Has anyone found 'Blueberry' from seed?

Shit , that sounds like a great mix …

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Afghan gassed the B.B.M up a bit and kept finish time short, in stride with blueberry, my main concern being I am northern and wanted a done by the end of September.


Yeah , Im in western mass …I know how precious time is here. I had nothing but issues starting plants last year and finally had them going in June . I had plants out in late November . Lost ounces of bud because of bud rot from all the rain. This year I actually started my plants April 30 th this year to avoid what happened to me last season. And so far everythings way ahead of schedule. .

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Nov is crazy. if shade is a problem like it can be for me, I have tried two things, one long cord and tall fan after rain worked perfect for the in ground plants and in pots picking them up and following the sun back and forth lol I am actually flying blind I have not tried what have this year, fem that say 63-73 Days Breath Mints x Garlic Breath 2.0 . I will see.

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I have this plan in mind to hunt thru Friesland Indica IBL , a known fast northern finisher for the right male(s) to cross to the HSO Blueberry Muffin cut and also a melding with my Coastal Blueberry with the goal in mind to develop a potent, tasty and fast blueberry line for us northerners. I am hoping to breed and acclimate this line at nearing 52N/3000ft elevation, western canada


Friesland was the first strain I ordered online, grew up with Quebec freeze in Ottawa, knew it was fast and generally love it.


Yeah , I was amazed my plants finished .I was committed to getting the best out of them and I eagerly watched the weather daily . I don t think the first frost came till the 30th or in December . I got lucky big time. The fans a great idea but it seemed like it never stopped raining here. And of course I was growing a Blue Dream thats not a big fan ot those conditions. It s was 1 thing after another last years weather pest even had a ground hog eating leaves of my plants … LMFAO,I guess it s all for the best because I learn something new every season.


I wasn t a huge fan of Humbolts BBM… Im not sure if u found a keeper. I just started a couple of there PPD to see if thats as good as I ve heard… The BBM I have is from a Colorado company . This plant is something special. Smells like warm BB muffins coming out of the oven . It has a BB smell in veg . I stuck the mom outside and took some clones one of which was put in a bigger pot to be my new mom. Once ready I could probly send a snip or 2 for ur collection … I saved this strain just for the chance to breed it with a Dj Short BB . And I finally have it with in sight.


this was passed to me thru trusted circles as the HSO breeder’s cut. It made its way to me from oregon thru several helping hands.


I imagine it s a damn good one then… Thats cool. I hope it goes well with the Coastal… I d like to try the Razzleberry sometime. Humbolt PPD checks all my boxes so hoping this grow goes good.


I didn’t really ask for the blueberry muffin… I told a good friend I was going to try and work up a northern climate blueberry with the friesland and he wants me to hit up the blueberry muffin too so he got it into my hands.




Believe its HSO …

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Thats cool. Im sure you ll enjoy it . I ll bet it crosses good with any BB plant. I ve been setting up my grow specifically to breed mine to a strong DJ Short 90s BB …I think this cross will create a serious BB smelling plant and quality should also be there. Gonna be fun hunting through the seeds .

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I stand corrected. Scrolling back through my text messages from a couple weeks ago the Blueberry Muffin I have is the Humbolt Seed Co. breeder cut so i guess that makes it HSC not HSO LOL Being unfamiliar with either of these two outfits except for forum mentions, you will have to excuse me for my errors and assumptions. :rofl: I may call my friend and ask more info and why it was called the breeder’s cut… but it doesn’t really matter to me. I have a blueberry seed line already that just needs a polish and don’t plan to combine the Blueberry Muffin with my own stuff in any serious way. Curious to see how it stacks up with the Coastal Blueberry at harvest time though… real curious hehehe


Either way it s good , I think you ll enjoy the smoke. It s a great strain for pain, anxeity ,depression and everything else.

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HSC, HSO is a questionable white labeler appropriating Humboldt.

Humboldt seed Company good, organization, bad. HSC has been around for years, and does line breeding and large pheno hunts with partner farms.

The breeder cut is a F8, and is quite spectacular and roots better than most plants. Potent, resilient, low maintenance, and that smell is addicting. I tossed a clone that wasn’t doing well outside in March. I’ve since transplanted it from the large cup it was in to a pop of old coco from last year.

Snow, feeezing temps, and just snow/rainwater and it now looks like this…


snapped a quick pic of the clone(s) I have.


anyone ever find a blueberry from seed that was extremely stretchy, that is something like 11-12 week flowering time?


I haven’t looked through them yet, but the blue digiberry line definitely has some stretchy blueberry sativa in the mix - on icmag theres a couple threads on it.