will do. At any rate. Outstanding plants you are running.

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Awesome thread, I’m gonna take a seat here, if I can find any room…ah yes, there we are…:grin::grin:
Gonna have to go back and catch up on this thread in a bit.

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I have to veg for two months but after that I’m flowering them under 4k worth of hortilux super hps in a sealed room.

Hopefully we get some color to the buds.


@anon16977489, unless you have some serious heat mitigation going on, your room is probably on the warm side in the summer, no? If so, don’t expect any color from the GSC side of this cross (except green).

My flowering room ranges from the low 60’s with the lights off to the mid to upper 70’s with the lights on during the winter months, and that’s the only time these colors pop. Maybe Candyland will add some color to the cross, but I’m not counting on it.


Ive got a oversized samsung mini split and still run air cooled dominator hoods with se hps. Rooms are all in the basement which never gets that hot anyway.

The UI for the mini split allows me to control the temp depending on the time of day so I can set it to drop at lights off.

If there are phenos with color I’ll find them.


What all are we testing for? Just to see how the buds turn out? Do you have any specifics you would like, like certain veg time lengths, or training? Sorry if thats a silly question. Haven’t run testers for anyone before.


Testing for dankness! Also, viability and vigor. Also, to see if the incredibly high trichome coverage (THC content) of my GSC is carried through to the offspring, which allows me to share a part of her in seed form. Also testing for resistance to bud rot due to the super dense buds that the GSC makes. Bud rot isn’t an issue in the colder, dryer months, but when it’s warm and humid, it’s something to watch out for. The Candyland is not as dense, so we’ll see…


I can’t wait to see how these turn out!


I’ve done lots of testing for others and have never asked those all so important questions. That’s mighty clever of you to ask.
In the future, before I rush to raise my hands and volunteer my space for testing, I’ll do the same .


I take the tests as they want to see how they grow in different conditions (many growers with different styles), what the finish time is, info on stretch, how many phenos are showing in a pack, if they hermie or not. The all so important smoke report,then of course, prob a prime photo for the selling page.


If we pop male and female, is it cool to make f2, or would you prefer males yoinked?